"Officer Miao, us?" The leading police officer looked at Miao Yunfei and asked for her opinion.


Miao Yunfei was silent for a while, then nodded, and a few policemen stepped forward and handcuffed Fan Guoxing who was eating candy in three or two strokes.

"What are you doing...what are you doing...I'm so good, why are you arresting me..." Fan Guoxing struggled hard, he begged Nurse Xiaomeng to save him, but Nurse Xiaomeng stood there and didn't move, deeply He lowered his head deeply.

In Fan Guoxing's cries, he was forcibly taken into a police car and sent to the branch in Anku District.

Nurse Xiao Meng lost her soul, and Nurse Zhu came to her side and comforted her a few words.

This kind of thing happened in the mental hospital, and the two of them were ready to resign.

On the other hand, the two of them were lucky. If Zhou Ping's case didn't happen and they continued to work here, it was very likely that they would be dragged into the water by the head nurse and the others.

Lin Chen and his party immediately returned to the complex building. The dean and his wife, all the security guards, and the nurses involved were all taken to the guard room for a preliminary interrogation.

Under the interrogation of several criminal police, the dean and his wife revealed everything.

In the early days of the establishment of Anhe Mental Hospital, the economic benefits were very good. This is a private mental hospital, and President Yu Gaofeng is one of the major shareholders.

Later, when the scandal of the hospital was exposed, the reputation of Anhe Mental Hospital was greatly affected. The hospital could not make any money, and other shareholders withdrew their capital. .


373 The price list that came out [3 more for subscription]

After the shareholders withdrew their capital, the impact on Anhe Mental Hospital was also quite severe. Dean Yu Gaofeng struggled to support it for a period of time. He worked hard for this mental hospital and could not make much money. He also had the idea of ​​giving up. .

But one day, a car stopped at the entrance of Anhe Mental Hospital, and a few people got out of the car. They all wore sunglasses and said they wanted to see the dean.

Yu Gaofeng met them in the office. The group of people was very direct, indicating that they were an organ trafficking organization. This time they came here to discuss cooperation with Yu Gaofeng.

The first time Yu Gaofeng heard that they cooperated with them to sell organs and tissues, Yu Gaofeng's first reaction was to refuse. The country prohibits organ trading, and can only be donated. If the organ trading is found, the consequences will be very serious.

"[-]" in Yugaofeng Academy had a dark face, and expressed no interest in the group, but the person who sat down to talk to him was very calm.

He took out a piece of paper, which was the price list for organ trafficking. After seeing the price list, the dean was moved.

The people in the hospital and this organ trafficking organization are not stupid. The organs they sell are all patients who have no relatives. They have died... disappeared. Just a little article can make them disappear without a trace.

Dean Yu Gaofeng asked them to go back first. He took the price list and looked at it for a long time. After returning in the evening, he told his wife about it.

The conditions of Yu Gaofeng's family were originally very good, but after investing in the construction of a mental hospital, it was close to bankruptcy. His wife was a money fan. After hearing what her husband said about organ trafficking and the prices, Yu Gaofeng and his wife negotiated with him. for a long time.

In the end, they made a decision, that is, there are many people in this world who make unscrupulous money. As long as they are careful, there will be no problem.

When doing the first business, Yu Gaofeng and his wife were very careful, only a few people knew about it.

After the patient was taken away by someone from that organization, Yu Gaofeng soon received a large amount of money transfer.

After getting the first money, Yu Gaofeng and his wife tasted the sweetness of organ trafficking. With just a little effort, they can exchange a troublesome mental patient who needs care for a sum of money.

With the first stroke, there is the second stroke, the third stroke... Slowly, everyone in the hospital was pulled into the water by Yu Gaofeng and his wife, and they all participated in this incident.

The nurses and security guards involved in this matter, they work here for a year, and they can earn more than if they work elsewhere for four or five years. They all have great respect for the dean who can lead them to become rich, and naturally they will not put it. If you say this, you will lose your money.

They were very happy with the organ trafficking business. The dean bought a Mercedes-Benz car that cost nearly one million yuan, and the family also bought a luxury house of more than [-] square meters in the city.

When there were not many patients without relatives in the hospital, or the blood type organs could not be matched, the director and his wife came up with a new idea, that is, to take in those mental patients who are helpless in the society, which will not only give the Anhe mental hospital To increase a good reputation, you can also sell more human organs.

But just over a year ago, the first murder occurred in the hospital. When the nurses got up to clean up in the morning, they found a body lying in the corridor on the second floor.

The head of the corpse was cut off, and the entire chamber and stomach were cut open, revealing the quivering, quivering, quivering internal organs inside.

At that time, the nurse was terrified, her face was pale, and she almost fainted.

The nurse quickly went to notify the head nurse, who was also frightened and notified the security guard and the dean.

The dean rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible. They surrounded the corridor and looked at the headless corpse. The idea of ​​the nurses was to call the police and let the police handle the matter.

However, the dean considered more. As Lin Chen speculated before, after finding out that the deceased was an unrelated patient, the dean made a decision for the reputation and interests of the hospital, that is, not to call the police. Sell ​​the body.

The dean called the people from that organization. After those people arrived, they looked at the heart that had been dug up and buried in the flowerpot. They said that the heart was useless, and the cornea and several other organs were still a little weak. Useful, the price is not so high.

The dean had no objection, and the corpses were quickly taken away by them. After the nurses cleaned up the blood on the floor of the corridor, they released the patients from the room. .

When a patient was killed, the dean and the others wanted to know who the murderer was. They investigated internally and determined that it was not a hospital nurse or security who did it, so they determined that the murderer must be a certain mental patient.

At that time, the nurses held a meeting and made a list of some patients who were most likely to be the murderers and handed it over to the dean.

After reading the list, the dean ordered the nurses to conduct a strict investigation of the patients on the list. At night, those suspected patients were taken from the accommodation building to the treatment building.

The security guard beat the suspects and asked them if they had murdered. Among those people, one of them was the third deceased, Zhou Ping.

Because he has mania, has a short temper, and often beats people.

After the patients were beaten and electrocuted, none of them admitted to killing themselves, and the security nurses knew that they could not ask anything from the mental patients, so they let them go.

After the first case, the murderer was not found. For the sake of safety, security windows were installed in the nurse's dormitory, the guard room, and the security dormitory to prevent the murderer from harming them.

Nine months ago, there was a second homicide of the same type. This time, the place where the deceased died was on the fifth floor. There were no patients living on the fifth floor, and the ground was full of dust.

The deceased also had his head cut off and his heart gouged out. The head was placed on the window sill at the end of the corridor, and the heart was placed in a 5.0 corner box.

Lin Chen and Miao Yunfei went to the fifth and sixth floors and saw a lot of dust accumulated in some places on the ground, but in some places the dust was not so obvious. Those inconspicuous places were cleaned up by the nurses and security guards when they dealt with the scene. .

The second deceased was also sold for a price similar to the first patient.

At that time, the person from the organ trafficking organization also ridiculed the director, saying that they would kill them if they didn't find out which patient was the murderer.

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