Lin Chen asked him why he didn't tell himself, Zhong Xiaoyi said, "You didn't give me a cigarette, why did I tell you so much, if I don't tell you, I'm going to play basketball."

Zhong Xiaoyi said, and was about to stand up from the stone bench and go to the basketball court.

Seeing this, Lin Chen quickly stretched out his hand and pressed it on Zhong Xiaoyi's shoulder, he said, "Don't worry, I don't have smoke on me, but my friend has it."

"You... can you go and ask your friend to get it?" Zhong Xiaoyi asked.

"Of course." Lin Chen said.

At this time, a few policemen passed by not far away. Lin Chen waved to the policemen, walked over to them, and asked them for a pack of cigarettes.

When Lin Chen returned to the stone bench with a box of unsealed cigarettes, Zhong Xiaoyi's eyes immediately lit up.

Lin Chen handed a cigarette to Zhong Xiaoyi and said, "Can we talk now?"

Zhong Xiaoyi took the cigarette from Lin Chen's hand, put it under his nose, and took a greedy sip, like a person who devoured drugs. After smelling the cigarette, his face showed intoxication. expression.

"One is not enough, give me all that you have ¨〃." Zhong Xiaoyi got a little offended.

Lin Chen didn't follow him this time: "You say it first, and I'll give it to you if you say it, otherwise you will also return the one in your hand to me."

Zhong Xiaoyi's hand shrank back, he glanced at Lin Chen vigilantly, and said, "Then after I said it, you must give me the rest."

"A word is settled." Lin Chen nodded.

After Zhong Xiaoyi got Lin Chen's promise, he glanced at the pack of cigarettes in Lin Chen's hand and said, "I can see the car clearly, it's an extended van, I've never seen that in the hospital. The car, I don't know whose it is."

"Never seen it before, isn't it the car in the hospital?" Lin Chen asked again with certainty.

"That's right." Zhong Xiaoyi stared at the pack of cigarettes in Lin Chen's hand, and couldn't move his eyes: "It's not the car in our hospital, I can use my super power to control all the cars in the hospital, the cars in the hospital are all It has been controlled by me, and that is the first time I have driven it."

"Is there anyone next to the car?"


"What are those people doing?"

"I don't know, there are a few people walking around beside the car anyway..."

"Remember what time it was that night?"

"I don't remember, I don't remember, I only have the super power to control the car, how can I have the super power of memory."

Lin Chen asked some more questions, but that was all Zhong Xiaoyi knew.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't ask any more questions, Zhong Xiaoyi gave him a feed and said, "I've told you so much, you should give me the pack of cigarettes in your hand, right?"

"Here." Lin Chen handed him the cigarette case.

After Zhong Xiaoyi took the cigarette case, he opened the cigarette case very excitedly, and there were still more than ten cigarettes and a one-dollar lighter inside.

Zhong Xiaoyi was very happy, he looked around vigilantly, and he was relieved when he saw that there were no nurses around.

Zhong Xiaoyi took out a cigarette, stuffed it into his mouth, lit it, and smoked it happily.

After taking two puffs, he held a cigarette in his mouth and asked Lin Chen, "Do you want one too?"


When Lin Chen and Zhong Xiaoyi were playing basketball before, in the guard room of Anhe Mental Hospital, the guard suddenly saw a lot of cars approaching on the road ahead.

There are pickups, vans, motorcycles, and tricycles.

On these cars, they were carrying villagers who seemed to be wearing relatively plain clothes.

These villagers sitting in the car all looked towards the mental hospital.

The guards in the guard room were a little flustered when they saw so many people coming at once. One of them rushed out of the guard room and rushed into the mental hospital.

The villagers in the car jumped out of the car one by one, and all the villagers jumped out of the car. After gathering, a few villagers with sad and angry faces rushed in towards the gate of the mental hospital.

"...Hey, what are you doing?" The guard in the guard room didn't dare to come out at all, and shouted while hiding in the guard room.

Among the group of villagers, the leading ones glared at the security guard, did not respond to him, and walked straight towards the complex building of the mental hospital.

The parents of the deceased Zhou Ping ran out and reconciled with the villagers. The police who heard the news rushed out of the mental hospital.

These villagers were all from the same village in the village where the deceased lived. After Zhou Ping died, Zhou Ping’s parents contacted relatives, and relatives went to gather people in the village. After a long meeting, they finally gathered dozens of people. To ask Zhou Ping for justice.

Zhou Ping's relatives have already rushed into the complex building with someone to go to the dean's office and ask the dean for justice.

However, when some of them came to the dean's office, they found that the door was closed, and no one was making a sound when they knocked on the door.

The villagers shouted loudly, asking the director of the mental hospital to lose money, and (Wang Li's) give another talk, why such unbelievable things happen to good patients in his mental hospital.

The police went upstairs quickly to stop the villagers' behavior. If the police didn't come, the relatives of the deceased would definitely rush in to rescue the dean and beat him up.


After Lin Chen spoke to Zhong Xiaoyi again, he got up and prepared to leave.

As soon as he stood up, Zhong Xiaoyi said, "Don't go. Give me a cigarette. Do you want me to teach you my powers so that you can also control those cars."

Lin Chen smiled: "No need, you can do it yourself."

Lin Chen walked across the basketball court and came to Jiang Yaxian. Seeing Jiang Yaxian sitting on a small plastic stool, Lin Chen asked, "Where did you get the stool?"

When Jiang Yaxian saw Lin Chen came back, she hurriedly stood up and said, "Just now a patient said that I was his good friend, so he gave me this stool."

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