"This can also be considered to receive Wen?" Lin Chen said with a wry smile.

"Yes." Xia Miaoyan bit her mouth and said, "Master, I drink a cup of milk tea from you, Chu Wen is gone... What should I do?"

Lin Chen took a step closer to Xia Miaoyan and said with a wicked smile, "I'll let you see what the real first wen is."

Xia Miaoyan giggled and ran away, Lin Chen chased after him, and after playing with Xia Miaoyan for a while, Lin Chen stopped.

Looking at Xia Miaoyan with a happy face, Lin Chen watched her silently for a long time.

"Master, are you in a hurry to go back?" Xia Miaoyan threw the cup of milk tea into the trash can.

"Where do you want to go?" Lin Chen asked.

"I didn't go anywhere, but I forgot to bring the rubber band to tie my hair from school. I want to buy some rubber bands." Xia Miaoyan said.

"Then go, there is a brand store right in front of you." Lin Chen pointed to the other side of the road.

Xia Miaoyan glanced across the road, and she shook her head hurriedly: "No, that kind of store is very expensive and not affordable at all. Master, I'll take you to a place."

A few minutes later, Xia Miaoyan brought Lin Chen to a night market. There were many hawkers setting up stalls on both sides of the road.

Xia Miaoyan came to a booth that sold 613 tendons of headdress leather, picked up a favorite head flower and clipped it to her hair, turned and asked Lin Chen, "Master, does it look good?"

The beautiful and refined Xia Miaoyan, with a red flower on her head, is naturally more beautiful.

"Good-looking." Lin Chen nodded.

"Then I want this." Xia Miaoyan grabbed the head flower in her hand and provoked other things.

Every time she picked something, she would tie it to her hair and ask Lin Chen if it looked good.

Lin Chen said that she would buy it if it looked good, and she would not want the ordinary one.

After picking out a lot of things, Xia Miaoyan asked the boss how much it was. After paying the money, she stretched out the small bag in front of Lin Chen and shook it, and said, "Master, look, there are so many things, only forty yuan. Affordable?"

"I've used up the [-] yuan I gave you?" Lin Chen asked.

"No, there are still more than [-] yuan. I only spent more than [-] yuan." Xia Miaoyan replied.

"Why don't you buy more expensive things when you haven't used up, you can change your previous life, don't live so frugally." Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan's delicate and beautiful eyes.

Xia Miaoyan didn't respond to Lin Chen's words, she asked with a smile, "Master, do you like girls who are thrifty and housekeepers?"

"I like it." Lin Chen nodded.

"That's fine." Xia Miaoyan smiled.

After speaking, Xia Miaoyan immediately changed the topic: "Master, it's getting late, let's go back quickly.".


380 Wangliu Valley, Dongming City [2 more subscriptions]

It was really not too early, and then Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan walked back to No. 168 Changpo Road together.

On the way back, there were not many people on the street. When she came to a street with various colored floor tiles on the ground, Xia Miaoyan looked down at the floor tiles on the ground, stood on tiptoe, and walked with the colors of the floor tiles.

Many people walked like this when they were young, carrying the floor tiles on the ground. At this moment, Xia Miaoyan was like a little girl.

Lin Chen followed behind her and reminded: "You can easily fall down when you jump like this."

"How could it be? I'm such a big man. It's strange to fall down after walking." Xia Miaoyan disagreed.

"You also know that you are such a big man, you are such a big man, and you still walk like this." Lin Chen shook his head.

"Hee hee." Xia Miaoyan turned her head and said, "I like it."

In this street, Xia Miaoyan walked with the floor tiles. After walking, she stayed where she was and said to Lin Chen, "Master, look, didn't I fall down?"

Soon, the two returned to No. 168 Changpo Road. After opening the door, Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan saw that Zhang Tianan and Xiaohui had not slept yet. animation.

"Where have you been, 580?" Zhang Tianai's eyes were on Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan.

Before Lin Chen could speak, Xia Miaoyan explained with a smile: "Sister Tianan, the master invited me to drink milk tea. I bought some rubber bands and head flowers by the way. See if you need anything."

Xia Miaoyan opened the bag in her hand, and showed the head flower and rubber band inside in front of Zhang Tiannan's eyes.

Lin Chen came over and put two cups of milk tea on the coffee table. He inserted a straw and handed it to Xiaohui.

After Xiaohui took the milk tea, Meimei took a sip. She puffed out her mouth and said, "Thank you brother."

"Xiaohui, you can only drink a few sips, not more, or you will pee at night." Zhang Tianai demanded.

"Okay, Xiaohui, can you take two more sips?" Xiaohui said as she gestured with her fingers.

It's just that she said twice, but her little hand stretched out three fingers, which looked a bit funny.

Zhang Tiannan will be on vacation tomorrow, and Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui will not go to school for the next two days.

After the two women sat together and counted, Zhang Tianan suggested, "Why don't we go on a tour tomorrow."

"Where are you going?" Xia Miaoyan held an apple in her left hand and a mobile phone in her right. After taking a bite of the apple (bbfh), she said, "Sister Tian Nuan, I read the weather forecast. In the past few days, many places in our province have It's raining."

"Really?" Zhang Tianan said: "Wangliu Valley in Dongming City is quite famous. I always wanted to go to Wangliu Valley to play, but I didn't have time. Since we are all free this time, why not go to Dongming City? Want to play in the Willow Valley?"

"Wang Liugu." Xia Miaoyan took a bite of the apple and nodded, "I have seen pictures on the Internet. The whole valley is full of willow trees, but it's beautiful."

"Sister Tianan, why don't we set off to look at Liugu Valley tomorrow?" Xia Miaoyan didn't care about the weather after hearing that it was looking at Liugu Valley, and decided to agree with Zhang Tianan.

"Okay, but we have to ask the driver's opinion." Zhang Tianai looked at Lin Chen who was standing in front of the water dispenser drinking water.

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