Another option is to charge the mobile phone there. Although the car cannot be started, there is no problem in charging the mobile phone.

After Feng Meili glanced at the rainstorm outside, she took out her mobile phone and charger and connected it to the car.

She hopes the phone will have some power soon, or a car will pass by here.


After the mobile phone is connected to the power supply of the car, the screen finally lights up, and a charging sign appears on the screen, but the power of the sign is red, and the display is only 0%.

"Quick charge, quick charge" 〃. Feng Meili really regretted it to death. If she knew that this kind of thing would happen, she should have charged her phone.

Or take a power bank to go out today. When visiting Liugu, you can charge your mobile phone in your bag. If the mobile phone has power, the police are already on their way.

The battery on the screen was still 0%. Feng Meili grabbed the phone with both hands and muttered to charge it quickly.

When the battery is at 0%, it cannot be turned on.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the 0% on the screen became 1%, and the power was barely able to be turned on.

Feng Meili breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously turned her head to look behind her. This look almost scared her soul out.

There was no one behind, but a figure appeared at this moment.

Since the street lights were not very bright, Feng Meili's angle of view was still backlit. She could only see a person walking towards her, but could not see his face clearly.

This man had short hair and was not wearing a raincoat. He was drenched in the heavy rain and walked towards Feng Meimei's car.


Feng Meili let out an exclamation. She thought that the murderer standing in the dark had already run away, but she didn't expect a person to appear at this time, walking towards her.

On this remote road with farmland on both sides, a man without a raincoat suddenly appeared. Needless to say, he must be the murderer who hung the body on the street lamp.

"...Damn, ahhh..." Feng Meili was about to go crazy, she turned around, looked at the phone with 1% battery on the screen, and pressed the power button with her fingers.

The bright screen dimmed, and after a slight vibration, the screen turned on again, but instead of displaying the boot screen, it was the charging icon when it was turned off.

The icon still shows 1%!

Feng Meili's eyes widened and she couldn't turn it on... 1% of the battery was still too low.

Feng Meili slammed her fist on the steering wheel, and her lungs were about to explode.

Why are you so unlucky, why do you come out to play, why do you buy this second-hand car with problems, why don't you fully charge the phone when the phone is out of power?

Feng Meili clenched her phone tightly, she turned her head and looked back again, wanting to see how far the figure who could not see clearly was away from her.

After turning her head to look, Feng Meili (Wang's) was stunned to find that the figure about [-] to [-] meters away from her... actually disappeared.

It only took a few seconds since Feng Meili saw the figure just now, turned back on the phone, and looked back again.

In a few seconds, no matter how fast that person is, he can't run a distance of twenty or thirty meters, right?

What about people?Where have people gone?

Feng Meili suddenly thought of a possibility. Could the person just now come to the side of her car, crouching behind the car, so that she couldn't see it?

Thinking of this, Feng Meili immediately looked at the windows of the four doors, all the windows were closed, and she pressed the door lock again.

With a click, all four doors were locked.

Feng Meili's breathing was short, and she looked at the rearview mirror.

No one was seen on the rear-view mirror in the driver's seat, and she looked at the rear-view mirror in the passenger seat again. .


389 The movement of the roof [3 more for subscription]

Through the rearview mirror on the passenger seat, Feng Meili still didn't see anything.

The third place to look is the interior rearview mirror, which can see a little bit behind.

After looking at all three mirrors, I saw nothing.

I saw the person who came in the heavy rain just now and disappeared...

Seeing that person coming, Feng Meili was so frightened that she almost went crazy. Now that that person is gone, her heart is still in her throat.

"Quick charge, quick charge..."

Feng Meili clutched the phone tightly with both hands, staring at the numbers displayed on the screen.

Finally, the 1% became 2%. Although the battery is still very low, it may be possible to turn it on.

After pressing the power button, the phone screen went dark again. This time, after the phone vibrated, the familiar startup screen appeared on the screen.

Feng Meili felt like she was living like a year at the moment. Every minute and every second was so difficult. She had used this mobile phone for more than two years, and it usually took more than half a minute to turn it on.

Feng Meili looked around, she couldn't help 660 who was afraid to cry, and the rearview mirrors on both sides and the rearview mirror in the car did not find the figure just now.

"Squeak... squeak..."

At this time, there was a creaking sound from the roof of this gray Volkswagen.

The squeaking and rubbing sound was very obvious in this car in this rainy night.

Feng Meili raised her head and glanced at the roof of the car. Tears of fear had already fallen from the corners of her eyes.

There was a change in the roof of the car. Could it be that the figure just now climbed onto the roof of the car?

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