"After that, I drove out. The trip I went out was to go to Fan Guoxing's house according to the home address recorded on the file."


When Lin Chen said this, he walked over to the computer connected to the projector, took out his mobile phone, and connected the mobile phone to the computer with a data cable.

Open the folder in the phone, there are some photo and video files.

Lin Chen clicked on one of the video files and said, "This video is an interview with Fan Guoxing's relatives after I went to the village where Fan Guoxing is located. The camera is a little shaken, everyone should listen carefully to the sound."

When Lin Chen's voice fell, the opened video file had already started playing.

The filming location of the video is in a rural area. In the shot is a couple in their fifties and sixties. They are Fan Guoxing's uncle and aunt.

The two of them told Lin Chen about Fan Guoxing.

Fan Guoxing's father, he had a bad temper since he was a child.

Fan Guoxing's father likes to drink. After drinking, he likes to beat his wife. At first, he just slapped and kicked both feet. Later, he pressed Fan Guoxing's mother to the ground and beat him. Once, he almost killed someone.

Fan Guoxing's father domestically abused him. When his mother, he watched from the side and cried out in fright. He also went to help his mother and begged her to stop beating her, but his plea was useless, only his father was exchanged slap.

After suffering domestic violence, Fan Guoxing's mother finally couldn't bear it and ran away from home alone. .


369 Fan Guoxing's Living Environment [4 More Subscriptions]

Domestic violence has a great impact on children. Coupled with the fact that his mother ran away from home, it was an unbearable blow for Fan Guoxing as a child.

After Fan Guoxing's mother left, Fan Guoxing's father was very annoyed and went everywhere to look for his mother, but after searching for many days, he could not find her.

Fan Guoxing's father knew that his wife would not come back. He felt very uncomfortable. He sat at home drinking every day, and he stopped doing a craft he had mastered.

He used to beat his wife after drinking, but now his wife ran away. After he finished drinking, he beat Fan Guoxing.

People in the village can often hear Fan Guoxing's cries and screams from his house. Fan Guoxing also has some relatives. After Fan Guoxing was beaten at first, relatives who could not see him would come to the door to persuade him. , Let Fan Guoxing's father stop beating, the child is still young, don't kill "May [-]".

The relatives were kind, but Fan Guoxing's father didn't appreciate it at all. Once a relative went to persuade him, he even got into a fight with a relative, and the beating was bloody.

In the eyes of the villagers, Fan Guoxing's father is simply a lunatic. Fan Guoxing is really unlucky to live by his side.

After that incident, gradually, no one took care of Fan Guoxing. Fan Guoxing was often beaten, and he also had to do family affairs.

After getting over the sadness of his wife running away from home, Fan Guoxing's father takes his son to work in the town every day. Fan Guoxing's father is a locksmith and has a skill in opening locks. Every time he goes to unlock people, Fan Guoxing is with him. By his side, help him pass tools and strike.

At that time, Fan Guoxing was a very well-behaved child. He was afraid of being beaten by his father, so he could only satisfy his father as much as possible.

After returning from town every day, Fan Guoxing likes to be alone, sitting under a peach tree next to the house.

That peach tree was a fruit seedling transplanted by Fan Guoxing's mother from someone else's house. On that day, the mother and son brought this fruit seedling back home.

Fan Guoxing's mother dug a hole in the ground with a hoe and planted peach saplings in the hole. She touched Fan Guoxing's head and said to him, "Guoxing, this is the peach tree you planted with your mother, wait for the peaches. When the tree grows, we have peaches to eat in our house."

Fan Guoxing was very happy. He looked at his mother and then at the peach sapling that was planted, with a smile on his face.

This scene was seen by Fan Guoxing's aunt. At that time, Fan Guoxing's mother often suffered domestic violence.

After his mother ran away from home, Fan Guoxing had to go to the peach tree to urinate the first time he woke up every morning, because his mother told him that fertilizing the peach tree would make it grow faster.

When Fan Guoxing missed his mother, he sat alone under the peach tree, looking in the direction of the village entrance.

He was looking forward to seeing his mother coming back from outside the village, and he was looking forward to seeing the peach tree that his mother and him planted grow up quickly, so that he could eat fragrant and sweet peaches.

Once Fan Guoxing's father was drunk and beat him to the point of being bruised all over. Fan Guoxing dragged his aching body and staggered to the peach tree.

He hugged the peach tree and cried, he was very sad, and the wound on his body was very painful. After being beaten by his father, he wished his mother would hug him. He missed the feeling of being taken care of by his mother and hiding in his mother's arms.

But his mother will not come back. When he is uncomfortable, he can only hold the peach tree planted by his mother and tell the grievances in his heart to the peach tree.

Fan Guoxing's father wanted to drink alcohol, and he had no money for him to study. In his ideology, reading was nothing, and only after learning a craft could he eat.

Fan Guoxing dropped out of school. His education level was very low. He followed his father to unlock locks for others every day.

After suffering a serious domestic violence, Fan Guoxing's brain, which had some problems, began to become more insane.

At that time, he was a little nervous and smirked at the air.

His father found out that he was wrong, but his father didn't want to take him to check, but felt that his son was pretending and beat his son more violently.

One year, Fan Guoxing's father owed a lot of money because of gambling. He was thinking about how to make money, so he thought of his own craft.

If you can open the lock yourself, why not steal something from someone else's house?

Fan Guoxing's father is very skilled at unlocking. After he succeeded a few times, he did it even more vigorously.

That time, Fan Guoxing's father went to pry at the door of someone else's house. After being caught, his father ran away frantically. The owner of the house chased after him. As a result, he accidentally fell and fell to his death. . .

At that time, Fan Guoxing was downstairs looking out for his father. After seeing his father's head hit a stone and his head was covered in blood, Fan Guoxing didn't cry. He clapped his hands and laughed.

He has gone mad. He has no feelings for this father who has beaten him for a long time. He knows that when this person dies, no one will beat him in the future.

Since then, Fan Guoxing has become a madman who wanders everywhere. When he is hungry, he goes to the trash can to pick up something to eat, and when he drinks, he goes to drink some water.

Those relatives couldn't see it, so they took Fan Guoxing back to the village. Fan Guoxing was very good and would help relatives, but he was a fool.

In the spring, he helps relatives to plant rice and do farm work.

In summer, he ran to a spring in the deep mountains with a hot water bottle, and poured cold spring water for his relatives to drink.

In autumn, he helps relatives to harvest and dry the rice.

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