Lin Chen shook his head slightly, and said, "You told me just now that you woke up in the middle of the night and saw a car parked downstairs in the accommodation building. It was a car you had never seen before. Some people were walking by the car."

"Yeah, that car was driven out of the hospital under my superpower." Zhong Xiaoyi nodded.

"You don't remember how long it was that night, did you?"

"Yeah, I don't remember."

"Then do you have any impression of the weather that day?"

"Uh..." Zhong Xiaoyi wanted to shake his head and say he didn't know, but Lin Chen directly threw a brand new pack of cigarettes at him.

After seeing another pack of cigarettes, Zhong Xiaoyi's eyes lit up, he grabbed the pack of cigarettes and thought about it carefully.

While Zhong Xiaoyi was thinking about it, Miao Yunfei, Jiang Yaxian, Zhang Tianan and the three daughters stood aside, curious about what Lin Chen did with this question.

After several minutes, Zhong Xiaoyi opened his eyes wide and said, "Oh, I remember, it seemed to rain that day, and it was quite heavy."

Lin Chen heard the words, smiled slightly, straightened up, turned around, and found Miao Yunfei and three women surrounded by a tree more than ten meters away.

Lin Chen walked over: "what are you doing?"

Miao Yunfei was holding a piece of turf in her hand. She pointed to something next to the root of the tree and said, "Cover this thing so that another patient won't take it to eat 3.3..."

Lin Chen looked in the direction Miao Yunfei's hand pointed, and saw the body of a toad beside the root of that tree.

It was the toad that was crushed by the patient just now, and then the patient who ate raw food wanted to eat it.

After seeing the bloody toad, Lin Chen frowned: "Did you throw the toad here?"

"No." Seeing that Lin Chen's expression was a little strange, Miao Yunfei said, "What Yaxian saw, I wanted to cover it with turf, it's disgusting."

Jiang Yaxian said, "When I came over, I saw the toad's body here."

Lin Chen smiled slightly and said, "I'll go first and come back in the evening. I should be able to solve the case by then."


PS: This is the fourth update today, thank you brothers for your support. .


357 No need to investigate 【Subscription】

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the other side of the playground. That side was not going to the nearest place to the parking lot, but halfway around the mental hospital.

The three girls, Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianan, and Jiang Yaxian, stood on the spot.

After seeing Lin Chen's back disappear from sight, Jiang Yaxian murmured, "I kind of want to follow him to see where he's going."

After Miao Yunfei heard the words, she glanced at Jiang Yaxian and said, "Dead this heart."

"Yeah?" Jiang Yaxian was shocked and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Lin Chen is going to find out things by himself. He didn't say to bring people, he just didn't want to bring people. Even if you run over and beg him now, he won't let you in the car." Miao Yunfei's tone was indifferent.

"Is that so." Jiang Yaxian nodded and said, "Then I won't go up."

After Miao Yunfei retracted her gaze, she snapped and covered the piece of turf in her hand over the toad's corpse that was thrown beside the tree.

After the corpse was bloody and the disgusting-looking toad was covered by the turf, Miao Yunfei clapped her hands and said, "Okay, let's find a place to eat, we don't need to investigate later."

"Uh..." Zhang Tianan heard the words and said subconsciously: 11 "Sister Yunfei, we don't have to do anything next?"

"Of course." Miao Yunfei stretched out her hand and rubbed Qiong's nose, and said, "Lin Chen said that he can solve the case, so what are we still busy with, we will wait for a long time for us to work hard for a while, and the person who thinks it is the murderer turns out not to be, then it is still It's not in vain."

"Yun Fei, your attitude is not good." Jiang Yaxian said with a bit of teasing: "Lin Chen is not a policeman, but you are a policeman. If you don't try to solve the case yourself, you are all relying on Lin Chen?"

"Go go." Miao Yunfei rolled her eyes and said, "What do you know, the person I thought was the murderer was refuted by him, and the person I thought was a suspect was refuted by him, I think I I was able to solve the case, but it was him who solved the case, hey... I have no self-confidence in front of him now."

Hearing Miao Yunfei's words, Zhang Tianan pursed his lips and laughed.

Zhang Tiannan's inner thoughts were similar to Miao Yunfei's. She still remembered that after the corpse dismemberment case at Donglin University, they were asked to solve the case quickly to relieve the pressure on college students and their parents.

At that time, Deputy Bureau Sun asked himself and Simultaneously to find Lin Chen. When we first met, Lin Chen ignored his love, and without saying a word, he let himself go back and come back to him tomorrow.

From the beginning, she had no confidence in Lin Chen and felt that he was not as good as a professional criminal policeman. Now, when Zhang Tianan encounters a difficult case, the first thing she thinks of is Lin Chen.

"Indeed." Jiang Yaxian nodded slightly and said, "I have already understood all the cases that Lin Chen solved. I really don't know how this guy's brain grows."

Zhang Tianan smiled and said, "I used to say the same thing to you a lot."

Zhang Tiannan is now very calm and generous in front of Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian. She has no scruples because of the identities of Jiang Yaxian and Miao Yunfei, because she has Lin Chen behind her, so there is no need for family background. , and feel inferior.

Not long after the three walked out of the playground, Miao Yunfei's cell phone rang.

After taking out her phone and seeing the caller ID, Miao Yunfei was stunned for a moment, and muttered, "Why are you calling me?"

After muttering, Miao Yunfei pressed the answer button and called Dad to the phone.

Jiang Yaxian and Zhang Tianan understood that this was Mayor Miao calling Miao Yunfei.

"How's the case?" Miao Zhengxiong's voice came from the receiver.

Miao Yunfei heard the words and said, "It's still under investigation, Dad, why do you have time to ask this?"

"I'll be there soon, come to the door." Miao Zhengxiong hung up the phone after saying this.

Miao Yunfei put down her phone with a strange expression on her face. Seeing this, Jiang Yaxian asked curiously, "Yunfei, what's wrong with you?"

Miao Yunfei put away her phone and said, "My dad said he would be there soon."

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