The cold rain slapped on Lin Chen's body, and just after getting out of the car and walking a few steps, Lin Chen's clothes and pants were soaked by the rain.

The place where Lin Chen parked was more than [-] meters away from the street lamp. He walked forward, and Lin Chen soon came to the street-lamp directly below.

Standing directly under the street lamp, Lin Chen saw the corpse more clearly. The neck of the corpse was tied with a nylon rope and hung from the street lamp. The big legs were exposed, and the rain fell on the corpse, flowing down the toes of the corpse.

Lin Chen reached out and wiped his face, the rain was so heavy that his eyes couldn't be opened.

After looking at the corpse, Lin Chen also saw a gray Volkswagen parked dozens of meters in front of the street lights.

The lights of the car have been turned off, and standing here can't see if anyone is inside.

When Lin Chen was about to walk towards the car, he heard a cry from Miao Yunfei behind him.

Lin Chen turned his head and saw that Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan got out of the car. They each had a large shopping bag in their hands. Without an umbrella, they covered their heads with shopping bags.

The two women quickly ran towards Lin Chen, Miao Yunfei handed a plastic bag in her hand to Lin Chen, and motioned Lin Chen to cover her head with the plastic bag.

Lin Chen waved his hand, indicating that there was no need, and he went directly to the gray Volkswagen.

When the two women saw this, they followed behind Lin Chen. As they approached step by step, Lin Chen and the others also saw that the window of the driver's seat of the car was smashed.

After coming to the side of the car, Lin Chen leaned down and glanced inside the car, but he didn't see anyone inside.

In the driver's seat, there was an opened leather bag. Lin Chen picked up the leather bag and glanced at it. There was no wallet in it, only a few packs of napkins, a toilet, and skin care products such as sunscreen.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan also came to the side of the car. After reading it, Zhang Tianan said, "It seems that this is a case where a female driver encountered a murderer at night."

Miao Yunfei turned her head and glanced at the corpse hanging from the street lamp, and said, "It's dangerous for a woman to go out alone at night, even if she drives a car. It's going to happen."

Lin Chen didn't speak, he walked from the driver's side to the co-pilot's seat.

He reached out and opened the passenger's door. There was a faint scent of perfume in the car.

The heels of these sandals are very high, and they seem to be spare shoes. It is very inconvenient to wear such shoes when driving.

Lin Chen reached out and picked up one of the shoes and glanced at it, the rain fell on him, making Lin Chen unable to open his eyes.

Shaking his head, Lin Chen put down the shoe and looked inside the car a few times.

Zhang Tianan came to Lin Chen's side, and seeing that Lin Chen didn't need a plastic bag to block her head, she had to hold the plastic bag with both hands to block Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen looked at the car, he straightened up and said to Zhang Tian, ​​"Don't worry about me, just block yourself."

"Wait a minute, you catch a cold." Zhang Tian's reluctant Lin Chen was directly exposed to the rain like this.

Lin Chen shook his head, his face was covered with rainwater flowing down: "My health is fine, it's not so easy to catch a cold."

The three of them had finished looking at the car. Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan determined that the case was that the female driver was driving in the suburbs at night, she met the murderer, her finances were robbed, and her body was hung by the murderer from the streetlight.

"This murderer is really perverted. After killing for money, he has to take off the victim's pants and hang them from the street lights. When doing this, isn't he afraid of being hit by a passing car?" Zhang Tianan muttered. .

Miao Yunfei said: "This part of the road is very remote. It's not the one we came from. If it wasn't for the navigation indicating that this road is relatively close, we would not have taken this road."

The three returned to the street lamp with the corpse hanging on it, and the corpse hung quietly on it, which looked a bit weird.

Imagine that you are driving or walking on the road at night, and when you are walking, you suddenly see a female corpse hanging from the street lamp in front of you. Slipped off the legs.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Lin Chen turned his head to look at Miao Yunfei, and said, "You two, get back to the car and notify the police in Dongming City."

"Tian Nuan, you go." Miao Yunfei said to Zhang Tian Nuan.

"Okay." Zhang Tian'an didn't hesitate, and ran towards the Audi Q5 at a trot.

This is the boundary of Dongming City. Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai are criminal policemen in Tianhai City. They have no right to deal with what happened here, so they still have to ask the police of Dongming City to come.

After Zhang Tianan returned to the car, she was soaked wet, and Xia Miaoyan and Luo Xiaohui hurriedly made room for her.

Zhang Tiannan was covered in water, so she couldn't use her mobile phone to make calls, so she asked Xia Miaoyan to call the police.

After calling the police, Zhang Tianan told the police about the situation here and asked them to come over as soon as possible.

Xia Miaoyan's previous dream was to be a police officer, and she also wanted to look under the street lights, but Zhang Tianan shook her head and said to her, "stay in the car and take care of Xiaohui, don't come down."

Looking at Xiaohui beside her, Xia Miaoyan had no choice but to give up.

Lin Chen was under the street light, he walked behind the street light, it was dark here, Miao Yunfei couldn't see it, she put the phone in the plastic bag and turned on the flash.

The situation under the tree behind the street light was immediately clear. The nylon rope tied around the deceased's neck had three dead knots tied at the other end and was fixed to a thick branch of the tree behind the street light.

"There are shoe prints." Miao Yunfei, who was holding a mobile phone, saw a few messy shoe prints on the soil next to the tree. The rain had wiped out the texture of the shoe prints, and she could only see the depth of one shoe print. That's it.

Lin Chen also saw this shoe print, he took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of these shoe prints.

After the shooting, Lin Chenyou walked to the side of the shoe print, stepped on both feet at will, and took a photo of his own shoe print.

After doing this, Lin Chen reached out and untied the rope tied to the tree.

The rope was tied three dead knots in a row by the murderer. After the nylon rope was soaked by the rain, it was difficult to open it. Lin Chen took a little effort to see the rope untied from the tree.

Lin Chen pulled the rope with both hands and started to loosen the rope.

The female corpse was naked and her hair was disheveled, and slowly fell from the top of the street lamp. .


391 The appearance of the female corpse 【Subscription】

The female corpse lowered her arms, and as Lin Chen loosened the rope, her body swayed slightly as she fell.

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