· · Flowers · ·

After eating, Lin Chen and the others wandered in the mountains again. Although it was night, there were still many people in the mountains. Many people came to look at Liugu just for the lights at night.

When it was more than nine o'clock in the evening, a little raindrops suddenly fell on the sky.

"Oops, it's raining." Xiaohui covered her head with her little hands and said, looking at the dark sky.


The light rain tends to be heavier and heavier. Many people took out prepared umbrellas or hid in the gazebo.

"Do you want to stay in the valley tonight?" Lin Chen asked the girls for their opinions.

"No need." Zhang Tian'an shook his head and said, "I have already booked the hotel online. I have enough to play here. Let's go to that hotel now and go to the city tomorrow."

...... .......

Since Zhang Tiannan had already booked the hotel, Lin Chen and the others didn't say anything, and they started walking towards the exit of Wangliugu.

At the same time, Feng Meili came out of Wangliugu with an umbrella and walked into the parking lot.

Feng Meili got into her gray Volkswagen car. She put the key in, and the car vibrated twice, and she was able to start it successfully.

"Huh..." Feng Meili exhaled and said to herself, "This time, it's very good for me. It started successfully in one go."

Driving, Feng Meili drove towards the way home.

Not long after we drove out, the light rain turned into heavy rain. Drops of rain fell on the roof of the car and on the windshield, making a rattling sound.

It was raining heavily, and the wipers on the windshield were working hard.

After driving for a while, Feng Meili said to herself, "It's raining so hard, and I came out so late... The scheduled repair shop is probably closed, hey, forget it, go home first, and go to repair the car tomorrow. All right."

Wangliugu is in a remote suburb, and the way home is also a bit remote. During this time period, there are almost no people or cars on the road.

When Feng Meili drove the car to a road with farmland on both sides, her casual gaze suddenly turned into panic.

Because, she saw a person hanging from the tall street lamp with dim yellow lights in front of her.


PS: This is the ninth case in this book, the 'Street Lamp Suspension Case'. I beg brothers not to gain weight and subscribe every day. Daily subscriptions are very important to this book. Thank you brothers. .


387 The female corpse under the street lamp 【Subscription】

It was more than nine o'clock in the evening, and darkness shrouded this road in the suburbs of Dongming City.

The rain fell down, hitting the trees, falling on the ground, and splashing water.

On this road with farmland on both sides, the lights of the street lamps are not very bright. Every few tens of meters, there is a dim street lamp.

At this moment, Feng Meili was sitting in the car, her eyes were full of horror, and there was a person hanging from the street lamp a hundred meters away.

Feng Meili's eyesight is not very good, and because of the rain, she can see that the person hanging on the street lamp is a person, but whether it is a male or a female, she cannot see clearly.

The street lights on the road in this area are all about seven or eight meters high, and the figure suspended on the road is four or five meters away from the ground.

'Buzz...' The second-hand Volkswagen sedan that Feng Meili bought, the engine still roared, and approached the street lamp hanging people in front of "[-]".

The closer the distance, the clearer Feng Meili could see. After approaching a distance of more than [-] meters, she discovered a strange situation.

That is the man hanging on the road. His neck was hung by a rope, and he was still slowly ascending.


Feng Meili exclaimed, the person who was originally suspended four or five meters high has reached a height of more than seven meters after she drove close to a distance.

The light of the street lamp is not very bright. Next to the street lamp, there is a big tree with dense branches and leaves.

When Feng Meili noticed that the hanging man was still rising, she was startled and puzzled, and then her eyes looked under the street lamp.

The corpse was hanged by a rope, and it was impossible for the corpse to rise automatically. That is to say, there was another person under the street lamp pulling the rope that bound the deceased's neck.

Looking at the street lamp, because there is a tree next to it, it is dark under the street lamp, and it is impossible to see the situation below.

This section of the road is also a winding road, and the headlights of Feng Meili's car could not illuminate the dark place behind the streetlight.

"Someone, there must be someone under the street light... uh..."

Although she looked over there carefully, because of the light and rain, she couldn't see anything behind the street lamp, but Feng Meili understood that at the moment behind the street lamp, in the darkness blocked by the dense branches of the tree, she must be standing there. one person.

It was the man standing in the dark who pulled the rope and hung the man above the street lamp.

Feng Meili's car was slowly approaching, and after a few dozen meters, she finally saw the man hanging from the street lamp.

It was a woman, her hair was very long, wet by the rain, the long hair was messy and scattered on her face, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

The clothes on her upper body are still there, but the trousers on her lower body have been taken off. Her lower body is not hanging, and her big legs are white and swaying, which is very conspicuous in this dark night.

The woman's neck was tied by a rope. After approaching, Feng Meili saw the rope tied around the woman's neck, and the other end was in the darkness under the street lamp.


The rope rubbed against the top of the street lamp, making a sound that could not be heard in this rainy night. The corpse was pulled up again, the corpse's legs swayed slightly, and drops of rain dripped from the corpse's feet. ground.

Feng Meili is in her thirties and has seen crime movies. At this moment, she knows very well that she has encountered a murder scene.

The murderer killed a woman, tied her neck with a rope, and then hung it on the street lamp. The deceased was already hanging at the top of the street lamp, and the murderer was standing in the darkness.

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