Lin Chen nodded, indicating that he understood, and then Miao Yunfei talked to Lin Chen about the case of Bao Qingshan.

After Bao Qingshan was arrested that day, he recounted his crime in the interrogation room of the Public Security Bureau. Now the police have enough evidence, and Bao Qingshan himself admitted that the police have handed over the relevant evidence to the procuratorate. .

When the procuratorate files the case, it can file a public prosecution with the court. Bao Qingshan committed murder on purpose and is more likely to be sentenced to death.

While Lin Chen and Miao Yunfei were discussing the case, the door was opened, and Miao Zhengxiong walked in from the outside with a briefcase in his hand.

Lin Chen and Miao Zhengxiong said hello to each other. Miao Zhengxiong was very good at talking. He didn't talk to Lin Chen about the case, he just talked about ordinary things.

Soon, Mother Miao prepared a table of meals. The dishes on the table were not particularly rich. Lin Chen tasted a few dishes, and the taste was very good. Compared with the fast food outside, it was much better.

When he was about to finish eating, Miao Zhengxiong suddenly said: "Lin Chen, the first time you saw me, and now you are eating at my house, I can't see any restraint or fear in you, this kind of calmness doesn't seem like a 22 years old."

When Miao Zhengxiong said this, there was no smile on his face, instead he brought a bit of majesty.

Lin Chen heard the words, and said, "I beg you for nothing, and I am not a rapist, why should I be afraid of you?"


042 Panfeng Mountain Highway【For collection】

After Lin Chen said this, the expression on Miao Zhengxiong's face was still indifferent. Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen and then at her father, and the atmosphere at the dinner table became a little weird for a while.

Mother Miao didn't say a word. After Miao Zhengxiong stared at Lin Chen's eyes for ten seconds, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Well, I like your answer."

The moment Miao Zhengxiong smiled, the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly eased a lot.

After eating, Miao Zhengxiong and Lin Chen sat down on the sofa, and the two began to discuss some matters in the case.

Miao Zhengxiong first talked with Lin Chen about the two cases he solved, and then talked about some unsolved cases that he encountered together and discussed with Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen carefully listened to Miao Zhengxiong's unsolved case, he asked about the details of the case and expressed some of his views.

The views and opinions expressed by Lin Chen can often hit the key points of the case. Miao Zhengxiong listened and nodded often, and felt that Lin Chen's way of thinking was not simple.

When the two were talking, Miao Yunfei sat and listened, and when she heard Lin Chen's opinions, she muttered in her heart: "There are indeed two times, that is, your character is too annoying, if you become my subordinate, I will I have to torture you hard."

When Miao Yunfei was listening to the conversation between the two, she also checked the time on her phone from time to time.

Lin Chen and Miao Zhengxiong chatted for about an hour, during which Miao Zhengxiong gave Lin Chen his private number, saying that there would be time for more exchanges between the two in the future.

Seeing that it was almost time, Lin Chen said to Miao Zhengxiong, "Mayor Miao, I still have something to do, I have to go back first."

As soon as Lin Chen said this, Miao Yunfei, who was beside him, immediately stood up from the sofa. She was busy: "Dad, let me take Lin Chen back."

Before Miao Zhengxiong could speak, Lin Chen said, "No need, I'll just take a taxi and go back."

"No, you are a guest, I invited you here, how can I not send you back." Miao Yunfei looked serious.

After seeing Miao Yunfei's appearance, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and immediately understood why Miao Yunfei said this.

"Alright, then you can send Lin Chen back, come back early, don't run around." Miao Zhengxiong urged.

Miao Yunfei agreed and went out with Lin Chen.

As soon as he went out, Lin Chen said, "I'm so attentive to me because of the previous phone call, right? You need to go out in the name of taking me home so that you can make an appointment."

Miao Yunfei was startled: "When I called, did you hear what was said on the phone?"

"No." Lin Chen said, "I only heard you say you know, and you will be there tonight."

Miao Yunfei shook the key in her hand and said, "Do you know anything about the upper-class sons in Tianhai City?"

"I don't understand." Lin Chen said truthfully.

While walking, Miao Yunfei explained to Lin Chen: "Tianhai City has a very famous racing club called Fengchi Supercar Club. I guess you have never heard of it. The members of this club are all well-known and respected in Tianhai City. The rich and powerful son, tonight is a car race organized by them spontaneously, and I am also going to participate."

"Are you racing with those playboys?" Lin Chen asked.

"Why, can't you?" Miao Yunfei said, "In addition to being a police officer, I also like racing cars."

Lin Chen shook his head slightly, and said, "No wonder you came out in the name of sending me home. If your father knew that you and a group of wealthy boys were racing on the road, he wouldn't have to deal with you."

"Che, I have grown up, I have my hobbies and freedom, my father can't control it." Miao Yunfei said nonchalantly.

After saying this, she said, "If I take you home and then rush to the location of the competition, it will be too late. You can go with me or take a taxi home by yourself, but you have never seen the world. People, I suggest that you can learn from me, after all, the bet on the car tonight is [-] million."

Lin Chen learned about the racing bet. There are ten young masters competing tonight. The competition stipulates that each participant must provide a one million qualifying fee. Whoever wins will take all the qualifying fee.

Lin Chen needs money now, and after hearing [-] million, he feels he can go there.

After thinking about it in his mind, Lin Chen asked Miao Yunfei: "The qualification fee is one million yuan, do you have that much money?"


Miao Yunfei said confidently: "I compete with them. I just like the speed of the competition, and I don't care about the money. I don't pay the qualification fee. Even if I win, I don't take the money."

"Besides, I can't win. There are many masters in Fengchi Club."

Having said this, Miao Yunfei asked again: "How about it, bastard, do you want to meet the world, there are luxury cars you have never seen before."

"Okay, let's go." Lin Chen nodded and got into Miao Yunfei's car.

On the way there, Miao Yunfei told Lin Chen the identities, backgrounds and deeds of several young masters.


Panfeng Mountain, which is a section of Panshan Highway in the suburbs of Tianhai City.

The total length of Panfeng Mountain Highway is 15 kilometers, with 6 kilometers of flat roads, the rest are all downhill, there are 3 kilometers of straight roads, and the rest are all corners, and finally there are 6 consecutive hairpin bends!

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