"Change car?" Lin Chen said.

"Yeah." Jiang Yaxian nodded: "This Audi of yours is only a few hundred thousand dollars. It's not good to drive it out. It's good to change to one of the ten million level."


375 To pick up Xiaohui 【Subscription】

Lu Tengfei of Lu's Real Estate owned a Bugatti Veyron worth tens of millions. Lin Chen's background is even feared by all families in Mohai City. He only drives an Audi that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is a bit of a loss. .

"Bugatti Veyron, Maserati, Lamborghini are all good cars," Jiang Yaxian said again.

Lin Chen put his hands on the steering wheel, looked ahead, and said lightly, "I don't have the idea of ​​changing cars for now, I'll talk about it later."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Jiang Yaxian shrugged and said nothing.

The second generation who followed Lin Chen's car, the old man who asked Zhang Tianan to buy him cigarettes was driving the car, and the two wealthy daughters who were sitting in his car were sitting behind.

"Xiao Bing, aren't you afraid now?" A young man in the front passenger seat smiled and said, "That Officer Zhang and Mr. Lin have such a good relationship, they both live together, yet you actually asked her to buy you cigarettes."

"Yeah, are you scared?" a wealthy daughter in the back laughed.

The young man who was being used as a soldier by the car sighed, "Fortunately, Yaxian reminded me, otherwise, if I provoke that Officer Zhang and make Mr. Lin unhappy, I will be miserable."

"Hey..." The other daughter sighed and said, "Mr. Lin seems to already have that Officer Zhang, we have no chance."

"Che, what's the matter." The wealthy daughter who spoke before said indifferently, "How could there be so few women around for someone with a background like Mr. Lin, as long as I can get into the higher circles, Mr. Lin I don't mind him at all."


After the car drove into the city, Lin Chen asked Jiang Yaxian to choose a location to get off. Jiang Yaxian said, "Aren't you going to pick up that Xiaohui? I'll get off at that kindergarten."

About Xiaohui, Miao Yunfei had told Jiang Yaxian, in Miao Yunfei's mouth, Luo Xiaohui was obedient and sensible, and she also wanted to see that little sister.

Lin Chen didn't say anything, and drove towards the kindergarten where Xiaohui was.

It was almost nine o'clock at the moment, and the lights in the whole kindergarten were off, except for the lights in the guard's room.

In the guard room, an old man was sitting on a chair watching this TV, and beside him sat a cute little girl, it was Luo Xiaohui.

Xiaohui sat on a small stool, holding a packet of biscuits in her hands, watching TV with her big eyes, and then lowering her eyes and stuffing the biscuits into Xiao.'s mouth, it was very tasty.

In front of Xiaohui sitting, there is a small stool with a glass of water and a few packets of biscuits on it.

The kindergarten ended at five o'clock, and it was almost nine o'clock now. After school, no one came to pick up Xiaohui, so the teacher put her in the guard room.

Xiaohui was very hungry. The old guard gave her some biscuits. When she was hungry, she ate the biscuits.

After eating another pack of biscuits, Xiaohui tilted her head, looked at the old man next to her, and said, "Grandpa, why didn't my brother and sister come to pick me up?"

The old man held a banana fan in his hand. He fanned Xiaohui gently with a kind smile on his face: "They should still be working. Don't worry, child, they will be here soon."

"Oh." Xiaohui lowered her head, with a cry in her voice: "Xiaohui misses her father, misses her sister, misses her brother."

The old man said, "Are you still hungry? If you are hungry, eat some more biscuits."

"Grandpa, I'm full, no more." Xiaohui shook her head, twitching the ponytail on her head.

She didn't have the heart to watch TV. She was thinking about why her father didn't come to find her, and why her brothers and sisters didn't come and bring her home.

Xiaohui stood up from the stool, she walked to the door of the guard room, her two little hands were lying on the glass door, her eyes were staring at the road outside the kindergarten.

"Brother, why haven't you come yet, Xiaohui wants to go home..." Xiaohui lay on the glass door, her big eyes flickering.

In Xiaohui's expectation, a car quickly stopped at the entrance of the kindergarten.

After seeing the car, Xiaohui's little face filled with a smile, she turned her head and said to the old guard: "Grandpa, grandpa, my brother has come to pick me up, look, it's my brother's car... …”

After Xiaohui said something to the old guard, she pushed open the glass door, stepped on the cartoon slippers, and ran towards Lin Chen's car.

"Brother..." Xiaohui called to the car.

Lin Chen got out of the car, looked at Xiaohui who was running, opened his arms, and squatted down slightly.

Xiaohui threw herself into Lin Chen's arms, and Lin Chen also gently hugged her.

Lin Chen pinched Xiaohui's little face and asked, "Brother came to pick you up so late, are you hungry?"

Xiaohui touched her belly, and said in a milky voice, "No, grandpa gave me biscuits, Xiaohui is not hungry anymore."

Lin Chen looked towards the guard's room, and saw that the old guard came out, smiling.

Lin Chen nodded to the old man, saying hello.

"...Wow, what a cute little sister." Jiang Yaxian also got out of the car, and saw Luo Xiaohui being held by Lin Chen, her eyes showed love.

Jiang Yaxian came over, smelling of expensive perfume on her body, with a smile on her face, she reached out to Xiaohui: "Xiaohui, can you give my sister a hug?"

Xiaohui heard the words, smashed her big eyes, looked at Lin Chen again, and asked, "Brother, who is this sister?"

"Call her Sister Jiang." Lin Chen said.

"Hello, Sister Jiang." Xiaohui greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Xiaohui." Jiang Yaxian liked this little sister very much, she took Xiaohui from Lin Chen's hand, and kissed Xiaohui on the face.

After saying a few words, Xiaohui said to Jiang Yaxian, "Sister Jiang, can you put me on the ground?"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yaxian thought that she felt uncomfortable holding Xiaohui (Zhao De's).

Xiaohui's chubby little finger pointed to the guard's room and said, "My schoolbag is still with grandpa, I'm going to get it."

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