The three of them walked downstairs immediately, except for the playground, there were a few mental patients standing sporadically downstairs.

Those who can be released are patients who are not at risk.

After looking around in the dormitory building and the treatment building, Jiang Yaxian still didn't see the patient.

Jiang Yaxian scratched her head and said tiredly, "It's strange, he seemed to be walking into the dormitory just now. Why isn't it in the building, nor around here."

The three immediately walked to the complex building near the entrance of the mental hospital. When they came to the complex building, they saw the group of dozens of villagers. They surrounded the entrance of the complex building. of incompetence.

Some people scolded it rather harshly. They asked the dean's hospital if there were no cameras installed. Did he take the money to install the cameras to buy a cemetery for himself. If there were cameras, this kind of thing would not happen. .


351 Can't find that person [3 more subscriptions]

For not installing cameras, many police officers also felt that the villagers were right in their scolding.

In a mental hospital, surveillance cameras should belong to the infrastructure. After this infrastructure was broken, the hospital never spent money to repair it. If the hospital had surveillance, this kind of thing would not happen~ It is not necessarily the case.

Next to the group of villagers, there was no mentally ill patient in hospital clothes. Jiang Yaxian glanced at it and said, "No, he will go - where is he?"

Lin Chen thought for a while and said, "Will he be staggered from us? Maybe he is on the playground now."

Immediately, the three of them walked towards the playground where they had been before. There were more patients on the playground than before. Today is cloudy, the temperature is relatively comfortable, and there is no poisonous sun, so the patients who come out and walk will naturally be too much.

The three walked around the periphery of the basketball court, looking for the patient who gave Jiang Yaxian a stool.

When they walked to the other end of the grass, Jiang Yaxian and Miao Yunfei saw a few patients surrounded by a bald spot on the lawn. what.

Just a few people were going to pass this way. After coming to these people, they looked over to see what they were looking at while crouching on the ground.

Looking around, I saw that on the bald ground, there was a toad that looked a little disgusting with small bumps all over its back.

The little toad struggled on the ground, its legs were injured, and the skin was cracked, revealing the flesh inside.

There were many small ants on the ground that crawled on the toad and attacked its injured legs.

The little toad blinked, its legs were injured, and it wanted to jump away but couldn't get up.

Those little ants bit its limbs, and some climbed on it and attacked it.

"Hahaha..." A mental patient watching this scene slammed his hand on the ground, stared at the ants and toads, and shouted, "Bite it, bite it, bite it to death for me. "

"Run, run the frogs, if you don't run, they'll kill you," shouted another mental patient.


The patients, who were surrounded by toads and ants, shouted at the toads and ants in the middle of the ground.

Jiang Yaxian looked at the group of patients who were entertaining themselves. She shook her head, thinking that it was just an ant biting a toad, and they could watch it with such relish.

"Their fun is so easy to satisfy." Jiang Yaxian said.

Miao Yunfei shook her head and asked her, "Among these mentally ill patients, is there the one who gave you the stool just now?"

"No, it doesn't seem to be here either." Jiang Yaxian responded.

Here these mental patients shouted around the frogs and ants on the ground, attracting some patients next to them.

Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian immediately saw a more familiar figure, it was Fan Guoxing who helped Nurse Xiao Meng take care of other patients.

In Fan Guoxing's hand, he was still holding the candy that Nurse Xiao Meng gave him. He seemed to be reluctant to eat it, and kept holding it in his hand.

After Fan Guoxing and the group of mentally ill patients approached, some patients seemed uninterested in ants biting toads, and left after a glance, while others found it very interesting and squatted aside to watch.

Fan Guoxing, who was holding the candy, also crouched down and stared at the toad on the ground without blinking.

Jiang Yaxian glanced at Fan Guoxing, she looked around again, and muttered, "No, I didn't see that person on this playground, why did he just disappear out of thin air?"

"It won't disappear out of thin air." Lin Chen said, "Look for it slowly."

"I'm tired from walking, take a break." Jiang Yaxian said, reaching out to Lin Chen, motioning for Lin Chen to give him the plastic stool.

The plastic stool has been held by Lin Chen all the time. Seeing this, Lin Chen handed the stool to Jiang Yaxian and said, "I'm tired after walking this short distance. You are really delicate."

"I rarely walk so much, so I'm delicate, what's wrong?" Jiang Yaxian sat on the stool, squinting at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen shrugged, and when he was about to speak, a person suddenly rushed over from behind.


The man reached out and patted Lin Chen on the shoulder, and let him say to Lin Chen with a smile, "I thought you were gone, why are you back again?"

The person who tapped Lin Chen's shoulder was the Zhong Xiaoyi who could play basketball and said he could control a car.

After seeing Zhong Xiaoyi, Lin Chen said casually, "Just walk around."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"Oh." Zhong Xiaoyi snorted, he glanced at the mentally ill people who were watching ants biting toads on the ground, pouted, and scolded: "These idiots have no pursuit at all, they are watching ants around here, idiots. "

Most of the mentally ill people surrounding the ground did not respond after hearing Zhong Xiaoyi scolding them as fools, only a few of them looked at Zhong Xiaoyi.

Miao Yunfei saw that Zhong Xiaoyi and Lin Chen were shoulder-to-shoulder, looking very familiar, she asked Jiang Yaxian in a low voice: "Who is that person, it seems that he has a good relationship with Lin Chen."

"Lin Chen played with him just now, and gave him a pack of cigarettes, just like a brother." Jiang Yaxian smiled: "I found that these mental patients are easy to get along with, the one who gave me the stool just now The same is true of the person who only met him for the first time, and said that I was his good friend."


The two girls were whispering, and then they saw that Fan Guoxing, who was squatting on the ground with candy in his hand, suddenly stood up.

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