"I see." Xiaohui agreed.

This was just a very small episode, and everyone didn't take it to heart. After eating the snacks and paying the money, the group went to the ticket office in Wangliugu.

One ticket per person, Xiaohui is free of charge, Zhang Tiannan, Xia Miaoyan, Miao Yunfei, Xiaohui and the others walked in front, and Lin Chen followed behind them.

After coming in from the ticket office, there are trails paved with bluestone. Walking on the trail, you can feel the shade of the willow forest. Inside, the continuous screams are a bit harsh.

There are many amusement projects in Wangliu Valley. At this moment, there are still quite a lot of tourists in Wangliu Valley, taking pictures and busy playing.

There are also many couples sitting on the bluestone under the willow tree and kissing there.

Along the way, Xiaohui saw a lot of people kissing. .


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After seeing a loving couple next to her, Xiaohui pointed at them and asked Zhang Tianan curiously, "Sister Zhang, what are they doing when they hug each other?"

When Zhang Tianan and the girls heard Xiaohui's words, they all looked in the direction Xiaohui was pointing at.

After seeing that Xiaohui was talking about a couple who were hugging and kissing Wen, the expressions on the three women's faces were a little weird.

Other couples are kissing. How can _ and Xiaohui explain it?

Coincidentally, the eyes of the three girls turned to Lin Chen.

The three girls looked at Lin Chen, and the meaning of those eyes was to ask Lin Chen to explain this to Xiaohui.

"They are kissing." Lin Chen explained to Xiaohui.

The three girls thought that Lin Chen would give a more euphemistic explanation, but they didn't expect his explanation to be so direct.

"Kiss, oh, I see." Xiaohui nodded, indicating she understood.

"You..." Zhang Tianai rolled his eyes at Lin Chen.

"Won't you be polite?" Miao Yunfei also gave Lin Chen a sideways glance.

Xia Miaoyan looked at Lin Chen with a smile and said, "Master, you are shameless."

"I'll tell the truth." Lin Chen stood on the spot and said.

The three women each scolded Lin Chen, and then ignored Lin Chen and continued to walk inside.

After taking Xiaohui to play a few rides in Wangliu Valley, the girls felt a little tired and sat on the stone bench to rest for a while.

After a short rest, he continued to wander in Wangliu Valley. Soon, a group of people in front caught Lin Chen's attention.

It was a group of people wearing taekwondo uniforms, men and women, standing on a scenic spot and taking pictures with various moves.

They were photographed by a professional photographer. After an action was taken, the photographer communicated with them, and those wearing taekwondo uniforms changed to another pose.

The poses they posed were quite imposing. Next to the photographer, there was a young man in his twenties standing with his hands behind his back.

This young man is tall and straight, and his face looks a bit resolute. He is also wearing a taekwondo uniform.

When walking by these people, Xia Miaoyan heard those people wearing taekwondo uniforms talking, she said in surprise: "Hey... These people seem to be from Han Guo."

Han Guo and Hua Xia people are both Asians, and their appearance is similar. These people do not speak, and they do not know that they are Han Guo people.

"Well, it's from Han Guo, they are taking pictures." Zhang Tian'an echoed.

Miao Yunfei was not interested in the group of Han people from the Taekwondo gym. Lin Chen glanced at the group of sticks, and then withdrew his gaze.

"Hey! Ha!"

After taking the photos, the group of Han people began to shoot action short films.

They are all members of the 'Han Yi' Taekwondo Hall. The Han Yi Taekwondo Hall has been renovated in the urban area of ​​Dongming City and will soon open.

The group was here to shoot promotional photos and videos for the opening.

Lin Chen and the others didn't stay much, they turned around and left. After Lin Chen and the others left, many people gathered around to watch the group of Han people.

After discovering that they were a group of Han people, the onlookers began to discuss.

Of course, they are not talking about people, but comparing Taekwondo with the martial arts inherited from China.

Some say that taekwondo is better than Chinese martial arts, and some depreciate the so-called Chinese martial arts, thinking that taekwondo is stronger in actual combat.

While those few people were discussing, the young man wearing a taekwondo uniform with an extraordinary bearing strode forward with his hands on his back.

His eyes swept over the people who were talking, and said: "Your Chinese martial arts, in front of our taekwondo, is a pitiful joke."

When the young man said this, a reckless smile appeared on his face. His physique was strong and his aura was very strong. Although those few people were not happy with his words, they were afraid of being beaten, so they kept silent.

Seeing that these Huaxia people did not dare to refute him, a trace of disdain flashed in the young man's eyes. His Mandarin was very standard, and it was obvious that he had been in Huaxia for a long time.


Lin Chen and his party came to the river, rented a boat for money, and rowed slowly in the river.

Lin Chen is the main driving force for rowing, the three women slide their white palms in the river water from time to time, and bursts of relaxed laughter can be heard.

Lin Chen and the others spent an afternoon in Wangliu Valley, Xiaohui played all the projects she wanted to play, and was very happy.

After the sky gradually darkened, the colorful lights of the whole Wangliu Valley lit up. Under the beautiful lights, Wangliu Valley became even more beautiful.

A few people ate dinner at a restaurant by the river. They ordered some fish from the river and some side dishes. They sat at the table by the river and enjoyed a leisurely dinner while looking at the glowing willow trees in the mountains and plains. .

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