Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Captain Xin's group, they didn't call the police directly after they knew someone was dead, because there have been cases of patients being killed in this hospital before."

"A group of security guards walked to the scene of the crime and leaned over to look at the body of the deceased. Why did they have the courage? Because, they may have seen similar bodies before. For the bodies whose heads were cut off and the entire abdomen was cut open, they ~No wonder."

"No wonder..." Hearing these four people, the three women felt a little weird-.

"Yunfei, have you ever received a call from this mental hospital before?" Jiang Yaxian asked.

"No." Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tian'an said almost at the same time.

"According to Lin Chen's speculation, there have been murder cases similar to Zhou Ping's death in this hospital before, and those security guards are not surprised by the deceased who had their heads cut off..." Jiang Yaxian wondered: "Then... if before It really happened, why didn't they call the police?"

"It's impossible for them not to call the police when something like this happens, right?" Zhang Tiannan muttered, wondering why they didn't call the police if such a thing really happened in the mental hospital before.

"Why do you think the mental hospital didn't call the police?" Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen and asked tentatively.

"I'm not sure yet." Lin Chen replied.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan heard the words and knew that Lin Chen had a guess in his heart, but the guess was not yet certain.

Immediately, Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei fell into contemplation.

They were thinking about the possibility Lin Chen speculated that the security guard in the mental hospital was indeed too slow to call the police, and they went to look for the head of the deceased after reading the body.

For a group of ordinary security guards, seeing a dead body is terrifying enough, why would they go to find the head of the dead person in person?

The police didn't notice this detail before, but it's really suspicious that Lin Chen mentions it like that.

But if it's as Lin Chen said, similar homicides have happened in this hospital before, what is the reason why they didn't call the police?

After Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei were silent for a while, Zhang Tian'an raised his head, looked at Lin Chen, and said, "Lin Chen, you said... Could it be because the murderer is a leader in the hospital, so he was in the hospital? After such a homicide happened, the hospital did not choose to call the police, but concealed it?"

After hearing Zhang Tiannan's words, Jiang Yaxian with long wine red wavy hair on the side, her beautiful eyes lit up slightly, and said, "Yes, if the murderer is the leader of this mental hospital, there is really a possibility. ."

"But..." Miao Yunfei said with hesitation in her eyes, "If the leader of this hospital committed the crime...why did he commit the crime? Does he have a habit of killing? If a leader really kills like this, those The security guards and the nurses in the hospital, why are you hiding it for him?"

"Knowing that someone killed someone, but not reporting it, helping to conceal it, if it is found, it will also bear legal responsibility."

"When I saw the dean and the dean's wife just now, I thought they looked a little strange." Jiang Yaxian said, "You said, could the dean be the murderer? If we hide it together, ordinary doctors and nurses will definitely not be able to, and maybe the dean can."

Zhang Tiannian looked at Jiang Yaxian and agreed with one of her views: "When I saw the principal and his wife just now, I also thought it was a little strange to see them. I can't say exactly where the blame is."

"Yunfei, do you think the dean couple is strange?" Jiang Yaxian asked.

"I didn't pay attention." Miao Yunfei shook her head. When she was talking to the dean just now, Miao Yunfei thought about the things that would be better if there was surveillance in the hospital, and didn't care about the demeanor of the dean and his wife.

"What about you." Jiang Yaxian looked at Lin Chen again: "Lin Chen, do you notice that the dean and his wife are a little strange?"


Facing Jiang Yaxian's answer, Lin Chen nodded slightly.

After seeing Lin Chen say yes, Jiang Yaxian was a little happy. She was more concerned about Lin Chen's opinion, and it seemed that her ability to observe words and expressions was still acceptable.

"What do you think is strange about the dean and his wife?" Zhang Tianan asked.

· · Flowers · · ·

Lin Chen put his hands in front of Xiong, raised one hand slightly, touched his chin, and said, "Anhe Mental Hospital is the director, it stands to reason that after such a serious incident happened in the hospital, he should be the first Time to get to the hospital."

"He didn't come here at the first time, he came a little late, maybe he really has something to do, but when I observed the couple just now, although I could see the urgency on their faces that the police could catch the murderer, but They don't seem to be very curious or surprised about this case."

Lin Chen's eyes fell on Jiang Yaxian, and he asked her, "If there is a murder in your company, what will happen when you arrive at the company?"

Jiang Yaxian pondered a little and replied, "I'll go there and take a look. Even if it's a little farther away, instead of looking at the corpse, I want to know which office the murder happened in and what the scene was like."


"Well, most people do." Lin Chen nodded slightly: "But after the dean and the dean's wife came, they parked the car over there, came over and said a few words to us, and went to the dean of the comprehensive building. office."

"Behind us is the dormitory building, and behind the dormitory building is the crime scene, less than [-] meters away from where the dean and his wife stood."

"With such a short distance, when the dean and his wife were talking to us, the number of times they looked at the dormitory building did not add up to more than five times, and they didn't even want to go over and take a look."

"The security guard is not surprised by the deceased. The principal's wife has no interest in the scene of the crime, and she doesn't even bother to look in that direction. This is not normal."

"Well, it's really not normal." Miao Yunfei nodded.

"The president and his wife are also so suspicious. It seems that the murderer may be the president. After all, he has a high position in the hospital. After he kills someone, it is not impossible for his subordinates to help him hide it." Jiang Yaxian said .

On this matter, the three women discussed for a long time, and Lin Chen said a few words from time to time.

"It is impossible to determine whether the murderer is the dean and his wife, or whether they have anything to do with the murderer." Miao Yunfei said: "But we can focus on investigating them. If their alibi proves that there is a problem, the suspicion will be even greater. ".


347 Stool for you [3 more for subscription]

"Well." Zhang Tianai said: "We have to check the alibi of the president and his wife carefully. The alibi of the staff in this hospital should not be sloppy."

After Lin Chen said this, if the staff in the hospital knew about it, then their alibi would likely be false, and the staff would make good confessions in series with each other.

"Check the hospital staff carefully first. As for the director, don't check for the time being." Lin Chen said.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai could probably understand what Lin Chen meant. The two nodded to indicate that they understood, and then began to strictly check the alibi of the staff of the mental hospital.

At the same time, another pair of police officers had gone to a village behind the mountain.

The Anhe Mental Hospital was built on a hill. Behind the "Seven Zero Zero" hill was a large village. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a small town.

The population of this village is very large. Some people who work part-time and cannot afford to rent a house in a good location will choose to rent a house here and then commute to get off work by bicycle every day.

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