Jiang Yaxian smiled and put Xiaohui on the ground. Xiaohui ran towards the guard room, ran inside, and after carrying her small schoolbag, Xiaohui walked to the old guard.

She raised her head and said, "Grandpa, thank you for giving me biscuits, I'm going home, goodbye."

"Haha, you're welcome, see you tomorrow." The old man waved his hand and said goodbye to Xiaohui.

Jiang Yaxian looked at Xiaohui who was carrying a small schoolbag and ran back. She turned her head to look at Lin Chen and muttered, "Why don't you buy her a pair of sandals, those slippers are so inconvenient to walk."

Lin Chen shrugged and said, "those are the shoes her father bought for her, and she refuses to change them."

Xiaohui ran in front of Lin Chen, and Lin Chen carried her into the car. At this time, a car drove in the distance. .


376 Where did I provoke you [2 more for subscription]

The car flashed its lights twice and parked in the open space in front of the kindergarten.

After the car door opened, two bodyguards in suits got out of the car. Jiang Yaxian called the bodyguards from the car just now, and now she is here to pick her up and go home.

"Miss." The two bodyguards respectfully stood by the car and greeted Jiang Yaxian.

Jiang Yaxian walked to Lin Chen's car and said to Xiaohui who was sitting in the passenger seat, "Xiaohui, sister is going home too."

"Goodbye, Sister Jiang." Xiaohui waved to Jiang Yaxian and said goodbye in a milky voice.

"Goodbye, my sister will come to see you when I have time and buy you a lot of delicious food." Jiang Yaxian smiled.

Unexpectedly, Xiaohui shook her little head and said, "No, brother Lin Chen, sister Tianan bought me a lot of delicious food, and they can't finish it."

Xiaohui said, and opened the schoolbag on her calf. She took out a bottle of drink and showed off with Jiang Yaxian.

"Sister Jiang, look, this is the drink that my brother bought for me in the morning. I haven't finished drinking it yet, and I can drink it at night." Xiao Hui squinted her eyes into crescents when she saw the carbonated drink.

Seeing Xiaohui's appearance, Jiang Yaxian really wanted to pick up this little girl and kiss her on the face.

"Since you like drinks so much, then elder sister will bring you drinks next time, bye." Jiang Yaxian waved her hand 840, turned around and walked towards Lin Chen.

Before and after Lin Chen approached, Jiang Yaxian said to Lin Chen, "Detective Lin, Bing Rui and the others invited you to dinner just now, but you all refused. I wonder if I wanted to invite you to dinner, would you refuse? ?"

After Jiang Yaxian finished speaking, she blinked her beautiful eyes, she tried her best to show her beautiful side in front of Lin Chen.

"You..." Lin Chen smiled and said, "I'll think about it when I have time."

"I still need to think about it?" Jiang Yaxian was a little unhappy, after snorting lightly, she waved to Lin Chen: "Then I'll go first, I'll go to your house another day, um...don't think too much, I'm going to see Xiaohui of."

Jiang Yaxian immediately got into the car and left, and Lin Chen also got into his car.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Xiaohui looked at Lin Chen and said, "Brother, that sister Jiang was so beautiful just now, she smells so good."

After talking to Xiaohui, Lin Chen's car quickly stopped on the side of the road at No. 168 Changpo Road.

Lin Chen carried Xiaohui out of the car, Xiaohui walked to the door first, and shouted to Lin Chen, "Brother, come open the door, Xiaohui wants to go to the toilet."

"Okay, here we come." Lin Chen agreed.

But the next moment, after Xiaohui squatted on the door with both hands, the door suddenly opened, and Xiaohui's entire focus was leaning towards the door. This time, the door opened, and Xiaohui also plopped. fell to the ground.

Lin Chen frowned slightly. When he went out in the morning, the door was obviously locked, why did Xiaohui open it with a push?

Just when Lin Chen was a little curious and walked over there, a person came out of the room.

This is a girl with fluttering hair, fair skin, and wearing very ordinary clothes, but she has a kind of youthful beauty.

"Oh, little boy, why did you fall down..."

Xia Miaoyan ran to Xiaohui's side and hugged Xiaohui who was lying on the ground.

Xia Miaoyan squatted on the ground, her full capital was on her legs, and a piece of white was exposed at the collar.

"Does it hurt? Big sister blows you..." After Xia Miaoyan picked Xiaohui up, she blew on Xiaohui's hand.

Xiaohui was a little stunned when she saw another beautiful elder sister appeared in front of her.

After a few seconds, she asked Xia Miaoyan, "sister, why are you at our house?"

When Xia Miaoyan heard Xiaohui's words, her eyes showed doubts, your family?This is the master's house, who is this little girl?

When Xia Miaoyan was curious, Lin Chen's voice came over: "Xiaohui, this is Sister Xia Miaoyan."

"Oh." Xiaohui snorted, indicating that she understood, and she called, "Hello, Sister Xia."

Xia Miaoyan had doubts in her eyes. She glanced at Lin (bbfd) Chen, then smiled and took Xiaohui's hand: "Hello, come in quickly."

Xia Miaoyan brought Xiaohui into the house, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this.

What's wrong with Xia Miaoyan today? She asked Xiaohui to call her Sister Xia, but she didn't ask anything. Xia Miaoyan didn't know about Luo Xiaohui. It stands to reason that there is a little loli in the family, she should be very happy Just curious.

Lin Chen shook his head, not knowing what happened to Xia Miaoyan, and walked into the house.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Chen immediately smelled the aroma of vegetables. It was now more than nine o'clock. Lin Chen hadn't eaten dinner yet. When he smelled the aroma of the vegetables, he couldn't help but move his index fingers.

When I walked to the table, I saw that the table was full of dishes that were still exuding heat.

The fragrant braised pork ribs, the braised crucian carp sprinkled with green onion and coriander leaves, and the delicate fried chicken wings... There are seven dishes on the table, one soup, each of which is a figurative color, flavor, and flavor.

Lin Chen put Xiaohui's schoolbag on the sofa. At this time, Xiaohui came out of the bathroom, and Xia Miaoyan followed her out.

"Wow..." Xiaohui climbed onto the stool, her eyes lit up after seeing so many dishes on the table.

She turned her head and asked Xia Miaoyan, "sister Xia, did you make these dishes?"

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