After searching for a while, I finally saw the patient who gave Jiang Yaxian a stool at the entrance of the corridor of the treatment building.

When the mentally ill saw the beautiful Jiang Yaxian again, he looked a little embarrassed: "Pretty woman, are you looking for me?"

Jiang Yaxian pointed to Lin Chen beside him, and said, "It's not me, it's him."

After seeing Lin Chen, the patient seemed a little disappointed, and then Lin Chen began to question him.

If you want a mental patient to cooperate with your inquiry, it is difficult for him to answer truthfully.

Fortunately, there is a beautiful girl like Jiang Yaxian. This patient ignores Lin Chenai, but he is willing to answer [-] words to Jiang Yaxian.

"You said that you and your friend went to help the nurse find something. When you were looking for something, your friend gave you this stool, and then your friend disappeared. Why did your friend disappear?" Jiang Yaxian asked.

The mental patient glanced at Jiang Yaxian and said with a smile: "The nurse asked us to find something. After finding it, my friend can be discharged from the hospital. After we found it, my friend was discharged. He is no longer in this hospital, he is not …”.


354 Dean's remarks [2 more subscriptions]

After hearing the patient's words, Jiang Yaxian turned her head and glanced at Lin Chen, and Lin Chen's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

He looked at the patient who had a crush on Jiang Yaxian and was shy in front of her, and asked, "The nurse asked you to look for something, what did he ask you to look for?"

Hearing Lin Chen's question, the patient seemed a little unhappy, and did not want to answer Lin Chen.

Seeing that he was unwilling to talk to him, Lin Chen seemed helpless, so he could only look at Jiang Yaxian.

At this moment, Jiang Yaxian is a little smug. Although Lin Chen has solved many cases in the past and is very capable, he is not omnipotent, isn't he now relying on himself to ask patients?

"What are you going to help the nurse find?" Jiang Yaxian asked, looking at the patient.

"Hee hee..." Seeing Jiang Yaxian talking to him, a smile appeared on the patient's face again, and he said, "It's a book of paper with my friend's photo on it, the nurse asked us to find my friend's photo, Give it to him, and my friend can be discharged from the hospital."

He had that kind of naive smile on his face, and after thinking of something, the smile on his face dimmed again: "It's just that my friends have been discharged from the hospital for a long time, and he will come back to see me after he says he is hospitalized. Come back, I still miss him."

"Ask him what 007's name is." Lin Chen said to Jiang Yaxian.

After Jiang Yaxian conveyed Lin Chen's meaning, the patient asked with a smile, "Pretty woman, why did you ask my name, do you want to be my friend?"

"Yes, be friends with you." Jiang Yaxian smiled slightly, her long wine red wavy hair, coupled with that charming smile, was very lovely.

The patient wiped his clothes on his body, and he looked very embarrassed: "My name is Ge Mu, Mu Mu, my friends call me Mu Mu, but he was discharged from the hospital, and no one has called me this nickname anymore. ."

"Take us to the room where you helped the nurse find things." Jiang Yaxian said to the patient Ge Mu under Lin Chen's gesture.

The patient Ge Mu asked Jiang Yaxian what she was going to do there. Jiang Yaxian said that it would be fine to take herself there, not to ask why.

"Okay...Okay." Ge Mu nodded blankly, his body was a little hunched, he was wearing a pair of worn slippers, and the trousers he was wearing were also torn because the legs were too long, and the torn trousers were dirty. Xixi, in the form of silk strips.

Under the leadership of Ge Mu, Lin Chen and Jiang Yaxian came to the (bbdc) door of the complex building.

At the entrance of the complex building, the villagers were still crowding around there, shouting at the people above the complex, asking the dean to speak and give them an explanation.

After arriving here, Jiang Yaxian asked Ge Mu, "Ge Mu, is the room you were looking for in this building?"

"Yeah, right here." Ge Mu nodded.

When he was about to walk towards the gate of the complex building, two figures came out of the complex. After seeing these two figures, Ge Mu immediately stopped, the smile on his face faded and became Extremely serious and respectful.

The two figures who walked out of the complex were the director and wife of Anhe Mental Hospital.

Jiang Yaxian saw that Ge Mu became so serious when she saw the dean and his wife, she asked curiously, "Why, are you afraid of the dean?"

"Well." Ge Mu nodded and whispered: "We are afraid of nurses, nurses are afraid of doctors, doctors are afraid of the director, the director is the biggest in our hospital, the nurse told us that after seeing the director, we should respect him. "

Hearing this, Jiang Yaxian had a speechless expression on her face, she turned her head to look at Lin Chen, and saw that Lin Chen didn't speak, she just stared at the door of the complex building.

After Dean Yu Gaofeng and Dean's wife came out of the complex, the villagers in Zhouping Village at the door immediately became noisy.

Zhou Ping's relatives wanted to walk in front of the dean, but were stopped by the police and security.

After the villagers shouted a few words, Dean Yu Gaofeng raised his hand and pressed it down.

He said solemnly: "Everyone, be quiet, be quiet, please listen to me?"

"Okay, say it, say it quickly."

"My nephew was killed in your hospital. He died so miserably. Tell us quickly. How can you explain this to us?"

"Speak, speak quickly."

The villagers said in a hustle and bustle.

The dean frowned and said, "We Anhe Mental Hospital have been committed to treating every patient in the hospital well and allowing them to be discharged in good health. You can ask about it, although our Anhe Mental Hospital is now The profit situation is not very good, whether there are mentally ill patients in the society, our Anhe mental hospital is free to hospitalize them, give them free treatment, and let them eat and drink for free.”

The dean's wife echoed: "Yes, we have had some problems with Anhe before, but we are also doing our best to do it well. We accept those lonely mental patients for free. We really want to serve the society and the society. Those patients make a modest contribution."

Dean Yu Gaofeng glanced at his wife, and he said to everyone: "This time, it's our Anhe Hospital's fault, it's our failure to manage the patients, this is our unshirkable responsibility. ."

"However, now the big guy is not squatting here. I want to give an explanation here. We must first trust the police, let the police find the murderer, and bring the murderer to justice. After that, let's talk about compensation. matter."

The dean's words were full of emotion, and his face turned a little red because of his excitement.

The dean looked at Zhou Ping's parents, who were sitting on the ground, and said: "The human heart is full of flesh, and I am also a person with children. I can understand how much Zhou Ping's death has caused you. Please rest assured and catch it first. Murderer, I'll give you another explanation."

"Let's not let the police comrades distract their energy here now, and let them do their best to collect clues and solve the case?"

The dean's remarks are quite satisfactory, and his tone and demeanor are also very candid.

Zhou Ping's family members, who were originally dissatisfied with the hospital, were not as angry as before after hearing what he said.

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