So Jiang Yaxian reached out and grabbed the somewhat worn plastic stool, and said, "Then... well, thank you for the stool."

When the mentally ill man in his thirties saw Jiang Yaxian come to pick up the stool, he quickly retracted his hands, and rubbed them hard on his clothes, as if he felt his hands were dirty.

He looked at Jiang Yaxian a little embarrassedly, and said, "My friend gave it to me. I kept it well, and you should keep it well, beautiful woman."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and ran away without waiting for Jiang Yaxian to respond, just like a young boy who was embarrassed to turn around and leave after filling in a love letter to his beloved girl in his school days.

Jiang Yaxian looked at the back of the patient leaving, and then looked at the shabby plastic stool in her hand. She shook her head. Jiang Yaxian didn't know what to say to the patient's kindness.

After seeing the patient walk away, Jiang Yaxian put the stool on the grass. She was indeed a little tired, so she carefully sat on the stool.

Jiang Yaxian sat very carefully, because this stool looked very worn, and if she squatted down, it would break when she sat down.

Fortunately, although the stool was a little old, Jiang Yaxian's weight was still bearable.

So Jiang Yaxian sat on this plastic stool, her fair little hand grabbed a piece of grass on the ground boredly, and the other hand supported her cheeks, watching Lin Chen play with others on the basketball court.

After Lin Chen played with those mentally ill patients for [-] minutes in a row, those patients were all tired and either could not stand upright or sat on the ground.

The young man who could play and talk to Lin Chen, he was rude, gave Lin Chen a thumbs up, and said, "Yes, you are very good at playing."

"It's normal." Lin Chen smiled, he clapped the basketball in his hand, and said to him, "Can I chat with you?"

"What are you talking about?" the young man straightened up and asked.

"Just chat." Lin Chen said.

"it is good."

Immediately, Lin Chen stuffed the basketball into the arms of a mental patient, and walked out of the court with the young man.

After coming to a stone bench outside the stadium, the young man sat down.

After sitting down, he looked at Lin Chen with a smile and asked, "Brother, do you have any cigarettes on your body?"

Facing the young man's expectant gaze, Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Sorry, I don't smoke."

After hearing that there was no smoke on Lin Chen's body, the young man cut a sound, waved his hand, and said with some disdain for Lin Chen: "You are really, where are we young people who don't smoke, hey, boring, you are really boring. "

"What's your name?" Lin Chen asked.

"Zhong Xiaoyi." The young man replied casually, Lin Chen didn't smoke, so he was not interested in chatting with Lin Chen.

"Zhong Xiaoyi..."

After Lin Chen repeated one sentence, he said, "I observed you guys, and I feel that you are quite normal, you don't look like a mental patient."

"Cut." Zhong Xiaoyi was a little disdainful. After cutting, he shook his head and said, "Who said I'm mentally ill, I'm not mentally ill."

"Then why are you here?" Lin Chen said.

"Hey, it's not because of my stupid parents who thought I was mentally ill and sent me to this bullshit hospital." Zhong Xiaoyi sighed.

"How long have you been here?"

"It's been almost eight months." Zhong Xiaoyi said, "Isn't he really boring in these eight months, spending all day with these bastards who are mentally ill, I can't exert my talents."

"Your talent?" Lin Chen smiled and said, "What talent do you have?"

After Zhong Xiaoyi heard this, he became a little more cautious. He looked around, and said to Lin Chen mysteriously, "Do you really want to know my talent?"


"Then I'll tell you." Zhong Xiaoyi put his mouth to Lin Chen's ear, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I have super powers, and I can control everything that is metal."

"Manipulating metals?" Lin Chen smiled and said, "Isn't that Magneto 577?"

"Magneto?" Zhong Xiaoyi had never heard of this term, and he asked curiously, "What is Magneto."

"Magneto is a person who can manipulate metal, it's fictional." Lin Chen explained.

"Oh." Zhong Xiaoyi nodded his head and said, "I don't know what Magneto is, but my super powers are not fictitious."

Lin Chen directly took out a bunch of keys. He put the keys in front of Zhong Xiaoyi and said, "This bunch of keys is metal. Show me your super powers."

Zhong Xiaoyi looked at Lin Chen's bunch of keys, and shook his head: "No, your key is too small, I can't control it, I can only control big things, I can control the car, I can make the car move."

After chatting a few words with this Zhong Xiaoyi, Lin Chen can see that this guy has a hallucination, sometimes he thinks he is this, sometimes he thinks he is that, he has super powers to himself and is very persistent in being able to control the car.

He said he could steer the cars and get them to start and drive away, and one night, he got up in the middle of the night and ran out of his dormitory. He came to the window in the hallway and saw a car parked downstairs with lights on. 's car.

He saw as if someone had entered the car, and then he began to use his superpowers to close the door of the car and control the car to drive out of the mental hospital. .


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After Lin Chen heard what Zhong Xiaoyi said, he asked, "Did you see a car parked downstairs in your accommodation building?"

"Yes." Zhong Xiaoyi opened his hands and said, "When I saw that car, I stretched out my hands and showed my super power. As soon as I showed it, the door of that car was closed. , and then I..."

Zhong Xiaoyi kept bragging about his so-called super powers to Lin Chen. When he talked about his super powers, Zhong Xiaoyi seemed very excited.

Lin Chen didn't care about his boasting, he said, "There is a light at the gate of your accommodation building. Is that car near the gate?"

"Near, just below the doorstep." Zhong Xiaoyi said.

"Is that car good-looking? Did you see what that car looked like at the time?" Lin Chen continued to ask.

Zhong Xiaoyi glanced at Lin Chen, then he turned his head and said, "I won't tell you."

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