350 What does it look like [2 more for subscription]

"Are you his good friend?" Lin Chen muttered.

Jiang Yaxian put a strand of her hair behind her ear, she nodded slightly, and said, "Yeah, it's a strange person, and he said that this stool was given to him by his friend when he and his friend went to help the nurse find something. It was given to him, but unfortunately his friend is gone."

"He also said that it was given to him by his good friend. I am his good friend, and I should keep it well."

When she said these words, Jiang Yaxian had a wry smile on her face.

She didn't discriminate against these mentally ill people, but felt that many mentally ill patients were like children, and they were clueless and nonsense when they said something.

After Lin Chen heard this, he narrowed his eyes slightly and asked Jiang Yaxian, "Where's the person who gave you the stool? Where did he go?"

"Why are you asking this?" Jiang Yaxian asked in confusion, looking at Lin Chen's face.

"Maybe he is helpful to this case, where is he?" Lin Chen glanced around, his tone was calm.

After Jiang Yaxian heard this, she also looked around, then she pointed to a direction outside and said, "He's not here anymore, he just left from there."

"Do you remember what he looked like?" Lin Chen asked.

Jiang Yaxian recalled the man's appearance, because she is the daughter of the entertainment company 583, she has a lot of contact with celebrities, and she has a very good memory for body appearance.

Jiang Yaxian hummed: "As long as he appears in my sight, I can recognize him."

"Okay." Lin Chen said, "then I'll give you a task now."

"Task? What task?" Jiang Yaxian didn't expect that Lin Chen would ask herself to help him do things.

"Find the person who gave you the stool and bring me to me." Lin Chen said.


Jiang Yaxian also expected that it might be this task. After hearing the words, she hesitated: "Aren't you coming with me?"

"Are you afraid?" Lin Chen asked.

"It's not that I'm afraid, I'm just worried that those mentally ill people will do something to me." Jiang Yaxian said truthfully.

Hearing this, Lin Chen followed Jiang Yaxian in the hospital to find the mental patient who had given Jiang Yaxian a plastic stool.


On the other side of the complex, although the police arrived, the windows next to the dean's office were also smashed a lot.

After the police arrived, they said that it was illegal for them to do so. Give the police some time, and they will definitely find the murderer.

The relatives of the deceased who took the lead were very excited. He pointed to the door of the dean's office and scolded: "The Anhe Mental Hospital in the dog days charges so much money every month, and it turns out that even the individual is not good enough. My nephew is dead now, you This dean, get out of here, give me an explanation, give me an explanation."

"Yes, give me an explanation."

"Losing money, losing money!"

The villagers in the same village behind shouted.

Zhou Ping's parents lost a son. Naturally, the Anhe Mental Hospital should compensate for it. With so many villagers united, Anhe Mental Hospital should not try to fool the past in terms of compensation.

After some police gossip and some orders, these villagers in Zhouping's same village all dispersed and walked to the bottom of the comprehensive building.

"You have to give me an explanation for my son's death, and then pay me money, otherwise you won't want to open this mental hospital." Zhou Ping's mother sat on the ground at the entrance of the mental hospital, crying.

The security guards of the mental hospital watched all this from a distance. They looked at each other and their faces were very ugly.

Some police officers stood at the door of the psychiatric complex, controlling the scene here, while the dean and the dean's wife, who were in the office, remained silent.

Lin Chen and Jiang Yaxian were looking for the patient who gave her the stool. Although the Anhe Mental Hospital had fallen, there were still a lot of patients. It took a lot of time to find the patient that only Jiang Yaxian had seen.

When the two walked up to the third floor to look for it, they happened to bump into Miao Yunfei head-on.

Miao Yunfei glanced at the two of them and said, "Yaxian, what are you looking around for?" (bbcg)

"Looking for someone." Jiang Yaxian said, her eyes still scanning the faces of those mentally ill.

"Yes, find someone." Jiang Yaxian responded.

After Miao Yunfei asked who she was looking for, Jiang Yaxian pointed to the plastic stool in Lin Chen's hand and said, "When we were in the playground just now, Lin Chen was playing with those patients, and I stood by to watch, but the result was A patient came up, said I was his good friend, and gave me this stool."

When Miao Yunfei heard Jiang Yaxian's words, she glanced at the dilapidated plastic stool in Lin Chen's hand, "You are looking for him, do you want to return the stool to him?"

If this is the case, Miao Yunfei feels that there is no need for that at all. This stool belongs to the hospital. Just put the stool in the hospital. Who else is there?

"No, Lin Chen said that person might be helpful to the case, so I'm looking for it." Jiang Yaxian replied.

"Helps with the case?" Miao Yunfei said, "A patient who gave you a stool, can you see how he helped the case?"

Miao Yunfei said this to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen shrugged and said, "I just think it's possible, but I'm not sure if it can help."

"Okay, what does that person look like? I'll help you find them together." Miao Yunfei was going to find the patient who gave Jiang Yaxian a stool.

"I'm the only one who has seen him, Yunfei, you can't help." Jiang Yaxian said.

Afterwards, Jiang Yaxian walked in front, looking at the wards one by one, while Lin Chen and Miao Yunfei followed behind. They couldn't find it on the second floor or the third floor. After reaching the fourth floor, Jiang Yaxian went to check more carefully.

In the end, she spread her hands to Lin Chen and said, "No, he doesn't seem to be in this building."

"Then it may be outside this building." Lin Chen said, "Go downstairs."

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