"Bang bang bang..."

These villagers surrounded Yu Gaofeng for less than half a minute. Yu Gaofeng, who had hair in gel water and was dressed straight, was beaten like a pig's head.

Yu Gaofeng was screaming, telling the villagers to stop beating, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

Seeing that begging for mercy was useless, Yu Gaofeng had no choice but to call the police over to save his life.

The wicked Yu Gaofeng, the police also felt that this kind of person deserved, so some police officers who were going to come up to dissuade them deliberately slowed down their pace. stop fighting.

The villagers helped the police catch the escaped prisoner, and Yu Gaofeng's meal was nothing.

The scarred Yu Gaofeng was quickly brought back by the police and the villagers.

This little episode made Lin Chen stop talking about who the murderer was.

"This bastard can't run." An uncle peasant who participated in the beating of Yu Gaofeng clapped his hands, and then said to Lin Chen, "Tell me who the murderer is, don't be interrupted by this bastard."

As soon as the uncle's words came out, others also spoke up.

Lin Chen nodded slightly, his eyes swept over the nurses in the mental hospital, and said, "The person who created three murders, cut off the deceased's head three times, and poached the deceased's heart is a patient named Fan Guoxing. ."

"Fan Guoxing? Where is Fan Guoxing?"

"Which mental patient is Fan Guoxing here?"

"Mental homicide, don't you have to bear legal responsibility?"

Everyone was talking, and the nurses opened their eyes in disbelief.

Nurse Xiao Meng stepped forward a few steps. Her voice was a little excited, and she said, "Mr. Lin... What did you say, who is the murderer?"

"Fan Guoxing!" Lin Chen said lightly.

"Impossible, how could it be Fan Guoxing?" Nurse Xiao Meng blurted out, her tone full of disbelief.

Nurse Zhu walked up to Nurse Xiao Meng and said, "Yes, Mr. Lin, Fan Guoxing cannot be the murderer, really..."

All the nurses present, including Nurse Xiaomeng and Nurse Zhu, are no longer under any pressure. The other nurses are all involved in organ trafficking and will be taken away by the police soon.

"...Fan Guoxing? Is that the mental patient who would help nurses take care of other patients?" Zhang Tianan remembered the appearance of Fan Guoxing.

The first time I saw Fan Guoxing, after interrogating the nurses, Fan Guoxing was holding a plate with several bowls in it. He helped Nurse Meng feed several patients, and asked coquettishly Nurse Meng asked for a candy to eat.

"It's him." After Lin Chen nodded to Zhang Tiannan, he looked at Xiaomeng and Nurse Zhu, and said, "Tell me, why do you think he can't be the murderer."

"Fan Guoxing is the patient I am in charge of. This patient has some problems with his IQ. Sometimes he is like a child, and sometimes he is a little normal. He is the most obedient and obedient patient I have ever seen."

Nurse Xiao Meng's tone was a little excited: "I have been here for seven months, and I have been with him for seven months. During these seven months, he has really helped me a lot."

"He will help me take care of the patients, feed and take medicine for the patients, and also clean up and make them very clean. What we did in front of him, he learned to do it quickly after watching it a few times."

"Some patients were sick and made a lot of trouble, and the security guards didn't come over for the time being. Fan Guoxing would help us control the patient together. Once a patient was sick and wanted to beat me, but he blocked it for me, and then hugged the patient to protect me. of."

Nurse Xiao Meng already had some feelings for the obedient Fan Guoxing. To be precise, it was a friendship.

Nurse Zhu also said: "Xiao Meng is right, Fan Guoxing will not be the murderer. Besides, he and Zhou Ping have no grudges."

"Lin Chen, why do you suspect Fan Guoxing?" Miao Yunfei asked, she also had an impression of Fan Guoxing, but she never thought that he would be the murderer Lin Chen suspected.

"Because of a detail." Lin Chen said lightly, "Remember that playground before?".


367 What is the motive for the murder [2 more subscription]

Everyone was looking forward to Lin Chen's answer, wondering what was the reason to be sure that the murderer was Fan Guoxing.

For Fan Guoxing, many people present were unfamiliar and had never met, but the hospital nurses, Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianni, Jiang Yaxian and the others were no strangers to Fan Guoxing.

After Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan heard what happened on the playground from Lin Chen, the two women recalled for a while, looked at each other again, and asked Lin Chen: "The incident on the playground happened today, of course I remember it. ,Do you mean?"

"I guessed that there might be organ trafficking in this hospital, so when I heard Jiang Yaxian say that Ge Mu gave her a stool and that his friend was gone, I asked Jiang Yaxian to find Ge Mulai."

Lin Chen said, "We first went to the dormitory building, looked around for a long time, and then went to the playground. On the playground, there was a group of mentally ill people surrounded by the grass, do you remember?"

After hearing this, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai nodded almost at the same time.

"Remember, there was a toad with injured legs on that piece of grass. The toad was covered with ants. The ants were about to kill the toad. The patients were surrounded by them. It was very interesting to see." Miao Yun Fei talked about that seemingly trivial thing.

627 "I came later. At that time, the toad had been trampled to death. A patient who liked raw food grabbed the toad to eat, but was stopped by Sister Yunfei, and he wanted to attack Sister Yunfei. What?" Zhang Tianyi said.

Jiang Yaxian, who was in the audience, also said, "I was right next to you at the time, and I saw it all. Why, Lin Chen, the patients were watching the injured toad, making you think of the key to solving the case?"

Many people present didn't know what happened on the playground before. After the three girls said this, Miao Yunfei briefly told everyone about it, and everyone knew what happened at that time.

Lin Chen stepped away from the projector and said, "At the beginning of this case, there were three suspect groups, the first was the patients, the second was the medical staff, and the third was the murderer from outside."

"Because the key is needed to go down from the accommodation building, the key suspects are the staff of this group of hospitals, but after the investigation, it was found that there was no problem with the alibi of all the staff, and the suspicion of the medical staff was ruled out."

"The walls of the Anhe Mental Hospital are relatively high, and there are barbed wire fences on the walls. If outsiders want to come in from the outside and run into the accommodation building to kill people, the first wall is an obstacle, and then the door lock of the accommodation building, so outsiders The crime can also be ruled out.”

"Excluding these two, the rest are the patients in the hospital. The patients in the hospital have become my main suspects."

Lin Chen glanced at the crowd below and glanced around, but did not see that Fan Guoxing.

"If it was a mental patient who committed the crime, I had several possibilities in my mind at the time. The first one was that a normal person in the hospital pretended to be a patient and committed the crime. I don't know if there were any clues to the murderer at the scene of the first two murders. , the body has been disposed of by the hospital, but for Zhou Ping's death early this morning, the murderer did a perfect job, leaving no clues."

"It is very difficult for a mental patient to be so impeccable."

"The second possibility is that the murderer is indeed a mental patient. The mental patient's way of thinking is different from that of ordinary people. Their thoughts are all kinds of strange, and the words they say don't make sense, which makes people confused."

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