Bao Qingshan was very unwilling in his heart. After deliberating for a few days after returning, he finally decided to kill Wang Xuefeng. Wang Xuefeng had caused himself to lose so much money, and he even stole his own money, so he wanted him to die.

The situation after that was similar to what Lin Chen reasoned. After he put Wang Xuefeng on the fence, he began to tangle in his heart. He didn't know if he should really kill Wang Xuefeng.

He was full of anger towards Wang Xuefeng, but he hesitated again when things came to an end.

Bao Qingshan was walking around on the rooftop, it was already dark, he walked to a fence, took out a cigarette and smoked it. After smoking the cigarette, he also completely made a decision, that is Wang Xuefeng must die.

After handling the scene, when Bao Qingshan returned to his home, her forefoot had just arrived, and her wife also came back with her daughter.

After Wang Xuefeng fell to his death, Bao Qingshan asked his wife to testify on the grounds that the police would wrong a good person, saying that the three members of the family did not go out before [-] o'clock that night.

Bao Qingshan's wife never doubted her husband, and the police naturally didn't see any flaws.

Lin Chen looked at Bao Qingshan, who had lost his soul, and said, "Do you regret killing now?"

"Regret?" Bao Qingshan smiled sadly, stared at Lin Chen, and said, "Is regret still useful?"

"Wang Xuefeng is dead, it's useless." Lin Chen shook his head.

Bao Qingshan was slumped, his wife and daughter were full of tears, sitting on the ground and never stood up.

Lin Chen retracted his gaze, looked at Miao Yunfei, and said, "This case is over. When the case is settled in the future, put away your arrogance and use it more..."

Lin Chen said, stretched out his finger and pointed at his head.

Miao Yunfei's nose was almost crooked, this guy actually said that he didn't use his brain when he decided the case.

Zhang Tiannan looked at Mayor Miao Zhengxiong with a worried look, and said in front of the mayor that his daughter didn't need to use her head to investigate the case, and it was estimated that only Lin Chen could do it in Tianhai City.


040 Serving as Team Leader【For Collection】

"What are you talking about, you are useless." Miao Yunfei choked Lin Chen back extremely angrily.

The surrounding detectives all looked at Miao Zhengxiong quietly, wanting to see how Lord Mayor would react when Lin Chen said this to Miao Yunfei.

It's just that Miao Zhengxiong still had the same expression, nothing changed because of Lin Chen's words.

Lin Chen was too lazy to argue with Miao Yunfei, the matter here has been resolved, and he is ready to go back.

Miao Zhengxiong stepped forward and said to Lin Chen: "The reasoning process is very exciting, do you really not consider joining our police team? Hehe, if you want, you can directly enter the serious case team and serve as the team leader. "

Lin Chen solved two cases in a row, one of which was a major case, and directly mentioned him as the team leader of the major crime team. No one would gossip, and his abilities were there.

Miao Yunfei heard the words, her beautiful eyes widened slightly, and asked Lin Chen to be the leader of a group?Doesn't that mean that you have to remove yourself as the current team leader?

Miao Yunfei looked at her father's eyes and suddenly became a little dissatisfied.

It's okay for him to be told by Lin Chen to solve the case without his brains. Dad actually made Lin Chen the team leader of a group. Isn't this helping Lin Chen to be angry with himself?

"I have no interest for now, I like to be free." Lin Chen smiled.

When Miao Zhengxiong heard this, there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes, and he said softly, "Well, okay."

Without chatting much with Miao Zhengxiong, Lin Chen left immediately.

Miao Yunfei and the others stayed to deal with the follow-up of the case. Zhang Tianai was responsible for sending Lin Chen back. Before leaving, the mayor personally thanked Lin Chen for helping the police solve the case and not letting the murderer go unpunished.

After going downstairs, Zhang Tian'an stared at Lin Chen and said, "I'm really surprised, how did your brain grow..."

"It grows naturally, is it possible that it grew out of a tree?" Lin Chen asked rhetorically.

"Puchi..." Hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhang Tianan couldn't hold back, and chuckled softly.

After getting into the car, Zhang Tianan sighed: "You bastard, it's true, the mayor came before, and he didn't invite the mayor to walk in front. In the face of the mayor, he said that his daughter doesn't need her brain to solve the case... Do you know that it is very dangerous for you to do this..."

"Just tell the truth." Lin Chen put one hand on the car door, his expression very dull.

Along the way, the two chatted a lot, Zhang Tianan wanted to invite Lin Chen to dinner, but Lin Chen refused.

After sending Lin Chen to the door, Lin Chen got out of the car and said to Zhang Tian, ​​"Don't go yet, wait for me here."

Zhang Tiannan nodded, wondering why Lin Chen made him wait for a while.

After a few minutes, Lin Chen came to the car again, and he handed a thick envelope to Zhang Tianan.

After seeing the envelope, Zhang Tian'an frowned slightly and asked, "This is?"

Lin Chen said: "Find a chance to give Bao Qingshan's wife and daughter. Bao Qingshan deserves what he deserves. His daughter is very pitiful. Also, don't let them know that I gave it."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned around and went into the house.

Zhang Tian'an held the stack of money in his hand, his eyes lowered, and finally heaved a sigh, started the car and left.


When he got home, Lin Chen packed up his mood and immediately turned on the computer to see how the book "Covering the Sky" he had posted on the Internet was.

Open Lu Fei Chinese website and search for "Covering the Sky", Lin Chen looked at it.

This book has been published with [-] words, and the current response is still good. In less than a day after the book was published, there were more than [-] comments in the book review area.

However, this kind of data is not very popular, it can only be said that the results are not bad.

Lin Chen was not disappointed, because the book "Covering the Sky" did not explode at the beginning, and when the number of words was a little longer, readers would know the brilliance of this book.

"Anyway, I can write [-] words in an hour, so let's start updating." Lin Chen muttered, then opened the document, and there was a sound of keyboard tapping in the room.

In the evening, Lin Chen ordered a takeaway, and then continued to sit in front of the computer and write.

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