Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai were standing beside the street lamp, watching the female corpse fall.

And Xiaohui in the car behind also opened her eyes wide, looking at the situation ahead.

When Xia Miaoyan found that Xiaohui was staring, she quickly gave her mobile phone to Xiaohui and told her to stop looking and play with her phone.

Fortunately, it was raining at night and couldn't see clearly, otherwise, if Xiaohui could see the female corpse clearly, she would definitely be scared and cry.

After the corpse's feet landed, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan put plastic bags on their hands and gently placed the female corpse on the road.

After putting the body down, the two women did not move the body, nor did they remove the hair on the deceased's face.

This case will be "[-]" by the police in Dongming City. They are out to play this time. They will be afraid of things like corpses at night.

Lin Chen over there, he loosened the rope and walked towards the corpse on the ground.

"Let's go back to the car and wait for the police to come." Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen and said loudly.

It was raining heavily, and the sound of the rain was naturally loud. If you didn't speak loudly, you couldn't hear what the other party was saying.

Lin Chen shook his head slightly, without intending to get in the car, he said to the second daughter, "Give me your plastic bags."

When the two women heard this, they knew what Lin Chen wanted to do, but they didn't speak, and gave Lin Chen the plastic bag in their hands.

After Lin Chen put the plastic bag on his hand, he came to the female corpse, squatted down, and reached out to remove the hair on the female corpse's face.

Seeing this, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan subconsciously avoided their gazes. The deceased was hanged, and the expression on his face was very hideous, and his tongue would spit out.

After Lin Chen pushed away the deceased's hair, he saw the hideous and terrifying face of the deceased.

The deceased's eyes stared violently, his face turned purple, and the tongue in his mouth spit out.

The reason why the tongue is spit out is because the brain of the person who has been hanged or strangled has died, and the control center that controls the muscles of the tongue body has lost control.

At this time, the muscles in the tongue are in a weak and relaxed state. In addition, the jaw is restrained and the mouth is opened, and the tongue will naturally slide out of the body under the influence of gravity. This is the reason for the special position of hanging. If there is no such position, the tongue will be soft. Yes, but not necessarily slipping out of the body.

In the staring eyes of the deceased, full of panic and despair, it is conceivable how desperate she was when the murderer attacked her.

Although the face of the deceased was purple, there were still many obvious slap prints. The face of the deceased was swollen, and there were bruises on the neck of the deceased.

The deceased lay quietly on the ground, staring with his eyes wide open. The long tongue in his mouth was placed at the corner of his mouth. If he went to meet her eyes at this moment, ordinary people would definitely be frightened and run away in a hurry.

Down, is the upper body of the deceased, the clothes on the upper body have been torn, the clothes are torn, and Wen Xiong is still wearing it.

Further down, it is the stubborn smack of the deceased.

The deceased was lying on the ground, her legs were slightly apart, and it could be seen that there was a stab wound on her private part. The stab wound was not big, but it looked deep.

When committing the crime, the murderer should have been holding a knife the size of a fruit knife. He separated the deceased's double tui and stabbed the deceased's private mi.

A man's life is one of the most vulnerable places in the body, and a woman's place is also one of the most vulnerable places in the body.

If the murderer had stabbed a knife in her body while the deceased was alive, then the deceased would definitely be in pain.


When Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan saw the wound on the deceased's body, they frowned and felt a chill on their backs. As women, they could imagine the feeling of being stabbed there.

"This murderer is ruthless, killing people and robbing money, hanging up the body, and stabbing the body of the deceased..." Zhang Tianan said with a frown.

Miao Yunfei imagined a picture in her mind. After the deceased was stabbed below, the murderer hung her up with a rope. At that time, she should have been pulled up by the rope, and the body was left with scarlet. of blood.

The rain hit the female corpse, and the blood on the female corpse flowed down together with the rain.

She must have shed a lot of blood at the time, but the rain was so heavy that the blood had been washed away.

"It's not just being stabbed." Lin Chen looked at the body of the female corpse, and whispered, "The deceased's genitals still have marks of being kicked by shoes. Look at the bruises here. They were kicked out by shoes. A little bit of sand."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai looked more closely, and also noticed the bruises from the kicked out of the dead man.

At this point, the process of the murderer's murder can be roughly inferred.

He strangled the deceased to death with a rope, then took off the deceased's trousers, raised his foot and kicked her body a few times. Three knots were tied around the neck, and the deceased was hung from the street lamp.

"This street lamp can be about eight meters high, so high, how did the murderer hang the deceased up?" Zhang Tianai took his eyes away from the deceased and looked at the street lamp.

"It's very simple." Lin Chen said: "Tie a stone or a wooden stick with a rope, and throw the stone above the street lamp. As long as the stone passes over the street lamp, the rope can be hung up, and the other end can be tied to the dead man's. On the neck, pull the chees down hard, and the body goes up."

"Well, it should be like this." Miao Yunfei nodded.

After observing the complete female corpse, Lin Chen stood up from the ground, his eyes were looking around, as if searching for something.

Seeing this, Miao Yunfei asked, "What are you looking at? The murderer should have left?"

Zhang Tian'an was also curious about what Lin Chen was looking at. Under the suspicious eyes of the two girls, Lin Chen said, "Turn on the flash of your mobile phone and look around here."

The two women heard the words, with doubts in their eyes, Zhang Tianan asked, "Looking for the murderer?"


"What are you looking for?"

Lin Chen glanced at Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan, and explained, "This female corpse is not the owner of the gray Volkswagen. The owner is someone else."

"She's not the owner of the car?" Miao Yunfei opened her eyes slightly.

"Well." Lin Chen nodded and explained: "under the co-pilot of the gray Volkswagen, there is a pair of spare ladies sandals, those shoes are size 34, and the feet of the deceased are size 37, the difference is very different. Three sizes, the owner's spare shoes are definitely not hers."

"One more thing, the handbag in the driver's seat."

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