
Zhang Tiannan's eyes showed surprise: "Why does Mayor Miao come here? The impact of this case is not very big... He doesn't need to come, right?"

"I don't know." Miao Yunfei shook her head, expressing that she didn't know why her father came here.

Immediately, the three went to the door of Anhe Mental Hospital. After waiting for a few minutes, they saw a black Audi driving slowly from the road outside.

The car did not enter the gate of the mental hospital. After it stopped outside the gate, the car door opened and Miao Zhengxiong got out of the car.

Miao Zhengxiong was wearing a white shirt and brown trousers, his face was meticulous, and he looked a bit official.

"Dad." Miao Yunfei immediately greeted her.

"Uncle Miao." Jiang Yaxian also came over and greeted Miao Zhengxiong with a smile.

"Hello Mayor Miao." Zhang Tianai said respectfully.

Miao Zhengxiong smiled and nodded. After looking at the three of them, he asked, "Where's Lin Chen?"

Hearing this, Miao Yunfei said suspiciously, "Dad, you came here to see Lin Chen, right?"

"Haha." Miao Zhengxiong laughed and said, "I happened to be passing by here, so I came to have a look."

Miao Zhengxiong said that, in fact, the main reason why he will come here is to meet Lin Chen.

In the past, in Miao Zhengxiong's eyes, Lin Chen was a young man with great ability to solve cases and great character. He was calm and sophisticated in his work, and when he saw him, he did not show any respect for himself because of his identity.


After the news about the Ouyang family and the Wan family in Mohai came back, Miao Zhengxiong was still very worried about Lin Chen.

Lin Chen helped Tianhai City solve many cases, and he was also a promising young man. Miao Zhengxiong was very worried that he would suffer irreparable damage under the crush of those big family children.

In front of the big magic sea family, Miao Zhengxiong was also powerless.

But what surprised everyone was that after Wan Ruiqiang from Mohai City came to Tianhai City, he was cleaned up by Lin Chen instead.

The upper class knew what happened at the Haoyu Hotel that day, and everyone was very surprised.

Miao Zhengxiong also realized that the energy behind Lin Chen is astonishing, and that is an existence that even the magic seas don't dare to provoke.

For Lin Chen, Miao Zhengxiong now has a good friend.

He also had a thought, Lin Chen has the ability, strength, and such a strong background, if his only daughter Miao Yunfei can walk with him, it will be very good for Yunfei, and for himself, There will definitely be a lot of help.

"Oh." Miao Yunfei nodded and said, "Lin Chen just left."

"Go?" Miao Zhengxiong was a little surprised.

"Yeah." Miao Yunfei said, "He said he went to find out a little bit about the situation, and when he came back in the evening, he would almost be able to solve the case."


358 There are some difficulties [2 more subscriptions]

"Can you solve the case in the evening?" Miao Zhengxiong's tone was flat. He looked at his daughter: "Is this case in Anhe Mental Hospital not difficult?"


Miao Zhengxiong's words made Miao Yunfei and the others difficult to answer.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Miao Yunfei glanced at the mental hospital behind her and said, "This case... Speaking of which, there are still some difficulties."

"Tell me about it." Miao Zhengxiong had nothing to do, so he asked Miao Yunfei to tell him about the Anhe mental hospital case.

Miao Yunfei began to speak.

After the case, the police first went to the scene of the crime, then went to the back mountain where the head of the deceased was found, and found the heart of the deceased under a tree in the cemetery of the back mountain.

Then began to investigate who might have committed the crime. If the patient committed the crime, if the patient wanted to get out of the dormitory building, he had to go through several doors. Those doors were all locked and could not come out without a key.

The suspicion of patients has become smaller, and the suspicion of hospital staff has become larger, because many hospital staff have the keys to those doors.

After interrogating the hospital's nurses and security staff, their alibi 660 was all right. Nurse Xiao Meng admitted that she once lost a bunch of keys. Taking the key of my colleague, I secretly went outside and got a pair.

Then the police began to search the entire dormitory building. The murderer's tools for committing crimes could not be found in the dormitory building, nor the key that Nurse Xiao Meng had lost.

The case lost its clue. After the dean and the dean's wife arrived, Lin Chen said that there was something wrong with the hospital.

The strange thing that Lin Chen said was that the security guards took too long to report the case. They did not report the case immediately, but went to check the corpse and search for the head of the corpse.

Ordinary security guards, how dare they be so courageous, they are so frightened that they run away when they see the corpse, and they even look for the severed head.

Regarding what Lin Chen noticed, Lin Chen asked not to make a statement, and not to check the alibi of the dean and his wife for the time being.

The current suspects are those who hated the deceased Zhou Ping and those who were beaten by Zhou Ping.

There was also the one who was going to pick up the toad's body and stuff it into his mouth when he was on the playground just now. After being stopped by Miao Yunfei, he opened his mouth and said he wanted to eat Miao Yunfei's heart.

The current suspects, with the exception of the director and his wife, are all mentally ill. If they interrogate mentally ill patients, there is really nothing they can do.

The police are a little helpless and need to spend more time to investigate, but just now, Lin Chen said that he would go out to find out a little about the situation, and he would be able to solve the case when he came back.

After Miao Zhengxiong learned this information, he analyzed it in his heart for a moment, and finally shook his head and said to Miao Yunfei: "Yunfei, Lin Chen helps us solve the case is a love, not a duty, even with his help, you will Don't be lazy, talk to Lin Chen more, communicate and learn from him about his experience in solving cases, you know?"

These days, when Miao Zhengxiong was talking about Lin Chen with his daughter, he always told Miao Yunfei to have a good relationship with Lin Chen, instead of having a tendency to be enemies with Lin Chen like before.

My daughter is not bad, she has everything she wants, and she will not be unworthy of Lin Chen. If the two can walk together, Miao Zhengxiong will be very happy.

"I want to study too."

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