"I'm thinking, if the murderer is a real mental patient, why did he kill so many people, and what was his motive?"

"Normal people's motives for killing are either conflicts of interest, emotional entanglements, or some other reasons that we can think of, but the motives of mentally ill people may be unimaginable for ordinary people."

After Nurse Zhu heard Lin Chen's words, she nodded slightly: "The way of thinking of mental patients is indeed very different from ordinary people (bbee). I have been here for almost five months. The patients I take care of every day sometimes behave in ways that are beyond my imagination.”

Lin Chen glanced at Nurse Zhu and continued his train of thought: "When I was thinking about the motive of the mentally ill murderer and how incredible it was, when I, Officer Miao, and Jiang Yaxian went to the playground, they saw To a group of patients crouching on the ground to watch a wounded toad being bitten by a swarm of ants."

"That toad has injured both legs and is covered with ants. It is very painful, but it can't run. It is dying, waiting for those ants to bite it to death."

"While the patients were watching with gusto, other patients around heard the movement and rushed over, and Fan Guoxing was among the group of people."

"Officer Miao, Jiang Yaxian, what did Fan Guoxing do when he saw the injured toad that was about to die?" Lin Chen asked Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian.

The two girls were quite impressed by this incident, Miao Yunfei blurted out: "Fan Guoxing watched the toad for a while, then he raised his foot and trampled the toad to death, stepping on it continuously. With two feet, the toad was trampled to death by him."

"His behavior caused dissatisfaction among other mentally ill people, who felt that he stepped on the toad and destroyed their toys."

"Yes, Fan Guoxing did act like this at that time."

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slightly: "But at that time, you should have heard what he said when he lifted his foot to step on that toad?"

"This..." Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian both fell into thought.

Zhang Tian'an's eyes swept across the faces of the two of them. She was not there during that process. Zhang Tian'an arrived when the patient who was eating raw food attacked Miao Yunfei.

"Oh." Jiang Yaxian's tone was suddenly too high, and her beautiful eyes widened slightly: "I remember, when Fan Guoxing stepped on the toad and said, 'I'll help you, I'll help you.'"


Miao Yunfei also nodded sharply: "I also remember that Fan Guoxing said two words at that time, and I will help you."

"Is that so?" Zhang Tian'an asked Lin Chen.

Lin Chen nodded: "Yes, what Fan Guoxing said at the time was that I would help you, and I would help you."

"When I saw this scene at the time, I pondered, because I noticed that when Fan Guoxing walked over to see the toad, his expression was very serious, his eyes were very complicated, and it could be said that he couldn't bear to see the toad. Suffering the pain of being bitten by dense ants."


368 Nurse Xiaomeng's Key

"I'll help you, I'll help you..."

"This is Fan Guoxing's mentality to help the toad~toad who is besieged by ants and has fallen into a desperate situation."

Lin Chen said: "He directly stepped on the toad, and in a sense, he really helped it, because the toad is suffering from being bitten, it is better to be trampled to death than to be bitten to death. It, give it a pain-quick."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, everyone present lowered their eyes and thought.

Lin Chen continued: "After Fan Guoxing trampled that toad to death, I saw that he was relieved, and there was a look of reassurance on his face."

"Other mentally ill people are watching the toad around, why did he step on the toad to death and still feel relieved?"

"My guess is that Fan Guoxing has a mentality. When he sees other people suffering unspeakable pain, he feels very uncomfortable, and he really wants to help that person and help him relieve that pain."

Zhang Tianai frowned and his lips lightly parted: "Uh...Lin Chen, you mean that Fan Guoxing is the murderer because...the patients were suffering, and Fan Guoxing killed them if he wanted to help them. ?"

Zhang Tiannan's words sounded incredible, but that was exactly what Lin Chen deduced.

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded and said, "The mental hospital seems to be a place to treat mental patients, but how many mental patients think this is a nightmare?"

"In an unscrupulous mental hospital, the patient is not obedient, so he is beaten directly. After the beating is not honest, he will be given tranquilizers or electric shocks. If you are obedient, I will give you some rough food to eat. When you are too hungry to have the strength, you will be obedient or not."

"Some people who are not seriously mentally ill are sent to the mental hospital. He doesn't want to stay in this ghost place, he wants to leave, he wants to go out, but the hospital staff will not let him get his wish and give the patients all kinds of spiritual food. Drugs, beat him, electrocute him, and tell him to stay in a mental hospital."

"When your family members come to see you, the staff will ask you what to say. If you violate their requirements and tell your family that you want to leave here, the nurses are not good to you. The family listens to your words and has After taking your thoughts away, the doctor and nurse said to your family members that you have recovered well recently, and that you will need to receive treatment for a while, and use various methods to keep you. When your family members leave, the mental hospital will let you taste it. Talk nonsense and say that the consequences of the hospital are not good."

"The deceased Zhou Ping suffered from severe mania. It is conceivable what kind of treatment he would have suffered when he fell ill in this hospital. It is very painful for Zhou Ping to live here. He wants to leave this hospital. The hospital in the cage, but he can't get out, the security has a stun baton, and the nurse has a tranquilizer."

"He was suffering here, and he begged his family to take him back, but the family followed the doctor's orders."

"And Fan Guoxing, he sensed Zhou Ping's pain, so he walked up to the desperate Zhou Ping and said to him: 'Don't be sad, I'll help you.'"

When Lin Chen was about to continue speaking, two police officers suddenly ran in a hurry in the distance. The two police officers came in a hurry. After everyone heard the footsteps, they all looked over there.

The two officers, one of them using a metal detector, were clutching a bunch of keys in his gloved hands.

He ran to the front and back, reached out and shook the key in his hand, and said to Zhang Tian, ​​"Team Zhang, I found this set of keys when I was exploring the canal next to the accommodation building."

Zhang Tianai immediately strode over. The key in the policeman's hand was still stained with water, and the surface of the key was covered with rust. It seemed that it had been soaked in water for a long time.

After looking at the set of keys, Zhang Tian'an hurriedly asked Nurse Xiao Meng: "Nurse Xiao Meng, come and see if this set of keys is the one you lost."

When Nurse Xiao Meng heard the words, she trotted and walked over immediately. After looking carefully at the key, she said in surprise, "Yes, yes, yes, this is the key I lost, a few months ago. I lost it before, and I searched for it for a long time."

This bunch of keys is definitely the one that Nurse Xiao Meng lost.

With the discovery of this bunch of keys, a new problem also came.

"Lin Chen." Zhang Tianan walked back, and she said to Lin Chen, "You said Fan Guoxing was the murderer. We thought just now that Nurse Meng's lost key was in Fan Guoxing's hands, but... that key The key is found now, and I can see the rust on it, it must have been in the water for a long time and not moved."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Another detective also finished observing the bunch of keys, and he said, "Well, the rust on the key has not been scratched, that is to say, no one has ever used this key to open the lock."

"Without the key, how did Fan Guoxing open the door?" Qu Bingrui under the steps asked.

Lin Chen said: "After I speculated about Fan Guoxing's psychology and possible motive for the murder, I found Fan Guoxing's files in the archives room on the third floor of the hospital's general building."

"I went back to the playground and asked Zhong Xiaoyi a question. Then Jiang Yaxian saw the toad's body, and I don't know who had thrown it under a tree. Officer Miao grabbed the grass and wanted to cover the toad's body."

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