392 Tian Li's Clothes [2 more for subscription]

The two women also saw the ladies sandals on the gray Volkswagen co-pilot, but they didn't care about the size of the shoes.

The shoes were 34 sizes. The deceased's feet were 37. A person's foot was one size larger than the shoe and could still be worn, but if it was three sizes larger, it would not fit in at all.

After hearing Lin Chen mention the handbag on the driver's seat again, Zhang Tianan asked curiously, "What's wrong with that handbag?"

Lin Chen said, "That handbag doesn't belong to the deceased."

"How can you tell that the bag is not the deceased's?" Miao Yunfei wondered.

Zhang Tianai also added: "The deceased should be the owner of the car. The shoes on the co-pilot may not belong to someone else."

The plastic bag that was originally placed on the head has been used to touch the corpse. At this moment, the two women, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan, were talking to Lin Chen in the heavy rain.

Originally, their neatly combed hair was messed up now, and they couldn't open their eyes due to the rain.

Under the gazes of her 11 and the others, Lin Chen said, "Do you still remember, when we arrived at Wangliu Valley at noon, we ate in the snack bar over the parking lot, and Miaoyan said that the boss was so stingy and wouldn't give it to me? A pack of napkins, Tian Wen, you're going to get it, and Xiao Hui told her to go."

"Remember." Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tiannan nodded.

"At that time, when Xiaohui came out with a tissue, she bumped into a woman in her thirties. Xiaohui almost fell. It was the woman who supported Xiaohui." Lin Chen continued.

The two women still nodded, and Lin Chen said, "The woman in her thirties at that time was carrying a bag in her hand, exactly the same as the bag in the car."

"This road is very remote. Generally, only people who travel to Wangliugu pass here. There is a bag in the car like the woman's. That is to say, the car is not the deceased's, but the one with Xiaohui The woman who bumped into it."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, the two women looked at each other, and then recalled it in their minds.

Miao Yunfei didn't remember anything, at that time she didn't pay much attention to that woman, but after Zhang Tiannan pondered for a few seconds, she raised her eyes and said, "Oh... Woman, seems to have a bag like that."

"That woman went out alone to visit Liugu, and the deceased probably didn't know her." Lin Chen reached out and wiped the rain on his face, and said, "Look around here and see if you can find it. I can't find the woman who bumped into Xiaohui."

"Okay." The two women agreed, and the three of them started to search separately.

Lin Chen went to the street lamp where the corpse was hanging. At the very edge of the road was a canal, and beyond the canal was a large farmland.

Because of the rain tonight, the water storage in the canal has increased significantly, the turbid water is flowing, and the lights are shining on the straight canal, and no one is seen in the canal.

Since the murderer killed the deceased, it is very likely that the woman in her thirties had an accident and was killed by the murderer, and the body was thrown nearby.

Lin Chen walked forward along the straight canal, and the light in his hand also shone toward the farmland from time to time, wanting to see if there was a female corpse in the farmland.

It's just that the light from the mobile phone's flash is scattered, and it doesn't shine as far as the flashlight. Lin Chen couldn't see the situation in the farmland very clearly.

On the other side, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan, they searched on the road across the road.

Zhang Tiannan raised his head and pointed the flashlight towards the tree. Standing under the tree, the rain was not so heavy and his eyes would not get wet.

When searching under these dense trees by the roadside, Zhang Tianan was very afraid that he would see a scene, that is, when he walked under a tree, raised his head and looked up, he found a female corpse vomiting and growing Long tongue tou, staring with frightened eyes, his face turning purple, hangs on a tree with dense branches and leaves.

Looking at a corpse with staring eyes is a very terrifying thing. After looking at each other, you will not be able to forget the eyes of the corpse for a long time. At night, you always feel that those eyes will Watching you in some dark corner.

After looking for many trees in a row, Zhang Tianai did not find the body.

Miao Yunfei, like Lin Chen, walked along the canal beside the farmland, wanting to see if the woman would appear in the canal.

After searching for a while, Miao Yunfei suddenly found that there was a person lying in the farmland, and she could vaguely see the clothes.

She stretched out the phone over there and looked at it hard, but because of the light and distance, she couldn't see if the body lying in the rice field was a corpse.

Miao Yunfei walked from the canal to the side of the road, and she shouted at Lin Chen and Zhang Tian'an, "There is something here, come here quickly."

Zhang Tiannan was relatively close to Miao Yunfei. After hearing the words, she ran over immediately, while Lin Chen, who was across the road, couldn't hear her at all.

"Sister Yunfei, what did you find?" Zhang Tianai asked hurriedly.

Miao Yunfei pointed in the direction of the rice field and said, "I think I saw a person in the field, but it's a little far away, so I'm not sure if it's a corpse."

Zhang Tianai also followed Miao Yunfei and called out to Lin Chen, but now Lin Chen heard it.

Lin Chen returned to the road from the canal in three or two steps, and quickly came to Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai's side.

Miao Yunfei told Lin Chen about seeing clothes in the rice field, and Lin Chen asked Miao Yun to lead the way.

The three walked to the position where Miao Yunfei was standing before, Miao Yunfei pointed in one direction and said, "Lin Chen, look, it's over there."

"It is indeed a piece of clothing, it seems that there is a person lying in the field..." Zhang Tian'an said after looking over there.

The ridge of this paddy field is very narrow, making it difficult to walk. Lin Chen took off his shoes, rolled up his trousers, and stepped on the muddy paddy field.

"Be careful." Zhang Tianai said behind Lin Chen.

Under the watchful eyes of the two women, Lin Chen took step by step in the rice field and walked towards that position.

The mud in the paddy field was very deep, Lin Chen walked in it, and every step he stepped on, the water reached the position of his big legs.

Lin Chen walked in the paddy field without damaging the crops. Soon, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan saw Lin Chen go to the place where the clothes were.

They saw Lin Chen squatting down, but after squatting down for a few seconds, Lin Chen straightened up again and walked back.

The two girls were curious, and when Lin Chen approached, Miao Yunfei asked quickly, "Lin Chen, how is it, is that a corpse?"

Lin Chen looked at the two daughters, shook his head, and said, "No."

"But it looks like a person is lying in the field alone." Zhang Tianai glanced over there again. .


393 I met an acquaintance [3 more for subscription]

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