Miao Yunfei pouted and said helplessly, "The problem is that you haven't seen that guy's stinky temper. I want to learn from him, and he won't pay attention to me."

Zhang Tiannan listened to the conversation between Miao Zhengxiong and Miao Yunfei, she didn't say anything, and naturally she didn't hear the meaning of Miao Zhengxiong's words for Miao Yunfei to be close to Lin Chen.

After talking to Miao Yunfei, Jiang Yaxian and the others, Miao Zhengxiong was about to leave.

He had great confidence in Lin Chen, since Lin Chen said that he could solve the case, he would definitely be able to solve the case.

Even now that he learned that Lin Chen has a strong background and is not short of money, Miao Zhengxiong doesn't know how to feel that (bbdf) Xie Linchen helped solve the case.

At this time, on the road in the distance, a few more cars came.

Unlike Miao Zhengxiong's car, his car is a black Audi, which is calm and heavy, not ostentatious.

And the few cars that came were top-level luxury cars with different colors and very cool shapes. On the road, the return rate of such luxury cars was almost [-]%.

Miao Zhengxiong, who was about to leave, stopped when he saw the arrival of these luxury cars, wanting to see who came here.

After the car stopped, several well-dressed long-legged girls walked down from the two luxury cars in front.

These girls are all very beautiful, and the clothes on their bodies have been carefully matched. The girls who are not tall are very tall, and one of them is almost [-] meters tall.

A girl who is [-] meters tall looks very tall.

Coupled with a pair of high-heeled shoes, the height can easily break [-] meters, and the average man will be very stressed when standing next to this kind of girl.

After seeing the person coming, Jiang Yaxian's eyes lit up and she called out, "Bing Rui, why are you here?"

The girl, who is [-] meters tall, is named Qu Bingrui. The family is in the Internet business and runs an Internet game company. The family conditions are very good, and Jiang Yaxian is a good friend.

Qu Bingrui walked towards Jiang Yaxian and was about to speak to Jiang Yaxian when she noticed the black Audi parked beside her and Miao Zhengxiong standing beside the car.

Ordinary citizens have seen the mayor on TV, but if the mayor suddenly appeared in front of you, you might not recognize it.

However, these upper-class rich ladies, how could they not know about the mayor of Tianhai City?

Immediately, several girls from Qu Bingrui greeted Miao Zhengxiong politely and politely, and the younger brothers who got out of the car also walked down and greeted Miao Zhengxiong.

Miao Zhengxiong nodded slightly, he looked at Miao Yunfei, and said, "As much as possible to help Lin Chen solve the case, don't make trouble for him."

Miao Yunfei was a little depressed when she heard this, and she was thinking about solving the case, why did she feel like she was still fighting against Lin Chen when she got to Dad.

"I know, you don't need to remind me." Miao Yunfei said dissatisfiedly.

Miao Zhengxiong immediately got into the car, and the driver turned around and drove away.

These sons and daughters of rich families immediately asked the mayor curiously what happened.

After saying a few words, Jiang Yaxian asked Qu Bingrui how he brought so many people. Qu Bingrui heard the words and told the reason.

When Jiang Yaxian came with Miao Yunfei this morning, she received a call from Qu Bingrui in the car. Qu Bingrui wanted to play with Jiang Yaxian. Jiang Yaxian told her that she was not free and wanted to come to Anhe mental hospital to participate in a case. . .


359 Don't mess around [3 more subscriptions]

On the phone, Jiang Yaxian said that the case took place in Anhe Mental Hospital. Originally, Qu Bingrui had no interest. She was relatively timid, so she didn't dare to go to that terrifying murder scene.

But after hearing that Lin Chen was also involved in the case, Qu Bingrui's mind became active.

In the Haoyu Hotel that day, Lin Chen gave Wan Ruiqiang two slaps in public. Wan Ruiqiang didn't even dare to fart, and in the end he had to help Lin Chen deal with those who don't have long eyes.

This made everyone present know Lin Chen's _ energy.

After Wan Ruiqiang left that day, the wealthy daughters who were present turned their contempt for Lin Chen, became enthusiastic about Lin Chen, took the initiative to chat up, and sent their enthusiasm and contact information.

However, it turned out to be ruthlessly rejected by Lin Chen, Lin Chen walked away with a swirl of his sleeves, making the wealthy daughters who were close to each other extremely embarrassed.

After being ignored by Lin Chen, those nearly daughter-in-law quilts were very angry and resentful towards him in their hearts, but those daughters who stood by and did not step forward would not be like this.

They felt that after watching the joke, there was still a little possibility between themselves and Lin Chen, even if they couldn't become a couple, it would be fine to become ordinary friends.

Therefore, after the phone call with Jiang Yaxian, Qu Bingrui rejected the activities of the good sisters around her, saying that she had something to do.

The good sisters were also curious about what Qu Bingrui was going to do. Under the questioning of the good sisters, Qu Bingrui told the reason. The other rich daughters also learned that after Lin Chen solved the case in the Anhe mental hospital in Anku District, they Just rushed over, and a few of the sons and brothers who heard this also came.

Qu Bingrui didn't say that he came for Lin Chen, but only said that he was curious about the process of Lin Chen's solving the case, so he came to see it.

After Jiang Yaxian heard Qu Bingrui's words, she seemed very helpless.

In terms of appearance, Qu Bingrui is somewhat different from Jiang Yaxian, Miao Yunfei, and Zhang Tianan, but she is the tallest, and with her decent dress, she is quite attractive.

These wealthy daughters and son-in-law buddies have spoken out to greet Miao Yunfei. As for Zhang Tianan, who is beautiful in appearance, they were ignored by them and didn't take it seriously.

Jiang Yaxian looked at Miao Yunfei with embarrassment in her eyes: "Yunfei, they are here... won't they hinder you from handling the case?"

Miao Yunfei shook her head and said softly, "It's okay, just don't mess around."

When Qu Bingrui and the others heard this, smiles appeared on their faces.

A wealthy daughter looked at the mental hospital and muttered, "Why are there so many people inside, what are they doing around there?"

"Families of the deceased, defend their rights there." Zhang Tianai explained.

"Where is Lin Chen, where is he, can this case be solved?" Qu Bingrui asked Jiang Yaxian.

Jiang Yaxian replied, "Lin Chen is not here, he went out to collect evidence. He said he would be back before evening and solve the case by then."

"Wow, in the evening, will you be able to see Mr. Lin solve the case with your own eyes?" Another rich girl in blue said with some anticipation.

"I have seen the process of solving Lin Chen's cases, and I can experience it for myself today. I have some expectations." Qu Bingrui also said.

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