Speaking of this, Zhang Tianai suddenly remembered one thing, that is, after Lin Chen interrogated the security guard and Nurse Zhu, he said that there was something wrong with the mental hospital. Because of the arrival of Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian, he forgot to ask for a while. .

After remembering it now, Zhang Tianan immediately said: "By the way, Lin Chen, you said before that there is a problem with this mental hospital, what is the problem?".


345 Infer a reason 【Subscribe】

After hearing Zhang Tiannan's words, Miao Yunfei frowned slightly and asked, "Is there something wrong with the mental hospital? What is wrong with this mental hospital?"

Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen curiously, and then landed on Zhang Tianni again.

After feeling Miao Yunfei's gaze, Zhang Tianan said, "Sister Yunfei, it's like this, before you came, Lin Chen interrogated the security captain and the other five guards individually in the guard room. And that fat Nurse Zhu."

"Ask them how they found the body this morning, and a little inexplicable how long they've been working in the mental hospital..."

Zhang Tianan told Miao Yunfei about what happened in the guard's room before, and Jiang Yaxian also listened without blinking.

Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian both knew about the process by which the nurses and security guards found the corpse, and they didn't need to say anything more.

Just now Lin Chen was next to the nurse's dormitory in the dormitory building and asked about nurse Xiao Meng's working hours in the mental hospital.

Questions were also asked about the security windows in the nurses' dormitory windows.

After listening to Zhang Tiannan, Miao Yunfei bit the red chun lightly and said to Lin Chen, "You said that there is a problem with this 11 hospital, what is the problem?"

"Yes." Zhang Tian'an was more direct, she stepped forward and pulled Lin Chen's sleeve, looked up at Lin Chen, and said, "Because of Sister Yunfei and the others, I forgot, now I remember Now, you must say, don't sell it any more."

Jiang Yaxian didn't care about Zhang Tiannan's move to pull Lin Chen's sleeves, but after seeing Miao Yunfei's eyes, she felt a little unhappy.

What are you doing, Zhang Tianan, when you talk, run up and hold Lin Chen's sleeve?

Miao Yunfei's unwillingness just passed away in a flash, and then returned to normal.

Lin Chen turned his head and looked around, only the four of them were there, so he said, "Tian Nian, please describe the process of Nurse Zhu and the security guard finding the body."

Seeing that Lin Chen was going to say something strange about this hospital, Zhang Tian'an loosened Lin Chen's sleeves and said expectantly, "Nurse Zhu said that she has a habit of getting up early, this morning, after Nurse Zhu got up early, she Going downstairs and strolling in the hospital."

"She walked to the back of the dormitory building and found the body on the lawn, so she hurried to the guard room and told Captain Xin who was in the guard room."

"After Captain Xin heard that someone was dead, he went to the security dormitory and called the other five security guards. Under the leadership of Nurse Zhu, he went to the back of the dormitory building and saw the body lying on the ground."

"They checked the body and saw that the deceased's head was gone and the stomach was cut open, so they went to find the head of the deceased that was cut off."

"After searching for about ten minutes, they found bloodstains on the barbed wire in the Houshan cemetery, so they went into the cemetery to find the head of the deceased."

"After searching for a while, after finding the head of the deceased, they walked out of the cemetery and called the police after confirming the identity of the deceased."

"Well, that's the process." Miao Yunfei's eyes stared at Lin Chen and did not move away.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "The process is almost like this. Did you notice something wrong with what Tian Ai said just now?"

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yaxian held her cheeks, thought about it, and said, "Is there anything wrong with this process?"

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan were reminded by Lin Chen, and both of them thought silently.

Lin Chen looked at the three girls and said, "Nurse Zhu found the body and was the first to notify Captain Xin. If it was an ordinary security guard, what was his first reaction when he heard that someone died?"

"Call the police!" Zhang Tianan said subconsciously.

"Yes, call the police."

Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "A criminal policeman who is used to seeing corpses, when faced with some bloody and disgusting corpses at the scene, some will vomit on the spot. The corpse is something that not everyone can bear."

"The deceased Zhou Ping was lying on the lawn, his head was cut off, his stomach was cut open, his intestines and liver were clearly visible, and the blood on his body had stained the roots of a small tree next to him."

"That kind of corpse scene, ordinary police officers are afraid to see, let alone a few ordinary security guards."

"That's right." Miao Yunfei also reacted, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she said, "That's true, they are only security guards in the mental hospital, but they heard Nurse Zhu say that they were looking for a body behind the dormitory building. Afterwards, instead of calling the police immediately, they ran to the scene of the crime to check the corpse. How can a normal security guard be so courageous that he even rushes to approach and check the corpse?"

Jiang Yaxian stood aside, looked at her best friend, and then at Lin Chen, blinked her eyes, and just listened quietly without saying anything.

"Not only that, it's okay for them to go to the crime scene to check the body. After checking the body, they still didn't call the police."

Lin Chen glanced at the accommodation building, and said slowly, "After they finished reading the body, they went around to look for bloodstains, trying to find the severed head of the deceased Zhou Ping."

"They said that it took them about ten minutes to find the head, and after ten minutes they went to the cemetery in the back mountain, and they also delayed for a few minutes in the cemetery. Finally, on the branch of a tree, they found the deceased's cemetery. A head perched on a branch."

"I didn't call the police when the case happened. I didn't call the police after I checked the body. After finding the 593 head of the deceased, it took a while to call the police. Isn't the speed of the police too slow, and the security guards headed by Captain Xin, one His mental quality is too strong.”

"If you say that, the security guards in this hospital are indeed very suspicious." Zhang Tianan nodded his head and said, "If it were an ordinary person, he wouldn't even have the guts to go to the scene, or he would walk over and be far away. Take a look and call the police."

"Yeah." Miao Yunfei said: "How can they be like them, looking for the head of the deceased after reading the body, abnormal, their behavior is too abnormal."

When Miao Yunfei's voice just fell, a female nurse from the hospital walked in this direction.

The female nurse was in her thirties, with a lot of wrinkles on her face. After seeing the nurse approaching, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan stopped talking.

The nurse slowly walked past the four of them, glanced at Lin Chen and the others, and then stepped into the door of the dormitory building.

When there was no one around, Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen and said, "What is the reason for this group of security guards doing this with such strong psychological qualities?"

Zhang Tian'an and Jiang Yaxian also stared at Lin Chen.

"I speculated on a reason." Lin Chen said: "In this mental hospital, Zhou Ping was not the only one who had their heads cut off and their abdomens opened to die. It happened before... or recently."


346 Not the slightest interest [2 more for subscription]

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tiannan looked at each other.

"In this mental hospital, before... or recently, has there been a murder case similar to that of Zhou Ping?" Miao Yunfei's tone was a little strange.

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