"Sister Xiaomeng...I...I can't open it for you..." The expression on Fan Guoxing's face was very tangled.

"Why, I'm so uncomfortable right now... It hurts so much, I feel like my hand is about to break." Nurse Xiao Meng said.

Fan Guoxing walked around on the spot, and after a while, he got close to Nurse Xiao Meng's ear and said softly, "Sister Xiao Meng, I can't open it for you, if I open it for you, I may There is (Wang Wang Zhao) danger."

After hearing Fan Guoxing's words, Nurse Meng completely believed Lin Chen's reasoning. Fan Guoxing really had the ability to open the lock, but he was not completely stupid, and he knew that he couldn't show the ability to open the lock.

After the two said a few more words, Fan Guoxing finally couldn't bear to see Nurse Xiao Meng so uncomfortable. He turned around and ran into the dormitory building. After a few minutes, he ran over sweating profusely, with two more items in his hand. Self-made lockpicking tool made of hard iron wire.

"Sister Xiao Meng, I'll unlock the lock for you. This is our secret. Don't tell anyone else, okay?" Fan Guoxing said sincerely.

"Okay..." Nurse Xiao Meng's voice trembled.

After Fan Guoxing used a tool he made himself to dig into the keyhole for a few minutes, the small lock clicked open, and the iron chain on Nurse Meng's hands fell to the ground.

"Sister Xiao Meng, don't you hurt?" Fan Guoxing squatted on the ground and looked at Nurse Xiao Meng's hands. Nurse Xiao Meng was kind to him, and he didn't want her sister to hurt. .


372 The unlocking speed is not slow [2 more ask for subscription]

When asking if Nurse Xiao Meng was in pain, Fan Guoxing's eyes were full of concern. In this hospital, the best person for him was Nurse Xiao Meng.

Nurse Xiao Meng's hands were still in the way they were when they were tied. Her eyes were looking at the small locks and chains on the ground, and her face was full of sadness.

All of Mr. Lin's reasoning is correct. Fan Guoxing will unlock the lock. Those things found under a small tree can almost be concluded that it belongs to Fan Guoxing.

Because he was very obedient, the nurses asked him to help. He had the opportunity to touch those things and secretly took a few things, which the nurses couldn't find.

"Sister Xiao Meng...does it still hurt?" Fan Guoxing squatted on the ground and raised his head, holding the two hard wires in his hands, and asked again.

"No... it doesn't hurt anymore..." Nurse Xiao Meng shook her head with an ugly expression on her face.

"It's good if it doesn't hurt, it's good if it doesn't hurt." Fan Guoxing stood up quickly, he put his mouth close to Nurse Xiao Meng's ear, and said to her, "Sister Xiao Meng, let me tell you, I will unlock the lock. Don't tell anyone about this, or I'll be in danger, okay?"

Facing Fan Guoxing's pleading gaze, Nurse Xiao Meng nodded and spit out a word: "Okay."

Fan Guoxing laughed happily. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his dirty hospital clothes. His legs hurt a little. It was caused by running upstairs in a hurry just now and accidentally hitting the steps.

In the distance, Lin Chen, Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianni, Jiang Yaxian, and Qu Bingrui stood under a tree and witnessed everything that happened there.

Although they couldn't hear the conversation between the two, the scene where Fan Guoxing unlocked the lock could prove everything.

"Sure enough, it can be unlocked." Qu Bingrui, who is [-] meters tall, muttered: "You can open a handle in a few minutes, and the unlocking speed is not slow."

Jiang Yaxian looked at Miao Yunfei and asked, "Yunfei, this Fan Guoxing is a mental patient. He killed three people in a row...will it be a death sentence?"

Hearing this, Miao Yunfei shook her head and said, "Before the evidence collection and judgment, further examinations of Fan Guoxing's condition are required. I am not sure about the specific results."

When Miao Yunfei's voice fell, Lin Chen had already walked over there.

Seeing this, everyone followed Lin Chen.

After Fan Guoxing saw a group of people approaching, he quickly stuffed the unlock tool in his pocket into his pocket, and looked at Lin Chen and them with a wary expression.

"Officer...Mr. Lin..." Nurse Xiaomeng greeted Lin Chen and the others.

Lin Chen looked at Fan Guoxing, he said lightly, "Do you like candy?"

Fan Guoxing was a little wary of Lin Chen and the others. After hearing Lin Chen's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then he said, "I like it, do you have any candy for me?"

The candy Fan Guoxing eats is cheap and not very tasty, but to him, as long as it is sweet, it is delicious.


Lin Chen nodded, he reached out and took out a few chocolate candies from his pocket, and reached out to Fan Guoxing.

After Fan Guoxing saw the candy in Lin Chen's hand, he took two steps towards Lin Chen, stopped again, and asked timidly, "Really...Is it really for me?"

"Well, for you." Lin Chen confirmed.

Fan Guoxing laughed. He stretched out his hands and put them under Lin Chen's hands. After Lin Chen let go, the few chocolate candies fell into Fan Guoxing's hands.

Looking at the candy in his hand, Fan Guoxing said happily, "Thank you."

Behind Lin Chen, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan didn't speak. They couldn't say how much they hated Fan Guoxing.

He lived in an environment of domestic violence since he was a child. Before his mother ran away from home, he watched his father beat his mother. After his mother ran away, his father beat him to death.

When he was sad, he could only cry while holding the peach tree planted by his mother. No one comforted him, only the peach tree quietly felt his sorrow.

His motive for killing hurt the family of the deceased, but in his heart, he was helping the three deceased, helping them end their pain, and helping them leave this mental hospital forever. Bind them in pain.

"Try one, it's delicious." Lin Chen said to Fan Guoxing.

Fan Guoxing looked at the candies in his hand, and he handed one of them to Nurse Xiao Meng: "Sister Xiao Meng, he said this is delicious, give it to you."

Nurse Xiao Meng shivered. She reached out and took the candy. She reached out and peeled off the candy. Instead of eating it, she stuffed it into Fan Guoxing's mouth.

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"Is it delicious?" Nurse Xiao Meng asked him.

Fan Guoxing was like a child, he nodded his head, his face full of satisfaction: "Sister Xiao Meng, this is the best candy I've ever eaten."

"Bang bang bang..."

When Fan Guoxing's voice fell, a dull footstep came over, and five or six policemen trotted over and came here.

After Fan Guoxing saw so many police officers coming, he tightly grasped the chocolate candy in his hand, for fear of being snatched away, and hid behind Nurse Xiao Meng.

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