The dean spent a little money to equip each nurse with electric shock bats and baseball bats as self-defense tools. After the third murder case, the deceased Zhou Ping had relatives. The hospital had no choice but to call the police.

After calling the police, Captain Xin and the dean talked on the phone. They felt that it would be better for the police to catch the murderer this time. .


374 Live together [4 more for subscription]

Catch the murderer, so that the nurses and security guards living in the hospital don't have to worry all the time.

It's just that they didn't expect that Lin Chen not only found the murderer, but also discovered their secret of selling human organs after seeing their abnormal performance.

The dean and the others revealed everything, the police filmed the interrogation process, and Lin Chen and his party stood by and watched.

When the police asked about the organ trafficking organization, the dean and his wife fell silent.

After the police gave a few stern warnings, the dean had no choice but to say that after he learned about the incident at home this morning, he called the person in charge of the organ trafficking organization.

He said that something happened in the hospital, and there was no way to trade for a while, and he would cooperate after the police caught the murderer.

During the day, the police had investigated the call records of the dean and his wife's mobile phones. Their call records were normal, but they had a mobile phone dedicated to communicating with people from that organization.

When inquiring about the address of the 11 organ trafficking organization, the dean said seriously that he did not know, that group of people only contacted him by phone, and he did not know the address where the organs were taken from.

Immediately, the police obtained the mobile phone number of the person in charge of the organization and reported the number to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. The police of the Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately carried out satellite positioning of the location of the mobile phone number.

Soon, the location of this mobile phone number was located, at a place close to the junction of Tianhai City.

Many people now know about the Anhe Mental Hospital. People talk a lot, and it's easy to spread the word.

In order not to startle the snake, the police must act immediately, go to the location located by the satellite, and arrest the person from the organ trafficking organization.

After Mayor Miao and Deputy Bureau Sun knew about the case, Mayor Miao immediately issued an order to immediately dispatch the police to arrest all the members of the organ trafficking organization.

The police in Tianhai City were busy, and police cars quickly moved towards the location of satellite positioning without sounding their sirens.

In Anhe Mental Hospital, the family members of the deceased and those villagers were all arranged to go back, the case was solved, and the murderer was caught.

The staff in the hospital were all taken back to the Public Security Bureau. Nurse Xiaomeng and Nurse Zhu, who were about to leave their jobs, were asked to hold on for a few more days. Almost all the staff in the hospital were taken away. patients to arrange.

Those with family members were picked up from Anhe Mental Hospital as soon as possible, and those without family members were sent to the public mental hospital.

Lin Chen looked up at the sky, it was already dark, and it was now more than eight o'clock in the evening.

"Mr. Lin, it's getting late, shall we go have dinner together?" Qu Bingrui invited Lin Chen.

Lin Chen glanced at Qu Bingrui and shook his head: "No, there are still people at home to take care of."

"Oh." After hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tianai suddenly exclaimed.

Seeing this, Miao Yunfei hurriedly asked, "Tian Nuan, what's the matter with you?"

Zhang Tiannan didn't answer Miao Yunfei, but said to Lin Chen, "It's past eight o'clock, Xiaohui is out of school at five o'clock, we haven't picked her up yet, shouldn't she run home by herself? She There is no key."

"Will not."

Lin Chen yawned, was a little tired, and said, "The kindergarten won't let her leave without a parent picking her up. Just go pick her up now."

Zhang Tian'an breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, Lin Chen, you go back to pick up Xiao Hui first, I still have things to deal with here, I'll come back later."

"Okay, then I'll go back first." Lin Chen said, and walked towards the place where he parked.

But Miao Yunfei looked at Zhang Tiannan with a look of astonishment, and asked, "Tiannan, what did you just say?"

"Ah?" Zhang Tiannan didn't understand what Miao Yunfei meant, thinking she didn't hear it, so she repeated: "I asked Lin Chen to go back to take care of Xiaohui first, and I'll go back later."

" two live together?" Miao Yunfei calmed herself down and pretended not to care about the question.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianan smiled and said, "Yeah, where I used to live, the landlord came back from out of town, and I couldn't find a suitable house nearby. It happened that there were many rooms in Lin Chen's place, so I moved there. Living."

The other wealthy daughters and buddies who were present all looked at Zhang Tian'an's body. It turned out that this beautiful police flower was already living with Lin Chen.

Lin Chen is handsome and capable, Zhang Tiannan is also beautiful, a pair of handsome men and beautiful women live in the same house, and something can easily happen.

"Oh." Miao Yunfei nodded lightly, with no expression on her face, but she was already very upset.

Zhang Tianan, she... actually lived with Lin Chen?When did this start, why don't you know?

It's no wonder that Lin Chen would help Zhang Tiannan solve the case. It seems that after the two lived together, even if that kind of relationship didn't happen, it developed into that kind of relationship.

For a while, Miao Yunfei's mood was a little confused, and she didn't even respond when someone called her.

The daughter of a wealthy family was cheeky, and followed Lin Chen again, wanting to ask Lin Chen for contact information, and wanted to invite Lin Chen out for a meal, but Lin Chen ignored them.

Lin Chen got into the car, and just after starting it, he stretched out his hand to the car window, and 647 tapped the car window twice.

Lin Chen turned his head and saw Jiang Yaxian outside the car door. He lowered the car window and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yaxian pursed her lips and said, "Don't you know that I came in Yun Fei's car in the morning, now Yun Fei is going to stay here to deal with the rest of the business, I don't have a car so I can only ride your tailwind. car."

Lin Chen's words were very direct: "My way home is not going well with yours. If you want to sit, I can only put you on the way."

How could Jiang Yaxian go back without a car? Those second-generations who came here, their cars are very empty, or call the bodyguard, and a car will come immediately.

It's just that Jiang Yaxian wanted to have more contact with Lin Chen, so she came to take Lin Chen's car.

"Okay, halfway, halfway, anyway, the beauty is in front of you, and there is no attribute bonus." Jiang Yaxian pouted and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Lin Chen started the car and drove towards No. 168 Changpo Road.

Lin Chen's car drove in front, and those second-generation luxury cars followed. After driving for a while, Jiang Yaxian asked Lin Chen, "Aren't you thinking of changing your car?"

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