Feng Meili was so nervous at the moment, her foot on the accelerator was shaking slightly. She was sitting in the car, and she was only [-] to [-] meters away from the street light, that is to say, she was only [-] meters away from the murderer. Only twenty or thirty meters.

There are no other cars on this road, only this grey second-hand Volkswagen. Feng Meili understands that as long as she doesn't get out of the car and drives from here at a faster speed, there will be no danger.

The car was driving forward. After Feng Meili glanced at the street lamp in the darkness, she suddenly sank and thought of a very bad thing.

If you don't get out of the car, it won't be dangerous to get out of here quickly, but the problem is that there is a problem with this second-hand gray Volkswagen. A few months after I bought it, it occasionally stalled and broke down, and it couldn't start. matter.

This morning, Feng Meili wanted to go to Wangliugu after repairing the car, but the car repair shop was too busy and was not available during the day. The car mechanic asked her to drive the car over at night and work overtime to repair it for her. .

She was thinking, what would she do if the car stalled and broke down here on her own?

"Bah bah bah..."

Feng Meili pouted a few words and cursed herself with a crow mouth. Although her car would turn off and couldn't start, isn't it driving well now?

No, no, my luck will not be so bad.

The extremely nervous Feng Meili, while comforting herself, carefully drove the gray Volkswagen. She tapped the accelerator with her feet, and the speed of the car was slowly increasing.

The car and the streetlight were getting closer and closer, but the things that Feng Meili was worried about breaking down and the murderer rushing out did not happen.

She has already thought about it, if the murderer really rushes out of the darkness, she will bump into it without hesitation. If she kills someone, she doesn't need to bear much legal responsibility.


The gray Volkswagen passed under the streetlight, and Feng Meili, whose nervous palms were sweating, let out a breath.

Sure enough, I drove the car to a place where there were people, and immediately called 110 for the police.

I thought so in my heart, but the next moment, the car suddenly trembled, the lights that were on were turned off, and the whole car stopped motionless.

Feng Meili was stunned, dumbfounded, and looked at the steering wheel in her hands in horror.

Drop the 0.4 anchor?At this critical moment, at this dangerous moment very close to the murderer, the car actually broke down?

"Ahhhh..." Feng Meili slapped the steering wheel twice in horror. The first thought in her mind was to call the police.

She reached for her bag, unzipped it, and took out her phone.

Because of her nervousness, Feng Meili couldn't hold the phone steady with one hand. She held the phone with trembling hands and pressed the power button with her thumb.

Pressing the screen once did not light up, but pressing it twice was still black. After several consecutive presses, Feng Meili remembered a problem.

When my mobile phone ran out of power in the Wangliugu parking lot, I didn't care and didn't charge it.


At this moment, Feng Meili felt that she heard a movement from behind, and she quickly turned her head to look behind her. .


388 The figure coming [2 more for subscription]

Feng Meili turned her head and looked back. Through the window and rear glass of the car, she was sitting at an angle where she did not see anyone approaching.

Did you hear it wrong?

After Feng Meili had this thought in her mind, she shook her head again.

Although it is raining now, the rain is loud, but just now, I clearly heard it clearly, and there was a swishing sound from the tree behind the street lamp.

'Bang bang bang...'

At this moment, Feng Meili could hear her own heartbeat. She was so nervous and clear that her ears could no longer hear the sound of rain, but instead went to catch other dangerous sounds.

She lowered her head and looked back hard. After watching for a few seconds, she was sure that no one was walking towards her.

The rain was falling, and the wipers stopped working after the car was turned off.

run run run!

This is what Feng Meili has in mind now. Before the murderer has done anything to her, she should hurry up and leave here.

She reached out and grabbed the key. She turned the key with a trembling hand, the car made a humming sound, the body was shaking, the lights were flickering, and the fire was on and off more than a dozen times in a row, but Feng Meili couldn't Hit the car.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, this rubbish car, why should I buy this rubbish car, why should I come out to play, why don't I go out to play after fixing the car."

The phone was out of power, and the fire couldn't go on all the time. Feng Meili felt like she was going crazy because of the tension.

What kind of feeling is that?Knowing that the danger is not far away, as long as I leave, I can avoid the danger, but I can't go, I can only hope that the danger will not come while waiting anxiously.

Feng Meili looked behind while igniting the car. Fortunately, she still didn't see anyone walking towards her at the moment.

"Huh..." Feng Meili exhaled nervously. At this moment, she thought of a possibility.

I am afraid of this murderer, but the murderer standing in the darkness under the tree is not afraid of myself, isn't it?

The speed of his car driving was not slow just now. According to common sense, the murderer standing in the dark, he couldn't see how many people were sitting in his car.

When he heard the sound of brushing, it might not be that he was walking towards him to deal with him, but that he was hit by him at the scene of the hanging corpse, thinking that there were many people in the car, he was afraid, and it was not necessarily that he turned and ran away.

After thinking of this possibility, Feng Meili told herself that it must be like this. She was afraid of him, and he was also afraid of herself. After all, after the murder, the murderer's nerves must be very tense.

If the murderer is gone, then you are safe now.

Now Feng Meili has two options. One is to open the car door and run away, and go to a place where there are people and call the police.

It's just that it's raining too much now, and this area is a suburb without people, and there are no residents within a few miles of the courtyard.

With my own body, I can't run for a few miles in the rain, and I don't know if I can meet people a few miles away.

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