After hearing Lin Chen's voice, all the girls woke up yawning. .


385 Walk to see the way [3 more for subscription]

Everyone set off early today, and at more than one o'clock in the afternoon, they finally arrived at Wangliu Valley in Dongming City.

At this moment, the car stopped at the entrance of Wangliugu. After the girls woke up, they slowly got out of the car.

Wangliu Valley is famous for its willow trees. In this valley, there is a huge river. On both sides of the crystal clear river, there are willow trees.

The willow branches of the willow tree are hanging down, the breeze blowing, the willow branches swaying gently, looking around, a piece of emerald green, the whole valley, has become a sea of ​​willow trees.

"Wow, Wangliugu looks more beautiful than on TV." Xia Miaoyan cheered a little when she saw the ocean of willow trees in front of her.

Zhang Tian'an took a deep breath of the fresh air in the Willow Valley, the willow branches swayed, and there was the sound of running water and the sound of knowing, and the incessant sound of knowing that it was summer.

Miao Yunfei also had a smile on her face. She glanced at the scenery of Liugu Valley, then looked up at the sky with some dark clouds, and muttered: "Wang Liugu is beautiful, but the weather is not good today, it would be better if it was sunny. already."

Xia Miaoyan also looked at the dark clouds in the sky, she smiled and said, "it's okay, it's alright if it doesn't rain."

"Look at the dark clouds, it won't rain during the day." Zhang Tian'an said.

Xiaohui's chubby little hand grabbed Zhang Tianan 627's hand, her little face was full of happiness.

It was already one o'clock, and everyone was a little hungry.

At the entrance of Wangliu Valley, there are hotels and snack bars.

Everyone walked to one of the snack bars and sat down at the table in front of the snack bar.

The boss immediately brought the menu. This is a tourist attraction, and the price list on the menu is naturally much more expensive than outside.

Miao Yunfei and Lin Chen showed no expressions, while Zhang Tiannan and Xia Miaoyan said that it was very expensive. The same thing is three or four times the price outside.

Hearing the murmurings of the two women, Miao Yunfei smiled and said, "It's alright, just order it. Lin Chen is a big local tyrant, and he has no shortage of money."

Everyone ordered some food, and the boss quickly brought out what everyone ordered.

When everyone was eating, a gray Volkswagen car drove into the square at the entrance of Wangliugu.

Sitting in the gray Volkswagen is a woman in her thirties.

This woman's name is Feng Meili, a female programmer of an IT company in Dongming City. As her name says, Feng Meili has a pretty face.

However, after a failed marriage, Feng Meili, who is in her thirties, has been single for several years in a row, and she is not ready to talk about her boyfriend until the wound heals.

In this regard, Feng Meili's family is still very anxious. It is not scary for a woman to get divorced. What is scary is that she will wait until she is past a beautiful age and look for a partner when she is old.

Because of the blind date and marriage, Feng Meili often quarreled with her family members, and her work in the company was also very busy. After working overtime for a few days in a row and getting two days of vacation, Feng Meili drove to Wangliugu to prepare to be here. Have a good afternoon and relax.

After relaxing in Wangliugu, Feng Meili had to go to a car repair shop in the evening. The car she bought was second-hand. It was fine at first. After driving for a while, it often turned off automatically and could not start. question.

Now the problems of automatic shutdown and failure to start are more frequent. There is no other way but to make an appointment to repair the car.

Feng Meili's Volkswagen passed by Lin Chen's Audi and almost hit Lin Chen's car.

She glanced at Lin Chen's Audi, and said to her heart, don't be distracted while driving, if you accidentally touch the Audi, it will be in trouble again.

After parking the car in a parking space, Feng Meili picked up the mobile phone that was on the side, and after pressing the power button twice, Feng Meili found that the phone was out of power.

"Even if the power is out, the company is so busy, don't be like before, call me from home to the company if you are too busy." Feng Meili muttered.

After muttering, she threw the dead phone into her handbag and walked towards a snack bar.

Next to the table at the entrance of the snack bar, Xia (bbac) Miaoyan muttered, "The owner of this store is so stingy, he doesn't even bring a box of paper."

"I'll go get it." Zhang Tianan said, getting up to ask the boss to get the paper.

"Xiaohui, Xiaohui." Xiaohui's mouth was full of oil. She wiped Xiaohui's mouth with her hand, wanting to help her sisters get a piece of paper to claim credit.

Zhang Tianan smiled slightly, Xiaohui was going, so let her go.

Xiaohui climbed down from the stool, stepped on the small slippers, and walked into the store.

Coming to the busy boss, Xiaohui raised her head: "Uncle, can you give us some paper?"

The boss nodded and handed a pack of tissue paper to Xiaohui, Xiaohui said thank you, and trotted out of the store.

Feng Meili was walking into the store, Xiaohui didn't pay attention to her, and Xiaohui accidentally bumped into Feng Meili.

"Oops..." Xiao Hui exclaimed, she didn't stand still, and was about to fall to the ground.

Seeing this, Feng Meili quickly hugged her.

Not far away, Lin Chen and the others saw this scene. Originally, Xiaohui was about to fall, but Zhang Tianan and the others were startled.

"Little girl, are you alright?" Feng Meili liked so much when she saw such a cute little loli.

"'s fine, I'm sorry, Auntie." Xiaohui blinked her eyes twice and apologized.

Feng Meili glanced at Lin Chen and the others subconsciously, and she knew that Xiaohui was with Lin Chen and the others.

Lin Chen and the others also saw Feng Meili's face. After Feng Meili turned her head, she said to Xiaohui, "Be careful when you walk in the future, don't fall down."

After Feng Meili finished speaking, she walked into the snack bar.

Xiaohui held the bag of paper in both hands and returned to her seat.

Zhang Tianai hugged Xiaohui on the stool and said, "Xiaohui, you need to see the way when you walk, do you know?"

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