Lin Chen had already heard the conversation between the two women. After hearing the words, he said, "Wangliu Valley in Dongming City seems to be quite remote. It's not a short drive to drive there. Miaoyan and Xiaohui only have two days, so the time is a little tight."

"It's okay, master." Xia Miaoyan said, "I can ask for a day off. Xiaohui is only in kindergarten, so it doesn't matter."

"Yeah." Zhang Tianan said, "We will start early tomorrow, so we won't waste much time."

"Okay, let's go to Wangliu Valley in Dongming City tomorrow." Lin Chen agreed.

Seeing that Lin Chen agreed, Zhang Tianan said to Xiaohui, "Xiaohui, let's go to bed now, and we'll go on a trip tomorrow morning."

Hearing that she could go to play, Xiaohui was naturally very happy. She patted her chubby little hands and went upstairs to sleep with Zhang Tianan and Xia Miaoyan.

Before, Xia Miaoyan and Zhang Tianan slept in Zhang Tianan's room. That chuang was quite big. Although there is now Luo Xiaohui, she is so small that she will not look crowded at all.

The three girls went to sleep in the house, and Lin Chen also returned to his house.

Lying on chuang, I glanced at my phone, and there was an unread text message in it. After opening the text message, I saw that it was sent by Qi Hongyuan.

In the case of Anhe Mental Hospital, if the deceased Zhou Ping was not a classmate of Qi Hongyuan, Lin Chen would not have rushed there early in the morning after the case and participated in solving the case.

After the case was solved, Qi Hongyuan followed one of Zhou Ping's fellow villagers and went back by the way. This short message was Qi Hongyuan's message that he had arrived home.

After putting down the phone, Lin Chen lay on the chuang to rest.


Inside the municipal party committee compound in Tianhai City, Miao Yunfei returned home with a tired face.

Mayor Miao and his wife were waiting on the sofa for their daughter's return. After seeing her daughter's return, Miao's mother immediately got up and brought slippers for Miao Yunfei.

As a mother, seeing her daughter handling the case so hard, Miao's mother couldn't help but feel a little distressed: "Xiao Fei, since some cases are not handled by you, you should not participate in it, it depends on how hard you work."

Miao Yunfei sighed and said, "It's okay, Mom, I'm so young, what's the point of working harder."

"You belong to a girl's family, so whatever you do, it's your father's fault. I agree with you to be a criminal police officer." Mother Miao was reluctant to talk about her daughter, but her husband.

Miao's mother nagged a few words, Miao Zhengxiong said to Miao Yunfei: "I already understand the case of the mental hospital."

Hearing this, Miao Yunfei sat opposite Miao Zhengxiong: "Then I won't be bothered to explain to you."

"The case in the mental hospital has been solved?" Miao mother and daughter talked on the phone during the day and knew about the case, but did not know that the case had been solved.

"Well, it's broken." Miao Zhengxiong nodded slightly: "The case was solved in less than [-] hours, and that kid Lin Chen broke it."

"It's him again." Mother Miao said, "Lin Chen, this young man, last time he came to us as a guest, I could see that he was not easy. It's been a long time since he came to our house, and he's broken again. case."

Miao's mother was a little sighed, Lin Chen's young man is handsome and sunny, he is better-looking than those male stars on TV, and his character is also good. She has always had a deep impression on Lin Chen.

Miao Yunfei felt a little uncomfortable when she thought that Lin Chen helped Zhang Tianen break this case.

Seeing his daughter's expression, Miao Zhengxiong knew it a bit, and said to her daughter, "Yun Fei, Dad, you've been tired recently, take a few days off, dress up tomorrow, don't wear a police uniform, go to the forest Chen's house, please invite Lin Chen to come to the house as a guest."

"It's okay to invite him to be a guest at home, but I'm too lazy to dress up." Miao Yunfei looked like she didn't care, but she was already thinking about what to wear to see Lin Chen tomorrow.


PS: The new case will be in Dongming City. .


381 Two old classmates [3 more subscriptions]

Knowing daughter Mo Ruofu, not to mention Miao Zhengxiong being the mayor of Tianhai City, how could his eyesight be poor.

Miao Zhengxiong's observation of his daughter recently, and her expression when he mentioned Lin Chen to his daughter, Miao Zhengxiong knew that his daughter was somewhat interested in Lin Chen.

This is also normal. Lin Chen is young, handsome and capable, with a mysterious background behind him. Miao Zhengxiong also hopes that his daughter can come together with Lin Chen.

"You still need to dress up casually, how can a girl wear a police uniform all day long." Miao Zhengxiong smiled slightly, and after saying this, he got up and went back to the house.

Miao Yunfei thought about what her father said in her heart, and also thought that Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan had already lived together, and she couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

I was very tired all day today, Miao Yunfei was preparing to take a good night's sleep, _slept until she woke up naturally.

But the next morning, Miao Yunfei woke up early. After waking up, she glanced at the time displayed on her phone, and it was only six o'clock in the morning.

Miao Yunfei closed her eyes and prepared to squint for a while, but after waking up, Lin Chen was always in her mind, and she didn't fall asleep after half an hour.

In the end, Miao Yunfei simply got up and brushed her teeth and washed her face. After returning to her room, she stood in front of the closet and froze.

When I get along with Lin Chen, most of them are wearing police uniforms. As my father said, they should wear more normal clothes.

After choosing in the closet for a while, Miao Yunfei picked out a dress and walked out the door.

Miao Zhengxiong happened to be eating breakfast at the dining table. When he saw his daughter get up, he smiled and said, "Xiao Fei, I got up quite early today."

"I slept early and got up early last night." Miao Yunfei replied casually, not wanting her father to see that she got up early because of Lin Chen.

Miao Zhengxiong smiled slightly and called Miao Yunfei over for breakfast. After breakfast, the father and daughter went out separately.


Lin Chen also got up very early this morning. After getting up, he stuffed some necessities into the carriage, and after eating something in the living room, he was going to go upstairs to wake up Zhang Tiannan, Xia Miaoyan, Luo Xiaohui and the others. .

When Lin Chen was about to go upstairs, there was a knock on the door.

Lin Chen was curious who came to find him so early, so he walked over and opened the door.

After the door opened, Lin Chen was a little surprised when he saw two people standing outside the door, but he didn't expect it to be them.

At the moment standing outside the door are two pretty girls, but pretty is relative. They are pretty if they are not compared with Xia Miaoyan and the others. If they were compared, they would be overshadowed.

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