"Okay, let the police find the murderer first, and then seek compensation from you when the murderer is found." Zhou Ping's uncle said to the dean after a few words with Zhou Ping's parents.

"Okay." The dean waved his hand and said, "I, Yu Gaofeng, will never deny my responsibility."

On the other side, Jiang Yaxian saw the dean finish saying these words, she turned her head to look at Lin Chen, and said, "Lin Chen, just now we suspected that the dean was a murderer...".


355 Hospital Archives [3 more subscriptions]

After a slight pause, Jiang Yaxian continued: "Now it seems that the dean also hopes to find the murderer, and he also took the initiative to say the responsibility he should take, he will not be fooled, the dean's character looks good. ."

Jiang Yaxian's words were said close to Lin Chen, and that Ge Mu couldn't hear them.

Hearing this, Lin Chen glanced at Jiang Yaxian and said, "You can see his character after he only said a few words?"

"At least it looks good on the surface." Jiang Yaxian said, "Didn't you listen to him? Although Anhe Mentality's profitability is not ideal, they still unconditionally accept those lonely mental patients and let them come to Anhe Mental Health. In the hospital ~ receiving treatment."

"Since the dean has said this, it's definitely not aimless. People who can do good things, aren't they good people?"

Lin Chen smiled and didn't say anything. His smile was a bit mysterious, which made Jiang Yaxian a little bit incomprehensible.

Lin Chen stepped forward and said to Ge Mu, "Take us to the room where you are looking for things."

Ge Mu glanced at Jiang Yaxian, he didn't dare to go through the main entrance, because there were the dean and the family of the deceased talking there. Under the leadership of Ge Mu, Lin Chen and Jiang Yaxian entered the complex building along the back door of the complex.

After going up to the third floor, Ge Mu stopped at the door of a room at the end of the corridor.

Ge Mu pointed to the door of this room and said to Jiang Yaxian: "I was just with my friend, helping the nurse find something here. After we found it, we handed it over to the nurse. The nurse smiled and said to us that my friend can be discharged from the hospital. Now, my friends and I are very happy."

Lin Chen and Jiang Yaxian looked at the door of this room. There was originally a department card on the door, but the department card on it was gone. The wooden door was locked, and it seemed that it couldn't be opened without a key.

"What kind of room is this?" Jiang Yaxian muttered.

"He said that he went inside to find a book of papers, as well as their photos. This room is naturally an archive room." Lin Chen said.

"Oh, yes, it should be the patient's file room." Jiang Yaxian nodded, indicating she understood.

Seeing Lin Chen walking to the door and pushing hard, Jiang Yaxian asked, "You want to go in? If you want to go in, I'll call the nurse to open it."

Because the dean and the others were still outside the comprehensive building, this kind of thing happened again in the hospital. At this moment, there was no one else on the third floor of the comprehensive building except Lin Chen and three others.

Lin Chen didn't answer Jiang Yaxian's words. He pushed behind the wooden door, then raised his fist and smashed it into the lock of the wooden door.


There was a clicking sound from the door lock department, and then the wooden door of this archive room was opened.

The lock of this wooden door is an ordinary marble lock. Although it has been locked, it is not very reliable. Lin Chen smashed the door with one punch and entered.

"You..." Jiang Yaxian was a little speechless, why did Lin Chen just smash the door open without letting the nurse open it?

"You smashed the door, be careful that the hospital asks you for compensation." Jiang Yaxian muttered, and when she spoke, she looked into the archives.

"I can still afford the money for one door." Lin Chen said, opening all the doors and stepping into the archive room.

There is a smell in this room. I can't tell what it is, but it's not bad.

The archives room is not big. There are two wooden shelves inside, and some cardboard boxes are placed on the wooden shelves. Inside the cardboard boxes are the files of the patients.

The Anhe Mental Hospital didn't seem to care much about the files of the patients. The files in the cardboard boxes were only fixed with paper clips and stacked randomly, not in the file bag.

There are a lot of patient files in the archives, which are piled up in a mess. It is really difficult to find a patient's file from this pair of things.

Jiang Yaxian walked to a cardboard box with patient files, picked up a file, opened the first page, and saw the patient's photo and some information.

After reading the file, Jiang Yaxian looked at it and said, "This file of mine belongs to a patient two years ago. The file is still here. The patient should not have been discharged from the hospital."

Lin Chen responded to Jiang Yaxian, picked up some files in his hands, and quickly rummaged through them.

Lin Chen's rummaging speed is very fast, and the speed of checking is not slow.

Jiang Yaxian saw Lin Chen quickly flipping through those files, and he was curious about what Lin Chen was looking for.

After looking at it for a while, Lin Chen stopped, he turned his head to look at Ge Mu, and said, "When did your friend get discharged from the hospital?"

· · Flowers · ·

Ge Mu glanced at Lin Chen and stopped talking.

He had no choice but to ask Jiang Yaxian to ask him. At first, Ge Mu said he couldn't remember, but after Jiang Yaxian smiled and asked him to think about it, Ge Mu squatted on the ground and thought about it for a while before saying, "It seems... A month ago, it was still raining heavily that day, and my friends and I came here to find things, and our clothes were all wet."

"Three months ago... heavy rain..." Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, he put down the stack of files in his hand, and said, "Okay, let's go."

"You... can you contact my friend? I miss him." Ge Mu took the initiative to talk to Lin Chen for the first time, referring to his friend who was discharged from the hospital.

Hearing this, Lin Chen shook his head: "I can't get in touch."

...... ........

Ge Mu was a little lost, and walked out of the archives with his head lowered. After Jiang Yaxian went out, Lin Chen stuck a file in the wooden door, so that the wooden door could be tightly closed.

When he came to the stairs going downstairs, Lin Chen said to Jiang Yaxian, "You and Ge Mu go down first, I have something to do."

Jiang Yaxian blinked her beautiful eyes, her long eyelashes were beautiful.

She asked, "Why are you staying here? Are you still going to that archive room?"


Lin Chen shook his head and said again that Jiang Yaxian and Ge Mu could leave.

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