After the dean heard Lin Chen's words, he widened his eyes and was about to go crazy: "You steal my computer? You are violating my privacy."

After finishing speaking, the dean pulled up the arm of a policeman next to him and said, "Officer...he violated my privacy, he violated my privacy, arrest him..."

The dean was completely flustered, completely lost the previous demeanor.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the director's problem is coming. Could it be that the compressed package found by Lin Chen can prove that the Anhe mental hospital is selling human organs and tissues?

"What are you doing so nervously? Are you guilty of being a thief?" Lin Chen said with a smile.

"I'm not nervous, I'm angry, why did you touch my computer without my consent?" Dean Yu Gaofeng gritted his teeth at Lin Chen.

"In order to prove that your hospital is secretly doing unseen deeds."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he walked towards the computer connected to the projector.

Coming to the computer, Lin Chen took out a USB flash drive and inserted the USB flash drive into the computer.

"You..." The dean angrily wanted to go up and snatch Lin Chen's USB flash drive, but just two steps away, the police stopped him.

"Please don't interfere with our police handling the case." The policeman scolded in a stern tone.

When the dean saw this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his eyes were fixed on the USB flash drive plugged into the computer.

If someone touches his mouth at this moment, he can feel the dean's heart beating twice as fast as usual.

The USB flash drive was inserted into the computer, Lin Chen clicked the mouse twice, and a folder immediately popped up. .

There are many things in the folder, many of which are photos and videos.

'Da da……'

Lin Chen's mouse clicked twice, and the projector immediately put a photo on the huge white cloth.

After seeing this photo that was posted, the eyes of everyone present were a little straight.

There are two people in the photo, a man and a woman. The woman's upper body is exposed and she is no longer wearing clothes. The man is standing behind the woman, holding the camera in his left hand to take pictures, while the right hand covers the private part of the woman's upper body. Living.

In the photo, both of them have expressions of enjoyment on their faces. The shooting location is in the director's office. There is a man and a woman. The man is President Yu Gaofeng, and the woman is the head nurse of the hospital.

"Isn't that the female head nurse? Damn it, she's in good shape?"

"What a good figure, tsk tsk, sure enough, there are unspoken rules everywhere. This female head nurse and the dean put a big green hat on her husband."

"This dean is quite trendy. I took a selfie."

Those villagers commented on this photo, which was a little exciting, but not a dew point.

The old woman's head nurse's face turned the color of pig's liver, her eyes could not move left and right, and she could not wait to find a seam to get in.

The dean's face was even more ugly, and the dean's wife rushed towards him, slapped the dean in the face, and scolded: "Yu Gaofeng, you bastard, you are actually carrying a woman out on your back? 4.1 The number of times I said how to pay public food has decreased, it turns out that you bastard and the head nurse that bitch.

The dean's wife slapped Yu Gaofeng's face with slap after slap. After Yu Gaofeng was slapped a few times, he yelled "Fuck you. Mom.", and slapped his wife in the face with a fist. , knocked it to the ground.

Yu Gaofeng's slap was not light, and his wife was sitting on the ground crying.

A layer of sweat dripped from the dean's forehead, and his mouth was rising and falling violently. It could be seen that at this moment, he was very flustered and completely confused.

Lin Chen turned his head to look at the dean, and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, the hand shaking was wrong. Fortunately, I didn't click on the more revealing ones and those few videos."


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Hearing Lin Chen's words, Dean Yu Gaofeng's eyelids twitched.

Zhang Tiannan glanced at Lin Chen speechlessly. She understood that this guy Lin Chen must have done it on purpose. It is estimated that Lin Chen had seen all the dirty photos and videos of the dean and the head nurse.

Under the gaze of everyone, another hidden folder in Lin Chen's folder was found by Lin Chen, and inside this folder was another encrypted compressed package.

After Lin Chen tapped a series of numbers on the keyboard, the compressed package was opened, and some photos and a document ledger appeared in it.

This document ledger was created a few years ago and records every transaction in it.

The first transaction account was more than three years ago, a mental patient named Xiao Wei, who was a wandering mental patient, was taken to Anhe mental hospital for treatment.

He is in good health, and the price that the organ-trafficking organization offered him for his entire body is a very generous amount.

In this ledger, the amount of money for the cornea, the money for a kidney, the money for the liver, and the money for the heart are recorded.

And after each patient transaction is completed, how much benefit fee is given to the hospital employees, after deducting all benefit fees and other expenses, the remaining 11 is the pure profit belonging to the dean.

The amount of the benefit fee is not small, and each benefit paid to these security guards and nurses is enough to pay for two months of hard work for others.

The specific employees who can get the benefit fee are not written in this document, but this point can be known with a little interrogation.

When everyone saw the words and prices marked on the document ledger, they had a shocking feeling that the mental hospital could definitely make a lot of money by selling organs.

And the people who were killed were lonely mental patients. They disappeared from this world, and no one would know about them, and no one would care about them.

Lin Chen pointed at the document ledger and said, "Isn't there a point of doubt before? I said that a murder case like Zhou Ping happened in the hospital, why didn't the hospital call the police?"

"Everyone, look at the account book...these two records of organ trafficking, the two records of organ trafficking, one was nine months ago, the other was more than a year ago, in the list of organs sold in these two accounts , There is no heart, why? Because the murderer has a habit of digging out the heart after killing the murderer, and the heart of the corpse has stopped beating and cannot be transplanted."

"As you can see, the price of corneas and kidneys in these two records is much lower than the price of other organ trafficking. Why? Because this is the organ of the deceased, the person is already dead, and it is not fresh. The organ trafficking organization People naturally want to lower the price, and will not give high prices for living organs."

"These two people, like Zhou Ping, were both killed by the same murderer. The first homicide occurred more than a year ago, when the hospital found the corpse with its head cut off and the heart taken away. , they should have been scared and panicked at the time."

"Such a cruel method of killing, cutting off the head, dissecting the entire xiong's chest, and taking away the heart, anyone who sees it will feel scared."

"After the fear, they confirmed the identity of the deceased, who was a helpless patient. They must have had the idea of ​​calling the police, but since the person is already dead and the deceased has no family, if the police are reported, the incident will be reported. Going out, the reputation of the hospital will definitely become worse, and if some patients' family members know about it, they may even pick up the patient."

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