Half an hour later, a group of police officers hurried over, and while running, they shouted, "I found it, I found it."

I saw that in the hands of a policeman, there was a sealed bag of various medicines in the hospital. Inside the bag were several pairs of gloves for nurses and a knife for doctors and nurses.

These things were scanned under a small tree in the far corner of the hospital. The location is very remote. These things were secretly taken by Fan Guoxing while helping the nurses.


PS: This is the fifth update of today. At this point, the case is almost over, and the writing is really tiring and tiring.

Next, I will take a break from writing the daily plot for a few days, and then start a new case. I am also improving my writing skills and trying to write this book well.

Thank you brothers for your support, if possible, you need an automatic subscription, thank you. .


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What Lin Chen said before was his reasoning. Now that he has found the murder weapon, he can more directly prove who the murderer is.

Without Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan's orders, the two forensic doctors on the side immediately walked over, took the bag containing the murder weapon and gloves from the policeman's hand, and began to collect fingerprints.

The parents of the deceased Zhou Ping, after seeing the bag containing the murder weapon and the blood stains in the bag, the two of them wailed and rushed in front of Nurse Xiao Meng, grabbed Nurse Xiao Meng by the collar, and asked her to say what was going on. One is Fan Guoxing.

The murder weapon was found, which proved that Lin Chen's reasoning was inseparable. His son was really killed by that Fan Guoxing.

"Where is Fan Guoxing? Which is Fan Guoxing, please... Tell me quickly." Zhou Ping's mother shook Nurse Xiao Meng's collar vigorously. fell down.

"Take me to see Fan Guoxing, take me to see Fan Guoxing." Zhou Ping's father also cried while holding a nurse's hand and asked her to take him to Fan Guoxing.

The villagers also became restless and leaned towards the nurses, asking the nurses to tell Fan Guoxing.

Fan Guoxing is a mental patient. Although from his point of view, he is helping Zhou Ping to escape and mentally escape from this mental hospital, but his actions undoubtedly deeply hurt Zhou Ping's family.

Seeing that the scene was a little chaotic, several nurses were dragged away by the villagers, and the police rushed forward immediately to maintain order.

Qu Bingrui and a group of second-generations, when they saw that the scene began to be chaotic, they hid aside, afraid of being scratched by those villagers.

With the police maintaining order, the scene was quickly stabilized, separating the villagers from the hospital nurses.

Nurse Xiao Meng was still in a daze. She regarded Fan Guoxing as a friend, but he was actually a murderer. In her mind, even if other patients in the hospital were suspected, then the obedient Fan Guoxing would not be suspected. .

Dean Yu Gaofeng leaned against a pillar with a wounded face. He reached out and wiped the blood from his nose, his eyes were empty.

"Wow...~"..." The dean's wife was sitting on the ground crying. Now she is not crying because her husband cheated. The cheating was just a trivial matter. Her husband led the organ trafficking. As a wife, she also participated in it. It doesn't matter.

The head nurse lost the focus of her eyes, and sat down on the steps, covering her face with her hands, and began to cry.

Those nurses who were involved in organ trafficking cried in fear. When they got huge benefits, they were very happy with the money. They knew it was black money, and they were not afraid. When you make money, things happen.

The people present had different thoughts. Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen, blinked her eyes, and said softly, "You helped us solve another case, thank you."

"I helped Tian Nianpo." Lin Chen smiled slightly.

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Miao Yunfei felt uncomfortable for a while, Lin Chen was willing to solve the case for Zhang Tiannan, when will she be able to solve the case for herself?

Miao Yunfei really wanted to ask Lin Chen this question, but she didn't say it. If she really asked this question, Lin Chen would probably make fun of her. When have you slept with me, I will help you Also solved a case.

Zhang Tianai on the side was naturally very happy when he heard Lin Chen's words.

Jiang Yaxian walked towards Lin Chen with the second generation, Jiang Yaxian looked at Lin Chen with a smile, and said, "Detective Lin, today I finally saw you solve a case with my own eyes, it's better than watching a movie. Wonderful."

"Yes." Qu Bingrui, who is [-] meters tall, also smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I really admire your ability to spot details and reason."

"Mr. Lin, do you still remember me?" Another rich daughter stepped forward and wanted to get close to Lin Chen: "When I was at the Haoyu Hotel a few days ago, I was watching the whole process."

These second-generations said flattering words one after another and greeted Lin Chen, to which Lin Chen just responded very plainly.

"Mr. Lin..."

At this moment, a weak voice sounded.

Lin Chen looked at the reputation, and it was Nurse Xiao Meng who was talking.

"What's wrong?" Lin Chen raised his eyebrows.

Nurse Xiaomeng said: "I still can't accept it now, Fan Guoxing... can he really unlock the lock and enter the dormitory building freely..."

"You can try it if you want." Lin Chen said.

"How to try?" Nurse Xiao Meng asked.

"Bind your hands with iron chains and lock them with a lock. You go to Fan Guoxing and ask him for help, but don't ask him if he is the murderer." Lin Chen said.

Nurse Xiao Meng nodded without hesitation. In a mental hospital, iron chains are one of the most indispensable things. Many dangerous patients need to use iron chains to control them.

Under the quick operation of a criminal policeman, Xiao Meng's hands were tied with thin iron chains and locked with a small lock.

Nurse Xiao Meng walked in front, Lin Chen and the others followed, and went to find Fan Guoxing together.

At this moment, Fan Guoxing was sitting under a small tree next to the accommodation building, staring at the street lights in a daze.

The sky has darkened, and at this time, generally speaking, patients have returned to the dormitory building, but the hospital staff are all over the complex building, and no one will take care of these patients.

Fan Guoxing seemed very happy after seeing Nurse Xiaomeng, but he immediately noticed Nurse Xiaomeng's hands that were trapped by the chains.

"...Sister Xiao Meng, what's wrong with your hand?" Fan Guoxing ran to Nurse Xiao Meng's side, looking anxious and scratching his head.

"My hand was tied by an iron chain and I couldn't open the lock. It was very painful and uncomfortable..." Nurse Xiao Meng looked very painful.

After deliberately saying that it was very painful and hoping that Fan Guoxing could help him untie it, Fan Guoxing was at a loss.

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