After learning about the patient's situation, Miao Yunfei explained to Zhang Tianan what happened just now.

After Zhang Tianan heard it, she was slightly surprised: "Sister Yunfei, do you mean that he might be the murderer?"

"It can only be said to be suspicious..." Miao Yunfei said: "I threw the toad, and he opened his mouth and said that if I don't give him a toad, he will eat my heart."


"Yeah." Jiang Yaxian nodded slightly: "When he said this, his eyes were a little scary, and he wanted to attack you, Yun Fei."

Miao Yunfei snorted, looked at Lin Chen, and said, "Lin Chen, I have a guess."

Lin Chen's eyes were taken back from the patient, and he asked, "What guess."

Miao Yunfei said: "This patient hated the person who prevented him from eating raw food. Do you think it is possible that the deceased Zhou Ping had prevented him from eating raw food before he died, and this person held a grudge and killed... Zhou Ping? Digging out Zhou Ping's heart?"

Miao Yunfei's guess is a bit bold, but there is no substantial progress in the case at present, and all kinds of bold guesses are also needed.


PS: This is the fourth update today. .


353 Looking for something 【Subscription】

After Miao Yunfei said these words, surprises appeared on the faces of the people around.

This man likes to eat raw food. Miao Yunfei lost the toad just now, and the man blurted out that he wanted to eat Miao Yunfei's heart. It just so happened that the heart of the deceased was also dug out, which had to be linked to Zhou Ping's case.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he looked at the mentally ill named Ning Wende and said, "If he is the murderer, he has the habit of eating raw food, why didn't he bite the heart of the deceased after digging out the heart of the deceased? Woolen cloth?"

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Miao Yunfei's face showed hesitation.

Indeed, Ning Wende has the habit of eating raw food. Judging from the fact that he just grabbed the toad on the ground and was about to bite it, if he opened the belly of the deceased and took out the heart, he would definitely bite it.

But the heart of the deceased, which was buried in the Houshan cemetery, had no other traces on it except the knife edge where the knife separated the heart from Zhou Ping's body.

11 "Is it possible that after killing someone, he took out the heart and found out that the heart was his own kind of meat, so he didn't choose to eat it..." a detective speculated.

After the detective's speculation was spoken, someone nodded slightly in agreement.

"The way of thinking of mentally ill people is very different." Zhang Tianai also said: "Maybe when he was killing people, Ning Wende wanted to eat raw food. So the head was thrown into the cemetery, and the heart was buried in the soil."

When Miao Yunfei and the others were talking, Ning Wende just lowered his head and said nothing. Since he lowered his head, he couldn't see the expression on his face, so naturally he couldn't analyze his psychology at the moment.

"No way... He's the murderer..." The nurse in charge of taking care of Ning Wende was full of surprise.

"It's just suspicion, not sure yet." Miao Yunfei added.

A criminal policeman crouched down, looked at Ning Wende who was sitting on the ground, and said, "Have you ever killed someone? Killed Zhou Ping in your hospital?"

After hearing this, Ning Wende, who loves raw food, raised his head and glanced at the detective. He turned his head away, as if you don't talk to me, I don't want to care about you.

"I'm asking you something, answer me." The detective's tone became a little more serious. For a mentally ill person, he couldn't ask around the corner, so he could only be straightforward.

Ning Wende still ignored the policeman. When the female nurse who was taking care of him saw this, her voice became cold and she said, "Ning Wende, what is the police asking you, please answer quickly and honestly, do you want to eat at night? already?"

When Ning Wende heard the nurse's words, his body trembled slightly. He raised his head and glanced at the female nurse timidly, and said softly, "I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat, you give me meat... "

"If you tell the truth, we will give you meat." The criminal policeman squatting beside him said with some anticipation.

Not afraid of the mentally ill asking, but afraid that he will not speak.

"You are all liars, give me meat first, and I will tell you." Ning Wende was a little afraid to go to see the nurse.

The nurse who was taking care of him didn't have such a good temper. She yelled at Ning Wende and told him to tell the truth and not to deceive the police.

After being said a few words by the female nurse, Ning Wende became more reluctant.

He stood up abruptly from the ground and ran towards the outside of the playground. As he ran, he said sadly: "Liar, liar, you are all liars..."

"Hey, don't run." A few detectives standing behind Zhang Tianan saw this and immediately chased after him. The nurse in charge of Ning Wende also ran over with an ugly face.

These mentally ill people, sometimes they're annoying and do some infuriating things.

But sometimes, looking at them, you will feel that they are pitiful and sad.

Lin Chen didn't chase that Ning Wende, he turned to Jiang Yaxian and said, "Hello."

After hearing Lin Chen's hello, Jiang Yaxian, who was in deep thought, was startled by Lin Chen.

Jiang Yaxian fiddled with her hair in dissatisfaction, and she said, "What are you doing, you startle me."

"Don't be stunned, quickly find the patient who gave you the stool." Lin Chen said.

"Don't talk to me in the words of an order." Jiang Yaxian squinted at Lin Chen and said, "If you want me to find the person who gave me the stool, be polite to me, or I will sit here and not Go, I'm tired anyway."

"Do you think now that only you know the person who gave you the stool, that's why you said this?" Lin Chen asked with a smile.

Jiang Yaxian looked a little embarrassed when her mind was fully explained by Lin Chen. She was only startled by Lin Chen when she was thinking about it.

"Maybe it is." Jiang Yaxian looked noncommittal.

Miao Yunfei was about to ask Jiang Yaxian to stop making trouble, and she was now working on a case.

It's just that before Miao Yunfei spoke, Lin Chen pointed at the toad's body on the ground and said, "If you still don't go to the person who gave you the stool, then I can only pick up the toad's body and pull it out. Open your collar and throw it inside your clothes."

Jiang Yaxian heard Lin Chen's words, and then saw Lin Chen's serious look, she suddenly felt that if she kept talking more, Lin Chen would really do what he said.

Under the threat of a bloody toad corpse, Jiang Yaxian gave in. She threw the shabby stool to Lin Chen and began to search in the hospital.

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