Xia Miaoyan looked aggrieved: "I never gave me sunshine, and I have to spank my ass. Master, I don't want to care about you anymore."

Xia Miaoyan snorted softly and walked towards the road ahead while covering her buttocks.

Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan's lovely back, and suddenly understood why the little girl was angry.

Lin Chen stepped up to follow, came to Xia Miaoyan's side, and asked, "You are so unhappy, did you call me after I broke the rainy night serial murder case, and I promised you to return to Tianhai City? , I came to you as soon as possible, but I didn't come?"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Xia Miaoyan's footsteps paused slightly, and she curled her lips: "Master, you just know it yourself, you agreed to come to me, causing me to wait for your call at school, I thought you didn't come back, I came to your house today and found that you were back long ago."

Lin Chen reached out and touched Xia Miaoyan's head, smiled bitterly, and said, "Silly girl, after the master came back from Qiulin County, something happened to the company and was smashed. I went to deal with the company's affairs on 5.5, and then There was another case in a mental hospital today, so I didn't come to you."

When Xia Miaoyan heard that there was a problem with Lin Chen's company, she suddenly became nervous.

In the past, Xia Miaoyan still had contact with those people in the company. Now that the company has let the two twin sisters of Shen Qiu and Shen Yue manage, Xia Miaoyan has not asked about the company.

After learning that the company was all right now, Xia Miaoyan breathed a sigh of relief, her long eyelashes trembled, and after glancing at Lin Chen, she lowered her eyes again.

"Are you still angry with me now?" Lin Chen asked with a smile.

Xia Miaoyan pursed her lips and said, "Master, I'm not angry anymore. I'll help you tidy up the room today. I've been busy with those dishes for a long time, and I'm very tired. Please invite me to drink a cup of milk tea.".


379 The girl who is thrifty and housekeeping 【Subscription】

Hearing Xia Miaoyan's words, Lin Chen chuckled lightly: "Help me keep the house so clean, cook so many delicious dishes and wait for me, will you be satisfied with a cup of milk tea?"

"Well." Xia Miaoyan nibbled at the red chun: "Milk tea is fine, as long as it's what the master bought."

Lin Chen touched Xia Miaoyan's head again, her hand ran across her smooth hair, Xia Miaoyan was gently stroked by Lin Chen, she just lowered her head slightly.

"Let's go." Lin Chen retracted his hand and said, "Please drink milk tea."

It's almost ten o'clock, it's not too late, there are still many people on the street.

The two said this while walking. Xia Miaoyan was a little curious about the case that happened in the mental hospital today. She said, "Master, what's the matter with today's case? Is it difficult?"

"It's not too difficult, they can break without me," Lin Chen said.

Fan Guoxing's murder weapon was buried in the Anhe Mental Hospital. The police used metal detectors to search. They only needed to give them a few days to scan the entire hospital, find the murder weapon, and then collect fingerprints to determine the murderer.

Immediately, Lin Chen told Xia Miaoyan about the case in the mental hospital. After talking about the case, Xia Miaoyan asked about the rainy night serial murder case.

While they were talking, the two also came to the door of a milk tea shop. Lin Chen said, "The milk tea shop is here, go and buy it."

"No." Xia Miaoyan shook her head slightly: "Master, just buy it for me."

"What flavor do you want there?" Lin Chen asked.

"Master, I will drink whatever flavor you buy." Xia Miaoyan said softly, with a smile on her pretty face, her youthful ignorance.

Lin Chen shook his head, feeling that Xia Miaoyan was a little strange tonight.

Walking to the milk tea shop, Lin Chen bought three cups of milk tea, Xia Miaoyan, Zhang Tianan and Xiaohui each had one cup. After walking back with the milk tea, Lin Chen handed a cup of milk tea to Xia Miaoyan.

"Thank you, master." Xia Miaoyan smiled happily.

"What else do you want to eat?" Lin Chen asked.

Xia Miaoyan shook her head slightly: "No master, it's easy to gain weight if you eat too much."

Hearing this, Lin Chen took a look at Xia Miaoyan and said, "Your figure is already very good, the bigger part should be bigger, the smaller part should be smaller, why do you need to lose weight."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, although she was a little embarrassed, Xia Miaoyan was still very happy.

The two walked along this road for a while, and Xia Miaoyan had already drank half of the milk tea in her hand.

She turned her head to look at Lin Chen and asked, "Master, do you want to drink milk tea?"

"No, I don't like drinking this stuff." Lin Chen shook his head.

Xia Miaoyan directly stretched out the milk tea in her hand towards Lin Chen's mouth: "Take a sip, it's delicious."

Lin Chen said no, Xia Miaoyan still insisted that Lin Chen take a sip.

Lin Chen had no choice but to sip the straw with his mouth and drink a few sips of milk tea.

There was still the smell of Xia Miaoyan on the straw. After Lin Chen finished drinking, Xia Miaoyan took back the milk tea and asked Lin Chen expectantly, "Is it delicious, master?"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows: "It's alright, it's delicious."

"Hee hee, they didn't lie to you, it's really delicious."

As Xia Miaoyan said, she also sipped the straw of the milk tea.

After taking a few sips of the milk tea in the cup, Xia Miaoyan, who lowered her head, suddenly raised her head, looked at Lin Chen, and said seriously, "Master, my first wen is gone..."

Lin Chen's eyes were looking elsewhere. Hearing Xia Miaoyan's words, he was slightly stunned, and said in surprise, "What did you say?"

"My first wen is gone." Xia Miaoyan blinked her big smart eyes and smiled slightly.

"Why is your first wen gone?" Lin Chen frowned.

"Just now." Xia Miaoyan said with a smile.

Lin Chen's thoughts were not here, and he said, "Just now? Didn't you stay with me all the time? Why did Wen disappear at the beginning?"

"Aiya, master, you are so stupid..." Xia Miaoyan rolled her eyes at Lin Chen angrily: "You sipped the straw I bit, and after you sipped it, I stuffed my mouth again. I went there, isn't this picking up Wen?"

It was only now that Lin Chen understood what Xia Miaoyan meant. It turned out to be because she and she drank the same cup of milk tea and bit the same straw, so she said that her first wen was gone.

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