In winter, he goes to the mountains to collect firewood, and when the temperature is very low, he cleans and washes clothes for relatives.

After every day's work, Fan Guoxing sat and played under the peach tree that his mother planted.

The relatives couldn't bear it, they felt that Fan Guoxing was really good and pitiful, and he couldn't go on like this for the rest of his life. 4.6

So the relatives got together and counted, and finally decided to put together a sum of money to send Fan Guoxing to the mental hospital for treatment, hoping that the Anhe mental hospital could cure him.

Most of these things were narrated by Fan Guoxing's uncle and aunt. After everyone knew about Fan Guoxing's previous experience, Lin Chen suspended the video.

Lin Chen looked at the crowd, and said, "Fan Guoxing has lived in an environment of domestic violence since he was a child. He saw his mother being beaten, and he was beaten. He was beaten by his father. I don't know how many times."

"At that time, he was tortured by his father's domestic violence, and he was powerless to resist. He might have wanted to die, but he didn't have the courage to face death. He hoped that someone would appear and help him and save him from leaving. His father's claws."


PS: This is the fourth update today, and there is a fifth update. .


370 Very good at learning [5 more for subscription]

"Fan Guoxing is a person who has lived in a desperate environment for a long time and has suffered many blows. After he came to the mental hospital, most of his side were mentally ill."

"He is as good as he was in the village. He helps the nurses with their work, watching how the nurses give medicines to patients and give them injections. When nurses take care of patients, they always wear gloves on their hands. relatively clean."

Lin Chen continued: "Fan Guoxing is very good at learning. He learned to unlock locks from his father, learned farming from relatives, and learned to take care of patients from nurses."

"In the hospital, he saw patients who looked miserable and were reluctant to stay in the hospital."

"Fan Guoxing wanted to help them. He grew up in a desperate environment. At that time, he hoped that someone would save him. Now, when he sees those desperate people, he understands their thoughts and wants to save them. "

"So, more than a year ago, Fan Guoxing killed the first deceased and killed the second deceased nine months ago. According to the reactions of the deceased Zhou Ping's family and nurses, he really wanted to leave the 11 hospital. ."

"Every time Fan Guoxing makes a move, he observes the other party for a long time. Let me speculate on the situation at that time. Yesterday or at some point, Fan Guoxing walked up to Zhou Ping, who was desperate and could not escape from here, and said to him: 'I can help you escape. "Get out of here', Zhou Ping should be looking forward to it after listening to it."

"The two agreed on a time. In the early hours of the morning, Fan Guoxing took Zhou Ping. He opened the door of the dormitory building with iron wire and took Zhou Ping to the back of the dormitory building."

"Zhou Ping found out that Fan Guoxing could unlock the lock. He was very excited. He felt that Fan Guoxing didn't lie to him. He could really take him out of the mental hospital."

"It's just that he didn't expect that the 'help him' and 'leave' in Fan Guoxing's thoughts were not really leaving, but ending his life so that he wouldn't have to suffer here."

"Fan Guoxing stabbed Zhou Ping in his heart when he was not paying attention, and ended his life. From now on, Zhou Ping doesn't have to be looked at by the outside world, he doesn't have to see the sad faces of his parents, he doesn't have to be tortured by medical staff, and he doesn't have to be imprisoned in In this mental hospital."

"Fan Guoxing helps nurses every day. He learned from nurses to wear gloves and be meticulous, so no fingerprints or clues were left on the scene."

The scene was very quiet, only Lin Chen's voice reverberated. After hearing this, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

Fan Guoxing killed people to help them escape despair?

When he was beaten by domestic violence, he thought that someone would save him or end his life, so he did this to others?

'Da da……'

Lin Chen cast a picture from the projector, which was the scene of the death of the deceased Zhou Ping.

He lost his head, and his neck was in the direction of a small tree. Not long after the small tree was planted, the soil around the roots of the tree was lower than the one next to him.

Zhou Ping's neck was facing the root of the tree, and blood was sprayed on the root of the small tree.

"This is where the deceased Zhou Ping died. A lot of blood on his body flowed onto this small tree. At that time, I was thinking, is there any purpose for the murderer to do this?"

"I thought of a possibility, that is the continuation of life. After Fan Guoxing killed Zhou Ping, he hoped that his life could continue on that tree, so he used his blood to water the small tree, and he took Zhou Ping's head and heart. Take it to the cemetery in the back mountain."

"The heart is buried under a tree, and the head is on the branch of a tree. Let's take a look at the second photo."

Lin Chen clicked the mouse again, and a photo of the Houshan cemetery appeared on the white cloth. The location of the deceased's head and the location of the heart can be seen.

"The head on the tree branch, his eyes are looking at the tree with the heart buried on the ground, Fan Guoxing did this to make Zhou Ping watch Zhou Ping's own heart buried in the ground, maybe he wanted Zhou Ping Peace of mind."

After the voice fell, Lin Chen opened the second video, this video was Lin Chen asking another relative of Fan Guoxing.

Relatives said that Fan Guoxing was very kind. When he saw dead birds or mice on the ground, he would take a stick and bury their bodies under a tree. When relatives asked them why they did this, he smirked and didn't answer.

Many relatives know that Fan Guoxing has this habit, because the peach tree planted by his mother gave him a special feeling for the tree since he was a child.

"Let the deceased's head look in the direction where the deceased's heart was buried, in order to make the deceased feel at ease...Is this...really fake?" A young man behind Jiang Yaxian couldn't help but wonder.

This group of second-generation people was a little stunned to hear Lin Chen's psychological analysis of mentally ill patients.

"It's possible, he. The only thing his mother left for him is the peach tree next to the house. He has feelings for the tree. Mr. Lin's analysis sounds a bit mysterious, but if you taste it carefully, it's worth it. It's a matter of scrutiny." Qu Bingrui's beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, staring at Lin Chen on the steps without blinking.

The family of the deceased Zhou Ping also exploded. They shouted loudly. They agreed with Lin Chen's analysis, and some said it was indifferent.

Zhou Ping's parents and relatives ran to the nurse, grabbed the nurse's arms, and asked the nurse where Fan Guoxing was. They were going to find Fan Guoxing to settle accounts.

The dean and his wife did not speak, and the nurses and security guards were also in a daze.

At this time, a villager who knew some laws asked Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, your reasoning sounds reasonable, but what definite evidence is there to prove that he is the murderer?"

Lin Chen looked at the villager and said, "It's very simple. So far, the murder weapon has not been found. With the obsession in Fan Guoxing's heart, I think the murder weapon should be buried under or beside a small tree. "

When Miao Yunfei heard the words, she immediately issued a 793 order to the police: "Let all the metal detectors detect the trees planted in the hospital, especially the small trees, and don't let the forest in the Houshan cemetery be spared."

"Yes." The police immediately went to do it.

As the villager said, everything Lin Chen said is well-founded, and it makes sense after careful consideration.

But reasoning is reasoning, without conclusive evidence, it is impossible to convict.

The police began to detect the small trees in the mental hospital nervously and quickly. There are many trees planted in the Anhe mental hospital.

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