They are Lin Chen's two high school classmates, Yu Chudie and Ruan Rou.

Before, after Lin Chen cracked the serial murder case at the bus stop pavilion, Lin Chen cleared Qi Hongyuan and took Qi Hongyuan to a restaurant for dinner.

When I was about to eat, I happened to meet Yu Chudie and Ruan Rou.

Ruan Rou is a little star in Tianhai City. Of course, she can only be regarded as a little famous. Not many people know her outside of Tianhai City.

Yu Chudie also wanted to develop into the entertainment industry. After seeing Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan that night, Yu Chudie was still very enthusiastic about them, but the famous Ruan Rou was different.

Ruan Rou had experienced this cruel society. After she learned that Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan were both unemployed and the other was mentally ill, he had no intention of continuing to talk to Lin Chen and the two.

At that time, Ruan Rou dismissed Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan and left in a hurry. When she walked out of the hotel, she also scolded Yu Chudie for talking so much to Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan. If you talk more, you might even ask yourself to borrow money.

Yu Chudie felt that Ruan Rou's attitude was wrong at the time. After all, she was a classmate, so how could she treat Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan like that.

But she asked Ruan Rou and wanted to rely on her to introduce herself into the entertainment industry, so she didn't dare to refute Ruan Rou's snobbish point of view.

"Why are you here?" When Lin Chen saw Yu Chudie, a classmate, a smile appeared on his face, but after his eyes fell on Ruan Rou, the smile subsided.

How could Lin Chen forget about Ruan Rou, a snobby woman.

"Old classmate, we are free today, come to see you and catch up with you..." Ruan Rou looked down on Lin Chen's attitude when she met in the hotel before, and said to Lin Chen with a smile.

I came to Lin Chen today. She deliberately wore a low blouse, revealing a large white scenery, which looked very attractive.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"Lin Chen..." Compared with Ruan Rou's enthusiasm, Yu Chudie seemed much more conservative.

Yu Chudie knew Ruan Rou's purpose for this trip. When she met Lin Chen for the first time, Ruan Rou looked down on Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan, and turned away without saying a word.

But now, after knowing that Lin Chen has solved so many unsolved cases, and that many people from the upper class give him face, Lin Chen still has his own company, especially after having a good relationship with Jiang Yaxian, the daughter of Emperor Sky Entertainment, Ruan Rou proposed to Yu Chu Die came together to find Lin Chen to talk about the old days.

Yu Chudie was reluctant to come at first, she felt that she despised Lin Chen like that before, but now she came to him with enthusiasm and passion, and her intention was too obvious.

...... .......

But Ruan Rou insisted, she insisted on coming, she had no choice but to come along with her.

Lin Chen nodded to Chudie, and looked at Ruan Rou, who was smiling and full of eyes: "Reminiscing about the old? What about the old?"

Lin Chen's attitude is very cold, and there is no smile on his face. If Ruan Rou saw Lin Chen's expression before, she would be too lazy to pay attention to Lin Chen.

But Lin Chen is now a capable and rich husband-in-law. If he can catch him, or give him some beauty, let him invest a sum of money in himself and make a record or something, that will be enough. .

"Haha..." Ruan Rou chuckled and said, "Lin Chen, look at you, after we graduated from high school, we haven't sat down and had a good chat for a long time."

"The last time we met in a hotel, I was going to have a good time with you and Qi Hongyuan, but I was in a hurry at the time, so I left early."

Ruan Rou took the initiative to mention this, and the smile on her face was still as natural.

Yu Chudie was embarrassed, and Lin Chen naturally saw the expressions of these two women.

Lin Chen didn't say anything, and Ruan Rou didn't wait for Lin Chen to speak, she took the initiative to walk into the room.

After entering the house, Ruan Rou looked around at Lin Chen's house: "Oh, old classmate, your house is quite big. It's clean and clean. It's really comfortable to walk in."

"Chudie, sit." Lin Chen ignored Ruan Rou's flattering words, and motioned for Chudie to sit on the sofa. .


382 There is no good thing [4 more subscriptions]

"Oh, alright..." Yu Chudie agreed and sat on the sofa somewhat cautiously.

Before, Yu Chudie and Lin Chen were quite casual when they got along with each other, but now that she knows that Lin Chen has the identity and ability, she is somewhat restrained in front of Lin Chen.

"Old classmate, your house is quite large from the outside, how many rooms are there in total?" Ruan Rou didn't seem to notice that Lin Chen didn't like to take care of her, and still talked to Lin Chen enthusiastically.

"A lot." Lin Chen's response was very simple. As he said, he opened the refrigerator and took a bottle of drink for Yu Chudie, but he didn't take anything for Ruan Rou.

Taking the drink from Lin Chen, Yu Chudie felt a little embarrassed. Lin Chen's attitude was quite obvious, that is, he didn't want to pay attention to Ruan Rou.

If she were Ruan Rou, thinking of what she did before "July [-]", and looking at Lin Chen's attitude, she would definitely leave immediately.

After the expression on Ruan Rou's face froze for a few seconds, she smiled slightly to ease the embarrassment, and said, "Lin Chen, I'm thirsty too, can I take the things in the refrigerator by myself?"

"It's up to you." Lin Chen said lightly.

Ruan Rou took out a bottle of canned drink from the refrigerator and opened it. After taking a sip, she was about to speak to Lin Chen again, but Lin Chen said to Chu Die: "Chu Die, last time you seemed to say You want to enter a brokerage company to be a singer, how is it?"

Hearing this, Yu Chudie lowered her head slightly and said, "Uh... the brokerage company has signed a contract with me, and I'm currently receiving training from the company."

"It's signed." Lin Chen said, "Then I guess I'll be able to hear your new song soon."

"Hey..." Yu Chudie sighed and said, "How can it be so fast? There are still many newly signed artists like me in the company. When I release a new song, I don't know when it will be."

Lin Chen and Yu Chudie were talking, and Ruan Rou on the side was naturally very uncomfortable.

In Emperor Sky Entertainment, she is only a contracted artist who is a little higher at the bottom, and she can't compare with those big-name stars.

It is very difficult for a starlet without a background to get ahead in the entertainment industry, because you have no background, and there are many beautiful female artists in the company. You throw money and invest in your movies and records.

Sleeping with the boss, sleeping with the director, sleeping with the sponsor, these things are not uncommon in the entertainment industry.

The real wealthy family doesn't look down on the female stars in the entertainment industry. It doesn't mean that every female star is unclean, but in the environment of the entertainment industry, those people from the wealthy family prefer to be well-matched, or to be ordinary and clean. girl.

"Lin Chen... Do you have an opinion on me?"

After Lin Chen and Yu Chudie had a conversation, Ruan Rou finally spoke.

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