By the time I wrote it in the early morning, Lin Chen had already written hundreds of thousands of words, and Lin Chen started to post updates, and directly posted another [-] words.

This explosion has made it onto the front page of the Lu Fei Chinese website's word count list.

After doing this, Lin Chen went to sleep and rested.

After waking up the next day, Lin Chen looked at the data of "Covering the Sky". The comments had exceeded a thousand, and there were many readers who gave rewards. The author sent the editor's signing text message from the background.

The editor of Lu Fei Chinese website attaches great importance to the book "Covering the Sky". The editor-in-chief directly contacted Lin Chen. After a few chats with the editor-in-chief, after the contract was finalized, Lin Chen used the fastest express delivery for the contract. sent out.

For two consecutive days, Lin Chen stayed at home and did not go out. In addition to typing out the [-]-[-]-word "Covering the Sky" in one hour, he was also planning the development of the 'Penguin Chat' software.

Lin Chen wrote the functions, market positioning, promotion, and software icons of Penguin Chat in several documents.

As long as Xia Miaoyan finds some reliable software developers, you can start making penguin chat.

Because of Lin Chen's continuous updates, "Covering the Sky" has reached the number of words on the shelves. In Lufei, generally speaking, the shelf cycle of a book is one to two months, but Lin Chen only uploaded it for a few days. It's ready to go.

According to the current data, after "Covering the Sky" is on the shelves, readers who will spend money to subscribe will definitely be indispensable. It depends on the website's subsequent vigorous promotion, so that "Covering the Sky" has soared into the sky.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, the doorbell rang. After Lin Chen walked over to open the door, Miao Yunfei appeared in Lin Chen's sight.

Miao Yunfei is not wearing a police uniform today, she is wearing ordinary casual clothes, but clothes are just a foil. As long as someone looks good and gives her a set of men's clothes, she can wear a different style.

"Are you free today?" Miao Yunfei's long eyelashes trembled and flickered, her face still a little cold.

"Why?" Lin Chen asked.

"Go to my house, my father invites you to be a guest." Miao Yunfei said.


PS: The second case is over, and the third case will be out soon.

The protagonist of this book will make use of some things from the previous world, such as writing novels to make money, but I will take it in one stroke, and I will not write it in detail.

The main line of this book is to solve the case. Let's look forward to the third case. I have been thinking about the third case for a long time.


041 Go to Miao Yunfei's house for dinner [for collection]

"Your father invited me to be a guest?"

Lin Chen frowned slightly, and said, "Why did he invite me to be a guest?"

"How do I know." Miao Yunfei walked directly into Lin Chen's house and said, "I'm on vacation today, and my dad told me to come to you for a quick meal in the morning, and asked my mother to prepare some food for you. A very good dish."

"Anyway, I also eat takeout at home. Since your mother has prepared the meal, I'll go." Lin Chen thought about it and said.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Miao Yunfei suddenly became a little unhappy, she hummed: "What do you mean by that, I don't know how many people want to go to my house to have dinner with my father, now take the initiative If I invite you, you can be content, and it doesn't matter if you go or not."

"Is that so." Lin Chen scratched his head, exhaled, and said, "Then I won't go, thank you for your father's kindness, you can go back."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he sat down on the sofa, picked up the remote control, and changed the TV to a different channel.

Miao Yunfei was stunned for a moment. She felt that she had heard it wrong and asked, "What did you just say?"

"I said I'm not going, you can go back." Lin Chen looked at the TV and responded lightly.

Miao Yunfei's mouth was heaving, she really wanted to say that she wouldn't go if she didn't want to go, who would care for you to go, as if she was important, then she turned her head and left.

But no, Miao Zhengxiong explained to Miao Yunfei in the morning that he must invite Lin Chen to his house in the evening, how could he be unable to handle such a trivial matter.

Miao Yunfei gritted her silver teeth secretly. After standing angrily for a while, she still didn't speak, and Lin Chen didn't pay any attention to her.

After a while, Lin Chen looked at Miao Yunfei and said, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Miao Yunfei felt that her lungs were about to explode with anger from this guy, she patiently said, "I'm waiting for you to come to my house with me."

"Didn't I say I'm not going?" Lin Chen asked strangely.

"No." Miao Yunfei said, "You just said you were going, you can't go back."

Lin Chen laughed: "Did your father ask you to invite me there? Otherwise, your temper would have been run by me like this, and you would have slammed the door and left."

Miao Yunfei blinked noncommittally: "That's right, otherwise you think I'd hate you to go, and I don't know what happened to my father, so I insisted on inviting you to dinner, hum."

Lin Chen looked at Miao Yunfei and said, "It seems that you really don't want me to go to your house for dinner. In that case, let's go."

Lin Chen said, stood up, and turned off the TV.

Miao Yunfei's teeth were itching with anger, but she didn't say anything, thinking about how to clean up Lin Chen so that he wouldn't dare to go too far in front of her.

Miao Yunfei was driving an Audi Q3 today, and the car was not very conspicuous. After getting in the car, she didn't say a word, and quickly drove Lin Chen to the compound of the Municipal Party Committee.

"It's here." After arriving at the door of the house, Miao Yunfei and Lin Chen said something, and just as she was about to get out of the car, her cell phone rang.

After picking up the phone and saying a few words, Miao Yunfei said, "Okay, I know, I will be there tonight."

Lin Chen heard this sentence in his ears, but he didn't take it to heart.

After entering Miao Yunfei's house, Miao Yunfei's mother immediately greeted her.

Mother Miao looked at Lin Chen, smiled and said, "What a spirited boy, these few days, I have heard our family's Zhengxiong mention you a lot. Come, come, sit down and drink tea."

Others are polite to him, and Lin Chen is also polite to her. After Miao mother and Lin Chen had a few gossips, they went to work in the kitchen and asked Miao Yunfei to accompany the guests.

Lin Chen glanced at the kitchen and asked, "Is there no nanny in your house?"

"Yes." Miao Yunfei put a cherry-peach into her mouth and said, "But my father and I both like my mother's cooking, and the nanny is only responsible for cleaning."

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