After standing up, he raised his foot and landed on the toad on the ground surrounded by ants.

"I'll help you...I'll help you..."

Fan Guoxing muttered a few words, he raised his foot twice in a row and landed on the toad.

The toad is not big, even an adult toad can't stand the foot of a human.

With two feet down, the toad's body was trampled, and all the blood and internal organs burst out from its mouth and stomach.

The ants that were crawling on the toad were also trampled to death by Fan Guoxing.

After seeing that he had trampled the toad to death, a smile appeared on Fan Guoxing's face, but before his smile lasted for two seconds, a mental patient next to him stood up, backed Fan Guoxing hard, and pushed him. fell to the ground.

The patient scolded, "You trampled our toys, you bastard."

"Hehehe...dead...dead..." Another mental patient looked at the toad's body and smirked.

Most of the other patients who were watching on the ground were very dissatisfied with Fan Guoxing's actions. Frog ants were something they found interesting. They were trampled to death by this guy, so what were they doing. .


352 People who eat raw food [4 more subscriptions]

Those mentally ill people spoke out to abuse Fan Guoxing. Fan Guoxing got up from the ground with a smile on his face, turned around and left.

After they scolded for a few words, a mental patient next to him reached out and grabbed the toad's body. With a smirk on his face, he opened his mouth and was about to put the bloody toad into his mouth.

Miao Yunfei felt extremely disgusted. The dead toad had a lot of dirt and ants on it, and its internal organs were hanging on it. If you put this thing in your mouth and chew it, you will feel nauseated when you think about it.

Miao Yunfei hurried forward and grabbed the mental patient's hand, preventing him from stuffing the rotten toad into his mouth.

"Ah...why...let me go..." The mentally ill tried to break free from Miao Yunfei's hand, but his strength was not as strong as Miao Yunfei's, after Miao Yunfei used a little skill, The "[-]" patient's hand let go of the toad weakly.

"It's disgusting, don't eat this." After the toad landed, Miao Yunfei kicked the toad aside.

Seeing that Miao Yunfei didn't eat toads for himself, the mentally ill stared at Miao Yunfei with some hatred, and said, "If you don't let me eat frogs, then give me your heart."

Originally, Miao Yunfei didn't care too much about this patient, and after she was about to stop him from eating toads, she turned around and left.

But after hearing his words, Miao Yunfei stopped immediately and stared at the mentally ill person.

This mentally ill person is not too young, and his physique looks okay. When he said that to Miao Yunfei, his eyes were full of ferocity.

It seems that Miao Yunfei stole his toad, and he is about to eat Miao Yunfei's heart.

"What did you say?" Miao Yunfei looked at the patient with a slightly excited tone.

She would do this, naturally, because of the deceased Zhou Ping, whose heart and head were gouged out.

Miao Yunfei, a criminal police officer, naturally felt a little suspicious when this patient said such words to herself so fiercely.

"If you don't let me eat frogs, then I will eat your heart, and I will eat your heart." The patient squatted on the ground, staring at Miao Yunfei with bloodshot eyes, becoming even more fierce.

Miao Yunfei felt a hint of threat, she quickly turned to look at Lin Chen, and called Lin Chen.

Instead of asking Lin Chen to protect herself, she wanted Lin Chen to pay attention to this patient.

After Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen, she found that Lin Chen's eyes were falling on this mentally ill person, and her eyes were filled with anticipation.

Jiang Yaxian also sensed what Miao Yunfei meant, she stood up from the plastic stool, looked at the mental patient, and asked, "Hey, why are you eating her heart, you have a hobby of eating hearts? "

The mentally ill stood up from the ground slowly, without saying a word, he opened his arms and rushed towards Miao Yunfei.

Miao Yunfei was more than one meter away from him, and kept her eyes on him. After seeing him pounce, Miao Yunfei immediately raised her foot and kicked the mental patient to the ground.

"Ahhhh... hit someone... hit someone again... hit someone again..."

When the mentally ill people around saw this, some ran away in fright, while others slowly backed away, all staying away from Miao Yunfei and the patient who was kicked to the ground.

"Ouch, oops..." After the patient fell to the ground, clutching his mouth, he screamed in pain. Miao Yunfei's kick was not light.

Just at this time, Zhang Tianai brought a few criminal policemen and two nurses by his side.

Zhang Tiannan and the others came to find Miao Yunfei and Lin Chen, and the two nurses came to give medicine to some of the patients.

Zhang Tian'an and the two nurses saw the scene where the patient rushed towards Miao Yunfei and was kicked away by Miao Yunfei, and the two nurses hurried up.

After the patient on the ground was kicked by Miao Yunfei, his face was full of anger. Originally, he looked like he was going to get up and attack Miao Yunfei, but after seeing two nurses approaching, his eyes were full of anger. The anger quickly subsided.

"What are you doing, aren't you honest?" The two nurses rushed to the front and back, scolding very rudely.

The patient just lowered his head and didn't dare to say a word, like a mouse seeing a cat.

Zhang Tianan also ran over, she glanced at Lin Chen, and asked Miao Yunfei, "Sister Yunfei, what's the matter, why is he jumping at you?"

Miao Yunfei didn't answer Zhang Tianan's words, she asked the two nurses, "What's the name of this patient?"

"He..." The female nurse who yelled at the patient said without thinking, "He's the patient I'm in charge of, his name is Ning Wende..."

"What disease is he suffering from?" Miao Yunfei asked again.

The nurse began to explain to Miao Yunfei. From her words, everyone learned about the man's condition. He had mania, but it wasn't serious, and he also had delusional disorder. He didn't like to eat cooked food, but raw food.

Before he was sent to the mental hospital, he often ate raw meat at home. When he grabbed a large piece of meat, he would stuff it into his mouth and bite it. The same was true when he saw green vegetables. , and he would swallow it, make a fuss if he didn't eat it, and go on a hunger strike.

His family couldn't control him, so they sent him to a mental hospital for treatment.

This Ning Wende is in charge of this nurse. Nurses in Anhe Mental Hospital take care of patients and are assigned by the head nurse. There are two nurses in a group. Each group of nurses has a fixed patient care, as long as you manage your own list patients in the .

Sometimes nurses who have a good relationship will help each other when they are too busy.

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