"Captain Xin urged Nurse Zhu to confirm his identity as soon as possible, because he knew how long organs could be transplanted after a person died, and he didn't want to waste Zhou Ping's useful organs."

"Captain Xin, what I said, right?"

The last sentence, Lin Chen said while looking at Captain Xin.

The expression on Captain Xin's face was a little stiff. He glanced at Dean Yu Gaofeng subconsciously. After one glance, Captain Xin withdrew his gaze and said, "No... nothing..."

"Really fake, is this mental hospital really selling human organs?"

"I haven't heard of this kind of thing, but what the policeman said is very well-founded. Look at the faces of the dean and his wife, as well as those security guards and nurses."

"God damn it, if this dean really did this kind of killing, he would definitely shoot them."

"Can a hospital do such a wicked thing?"

The people in the deceased Zhou Ping's village pointed to the dean on the steps and they started talking. This time, they were talking loudly, and there was a lot of clamor at the scene. wait-and-see attitude.

After President Yu Gaofeng heard the discussions in the audience, he was a little anxious, pointed at Lin Chen's nose, and shouted, "Officer, why are you slandering us like this?"

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

"Forgot to reiterate, I'm not a policeman, just an ordinary citizen." Lin Chen said to Yu Gaofeng.

Yu Gaofeng was stunned for a moment, and then shouted loudly: "So you are not a policeman. You said so much here, just to slander our Anhe mental hospital, right? You must have been sent by another mental hospital for money. Bar?"

"That's right, you're talking nonsense here, do you really think we can't sue you?" The dean's wife also walked over a few steps and said to Lin Chen with gritted teeth.

Facing the fierce words of the couple, Lin Chen always had a smile on his face.

Miao Yunfei said at this time: "President, please be more respectful. Although Mr. Lin is not a policeman, he is a criminal analysis expert specially invited by our police. The inferences he said can represent our police's views and remarks. ."



After hearing Miao Yunfei's words, the dean and his wife immediately could not attack Lin Chen because Lin Chen was not a police officer.

Under the stage, a wealthy daughter looked away from Lin Chen, she looked at Jiang Yaxian, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Yaxian, Mr. Lin's reasoning seems to be well-founded and reasonable, but if the hospital's If the staff member was bitten to death and said nothing, there is no way to convict him?"

"Yeah." Qu Bingrui also looked back at Lin Chen, and whispered, "Look at the dean's couple and the security guards, they won't admit it if they die."

"If they really did this kind of deeds and tortured them, they would definitely be able to find out." The old man who called Zhang Tianan to buy cigarettes and wanted to give Zhang Tianan a tip said.

After Jiang Yaxian heard the words of these people, she shook her head slightly and said nothing.

At this time, some of the villagers under the stage stretched out their hands and pointed at Lin Chen.

They did this because after Lin Chen said that he was not a policeman, some villagers who looked familiar to Lin Chen recognized Lin Chen.

The rainy night serial murder case that Lin Chen solved was broadcast on the city TV station in Tianhai City a few days ago. Some of the villagers here have seen the news, and some of them remembered that Lin Chen was the criminal analysis expert on the TV. . .


364 Shameful deeds [3 more for subscription]

"This young and handsome guy, I remember him. I saw him in the last news."

"I also remembered that he solved the rainy night serial murder case in Qiulin County. He seems to be Lin Hechen."

"There were two murderers in the rainy night serial murder case, and they were still imitating the crime. I remember this news very clearly. I don't remember very clearly the young man who solved the case. Now I remember it, it's the one on stage..."

The villagers who recognized Lin Chen started talking, and the villagers who still didn't remember or knew Lin Chen asked those people.

"It seems that many people know Lin Chen now." Qu Bingrui chuckled.

"So many cases have been solved, and many people in Tianhai City know him." Jiang Yaxian fiddled with her hair, her beautiful eyes stared at Lin Chen, hoping that Lin Chen would come up with definite evidence to prove that An He's spirit "June [-]st" "Seven" hospitals are reselling human organs.

The dean and the others on the stage, after hearing the people below talking about Lin Chen's solving the case, the dean glanced at his wife and Captain Xin, his face ashen.

They still didn't recognize Lin Chen, because although they had heard and read the report on the rainy night serial murder case, they didn't pay attention to watching Lin Chen on TV.

"Okay, be quiet, be quiet!"

Seeing that the villagers under the stage were talking louder and louder, Zhang Tianan immediately stopped a sentence.

The words of the police were very helpful to these villagers. After Zhang Tianan finished speaking, the scene soon became quiet.

After calming down, Zhang Tianan looked at Lin Chen.

"President." Lin Chen looked at Yu Gaofeng and said, "I have to apologize to you."

Lin Chen's words were beyond the expectations of the people present, as well as Yu Gaofeng and his wife.

Lin Chen wants to apologize to the dean?Is it true that Lin Chen slandered Anhe mental hospital for selling human organs, as the dean said?

This thought flashed in everyone's mind.

The dean and others' faces improved a little. He glanced at Lin Chen up and down and said, "You admit that you slandered our hospital? How could our hospital be selling human organs."

Under the suspicious eyes of everyone, Lin Chen shook his head slightly at the dean, and said, "No, it's not that I'm sorry for slandering your hospital."

"But at noon, you told them here that the hospital would be responsible for Zhou Ping's death. I went to your office without you knowing."

"My office?" the dean asked, "what are you doing in my office?"

"I wanted to go to your office to find evidence of your trafficking in human organs, but I couldn't find it. After seeing that your computer was locked, it took me half a minute to unlock your computer and put it in your computer's hard drive. , I found a hidden archive."

"I also unlocked the password of the compressed package. The 15-digit English numeric password is still difficult to unlock. It took me a while."


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