
Zhang Tian'an's face was a little tired. She glanced at Lin Chen after taking a bath and explained, "Miaoyan, didn't Lin Chen tell you?"

"No, what did you say?" Xia Miaoyan heard the words.

"Today, there was a murder case in Anhe Mental Hospital in Anku District. Lin Chen helped us solve the case. I was in charge of that case. After I dealt with some follow-up matters, I came back late." Zhang Tian Ambiguous explained.

"Oh." Xia Miaoyan snorted twice, she stood up from the sofa and patted her buttocks: "Sister Tianan sees you are very tired, you go take a shower first, I will give you Once the food is hot, it's all cold."

"No, I'll just eat it like this to save the trouble."

Zhang Tian'an was so hungry that she strode to the dining table. If her hands weren't a little dirty, she would have reached out and grabbed the food when she saw the food on the table.

Xia Miaoyan brought her a pair of bowls and chopsticks. After Zhang Tianan sat down to eat, Xia Miaoyan pointed at Luo Xiaohui and said, "Sister Tianan, tell me about Xiaohui."

Zhang Tian'an was stunned for a moment, and said, "Did Lin Chen tell you about Xiaohui?"

Zhang Tiannan also understood that Xia Miaoyan didn't know about Xiaohui, and Lin Chen brought Xiaohui back. She thought that Lin Chen would tell her about Xiaohui.

"No, the master won't tell me." Xia Miaoyan said softly.

Lin Chen, who was sitting on the sofa, heard the words, and said in his heart that you will ignore me as soon as you enter the door, okay? Why am I not telling you? .


378 Don't get angry anymore [4 more subscriptions]

Zhang Tiannan heard Xia Miaoyan say that Lin Chen didn't tell her, thinking that Xiaohui was present, and Lin Chen couldn't explain it. After all, Xiaohui still didn't know about her father's arrest.

Zhang Tianan glanced at Xiaohui, who was watching the cartoons, and explained to Xia Miaoyan in a low voice, "Didn't Lin Chen help us go to Qiulin County to solve the Yuye serial murder case? On the day of departure, bring your classmates with you. go together."

"Well, I know." Xia Miaoyan nodded and said, "The case has been solved, and I have read the news. There are two murderers in that case, one is the village director and the other is a policeman."

"Yes." Zhang Tiannan took a mouthful of Mapo tofu and pointed at Luo Xiaohui on the sofa with her chopsticks: "That policeman...is Xiaohui's father...she doesn't know that her father is a murderer... "

Under Zhang Tiannan's soft explanation, Xia Miaoyan's beautiful eyes "[-]" were first surprised, and then looked at Luo Xiaohui with sympathy in her eyes.

This little loli makes people feel sad, her father promised her a good lie, she took the lie seriously, hugged the lie, wearing the pair of slippers her father bought, waiting for her father to pick her up go home.

After understanding everything, Xia Miaoyan sighed and said, "That Xiaohui is now adopted by my master?"

"No." Zhang Tianai explained: "Lin Chen and Xiaohui did not meet the legal requirements for adoption, so they brought her directly without going through those procedures."

After glancing at Xiaohui, Zhang Tianan said, "Leave Xiaohui by your side to take care of her for a while, if you don't have time to take care of her, I suggest Lin Chen to take her back to my parents, my parents will take care of her. I like Xiaohui."

"No, sister Tiannuan." Xia Miaoyan patted her chest and said, "Why don't I have time to bring it? I'm going on vacation soon, so I'll move here to bring Xiaohui."

Zhang Tianan thought about what month it was today. Indeed, Xia Miaoyan, who was in her third year, was going to have a holiday soon.

"It would be great if you were willing to take care of Xiaohui."

The two women chatted at the table. After talking about Xiaohui, Zhang Tianan started talking about the dishes on the table.

Zhang Tiannan was full of praise for Xia Miaoyan's cooking. She glanced at Lin Chen quietly and expressed to Xia Miaoyan that she wanted to learn how to cook with her.

Xia Miaoyan said, "Sister Tianan, you are so busy, how can you learn to cook?"

Zhang Tianan smiled and said, "I was in charge of the case today. Now that the case has been solved, Deputy Bureau Sun has granted me a few days of vacation. From tomorrow, I will be on vacation, just to learn how to cook with you."

Zhang Tian'an knew that Xia Miaoyan, the little girl, was interested in her master. Now that she has had that kind of relationship with Lin Chen, Zhang Tian'an really wanted to have Xia Miaoyan's cooking skills, so she could catch Lin Chen. At the same time, grab his stomach again.

When Zhang Tianan was about to be full, Xiaohui suddenly jumped up from the sofa.

Seeing this, Lin Chen asked, "What's wrong, Xiaohui?"

Xiaohui blinked her big eyes twice and said worriedly, "It's already too late, we have to go to school tomorrow, and the teacher said we have to go to bed early every day."

Xia Miaoyan came over, squatted in front of Xiaohui, reached out and scratched her little nose: "Little fool, tomorrow is Saturday, don't go to school, you can watch more TV tonight."

After hearing that tomorrow is Saturday, Xiaohui laughed happily. For students, besides the winter and summer vacations, the most happiest time is weekends.

After Zhang Tianan was full, he took Xiaohui upstairs to take a bath. Zhang Tianan wanted to wash, so he brought Xiaohui in to wash together.

After Zhang Tianan and Xiaohui went upstairs, only Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan were left in the living room on the first floor.

"Miaoyan, let's go out for a walk." Lin Chen said to Xia Miaoyan.

Xia Miaoyan came out of the kitchen after packing up the utensils. After hearing Lin Chen's words, she walked upstairs with her head down.

Lin Chen's approach was very direct, he went up and grabbed Xia Miaoyan's fair hand and pulled it towards the door.

This time, Xia Miaoyan finally spoke to Lin Chen, she struggled: "Master, what are you doing, I'm not going shopping..."

"Don't go?" Lin Chen stopped and asked back.

Xia Miaoyan straightened her hair with the other hand, and said, "No."

Lin Chen raised his slap and landed on Xia Miaoyan's buttocks with a slap, a springy force came, Lin Chen said, "I'll go as I say, I can't help you, don't give you some sunshine You are brilliant."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen continued to pull Xia Miaoyan towards the door.

Xia Miaoyan didn't struggle this time, and let Lin Chen pull herself. .

She stretched out her hand and rubbed her buttocks, which hurt a little from Lin Chen's beating, and muttered, "Give me some sunshine and I'll be brilliant. Have you ever given me sunshine?"

Lin Chen heard Xia Miaoyan's words really, and her tone was obviously full of deep resentment.

The two had come to the door, and the door slammed shut.

Lin Chen turned around and looked at Xia Miaoyan, and asked, "Why did I let you have such an opinion, can you tell me?"

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