But it's not right. If someone climbed onto the car, the person sitting in the car should be able to feel it. I didn't feel or hear anything just now.

"Squeak... squeak..."

On the roof of the car, there was still the creaking noise. Feng Meili looked up at the roof, holding the phone in one hand and wiping tears in the other.

When the sound on the roof disappeared, Feng Meili looked down at the phone. The screen of the phone was beating, and it was about to be successfully turned on.

After more than ten seconds, the mobile phone is turned on and the signal is connected, and the alarm call can be made.


But at this moment, Feng Meili, who was looking down at the screen of her mobile phone, suddenly felt that the light in the driver's window where she was sitting suddenly dimmed, as if something was outside the window, blocking the light. .

Feng Meili felt her body trembling violently, she subconsciously turned her head and looked out the car window.

In the next instant, outside the car window... a ferocious face appeared in Feng Meili's line of sight.


After Lin Chen and his party came out of Wangliu Valley, they got into the car in the rain.

This trip was a bit careless, Zhang Tianan and Xia Miaoyan both forgot to bring their umbrellas out.

After getting into the car, Lin Chen asked Zhang Tianan, "Which hotel did you book, tell me the name, and I'll navigate there."

"Wait, I'll take a look." Zhang Tianan took out his mobile phone, and after finding the hotel's order, he told Lin Chen the name of the hotel.

After locating the location, Lin Chen drove the car towards the road indicated by the navigation.

Miao Yunfei was still sitting in the co-pilot seat, she turned her head and looked at Luo Xiaohui: "Xiaohui, did you have a good time today?"

"Happy." Xiaohui answered without thinking. She said, "Before my dad was busy, he let me play at home by myself. I haven't been to such a fun place for a long time."

Zhang Tiannan wiped the rain off Xiaohui's face with a tissue and smiled, "In the future, my sisters will often take you out to play, okay?"

"Okay." Xiaohui hurriedly agreed. After agreeing, she asked Zhang Tianan: "Sister Zhang, can you bring my father when you come out to play in the future?"

The little girl still worried about her father, Xia Miaoyan touched her little head: "Okay, of course it's okay."

Xiaohui smiled, and the three girls also had a smile on their faces.

Although I have been playing for a day, I slept in the car for a long time in the morning, and now I do not feel sleepy.

Chatting all the way, the car quickly drove on a remote road with farmland on both sides.

Looking around, there is no light in this area, there are no residents, only the street lamps emit dim light.

"Where are you going to play tomorrow?" Xia Miaoyan asked while looking out the rainy window.

Zhang Tianan said: "The urban area, I have already checked it. There are many places worth visiting in the urban area."

Xia Miaoyan sits on the left side of the back seat of the car, Zhang Tiannian is on the right side, and Xiaohui sits most in the middle.

Xiaohui's big bright eyes were looking at the road ahead. Suddenly, she raised her chubby little hand, pointed to the front and said, "Brother, sister, there seems to be a person hanging in front of you..."

The three girls were all looking at the rain outside the window. In the rainy weather, sitting in the car still felt quite comfortable.

But after hearing Xiaohui's words, the three girls all looked at Xiaohui.

"What's hanging on a person?" Zhang Tian'an asked suspiciously.

Xiaohui's hand was still pointing ahead, and before she could speak, Lin Chen, who was driving, spoke.

He said: "There is a person hanging from the street lamp in front."


The three girls were startled, and their eyes looked straight ahead.

Miao Yunfei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was the first to see it, and then Xia Miaoyan and Zhang Tianan also saw the corpse hanging from the street lamp.

Although the car and the street light were still a long way apart at the moment, the man was hanging under the street light, his lower body was white, swaying, quite conspicuous.

Miao Yunfei turned her head subconsciously and glanced at Zhang Tiannan, both of them understood that at this time, there must be a corpse above the street lamp again.

"Why is that person hanging on the street lamp?" Xiaohui blinked with big eyes, and she became very curious as the distance got closer.

"It's nothing, Xiaohui, don't you like to play with mobile phones? Here, my sister's mobile phone is for you to play with." Xia Miaoyan took out her mobile phone and opened a game, trying to make Xiaohui's attention focus on the mobile phone.

Xiaohui played with her mobile phone happily, and Lin Chen quickly drove to the street lamp where the corpse was hanging.

The car stopped, the wipers were swinging, Lin Chen and Miao Yunfei could see the corpse hanging from the street lamp as long as they raised their heads slightly.

The lower body of the corpse was not wearing pants, the neck was wrapped around the rope, the face was blocked by the messy hair, and the blocked face was probably sticking out a long tongue at the moment.

"Already dead..." Miao Yunfei whispered, while Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan leaned over and looked up, and saw the hanging female corpse.


Lin Chen unlocked the car door and was about to get out of the car. .


390 Put down the female corpse [4 more subscriptions]

After Lin Chen unlocked the car door, Miao Yunfei hurriedly said, "We don't have an umbrella in the car."

"It's alright, don't get off when you sit in the car." Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Miao Yunfei, his eyes very calm.

After Lin Chen opened the door, he stepped out of the car.

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