Not only netizens in Dongming City, but netizens in surrounding cities all knew about the case after someone shared and reprinted the post.

In a post related to the case, a netizen with an ID called 'Back Shadow' said: "The life and death of the female driver is still unknown, and I am still skeptical about the efficiency of the police in solving the case. It would be nice if the detective named Lin Chen was there. Yes, he has solved so many cases, and with him, the female driver may still have hope of surviving."

After the netizen named 'Back Shadow' posted this sentence, this sentence was immediately pushed to the top of the post.

Many people responded to this comment, saying yes, if the detective Lin was here, it is estimated that the case would be solved today, and the female driver might still survive.

The police in Dongming City, some policemen paid attention to the comments of netizens on the case. After seeing the high voice about Lin Chen on the Internet, a policeman who knew the situation went to Ma Zhiyu.

He said to Ma Zhiyu: "Captain Ma, many people on the Internet are saying that if Lin Chen was here, the case would be solved quickly. Without him, the female driver would be very dangerous."

When Ma Zhiyu heard the words, he sneered: "What do those netizens know? This case is not an unsolved case. I will solve it soon."


400 Dong Jun's house [2 more for subscription]

The reason why he came to talk to Ma Zhiyu about the case on the Internet was naturally because he was Ma Zhiyu's son-in-law and wanted to please Ma Zhiyu.

Ma Zhiyu's father was the second-in-command of the public security system in Dongming City. He followed Ma Dashao and had a good future.

After hearing Ma Zhiyu's confident words, the policeman hurriedly said: "Yeah, that Lin Chen just solved some cases, and now those netizens have immortalized him, thinking that apart from him, Lin Chen, there is no one else. People can do it, but I don't know that many cases have nothing to do with him, Lin Chen, and our police have cracked them."

"He, Lin Chen, only solved a small number of cases."

This policeman's words made Ma Zhiyu quite satisfied. His thoughts were similar to this.

"Call and ask them if they have found Dong Jun. If Dong Jun is gone, the suspicion of this "June [-]" person will be even greater." Ma Zhiyu asked the policeman to contact the team of detectives who went to find Dong Jun .

The parents of the deceased Niu Li did not know Dong Jun's address. The police called Dong Jun and got a prompt tone that the phone was turned off.

So I located the location where Dong Jun's mobile phone number was turned on for the last time, and the location was located in a town on the outskirts of Dongming City.

According to the located address, the police locked Dong Jun's specific residence. When she came downstairs, the landlord of that building happened to be sitting at the door and chatting with people in the shade. When she saw the police want to enter her house, she hurriedly asked the police Intention.

It was the best thing to bump into the landlord, which saved a lot of trouble, so the police asked the landlord if there was a man named Dong Jun who lived here.

The landlord thought about it and said yes, Dong Jun moved here recently and hasn't lived here for a long time.

The police asked her which room Dong Jun lived in, and led by the landlord, the police came to the door of a room on the third floor.

After knocking on the door a few times, there was no movement inside the door, and after knocking again and again, no one came to open the door.

The police looked at each other. Could it be that Dong Jun ran away?

When the landlord was saying that he was going to get the spare key, the door suddenly clicked open, and a sleepy man stood inside the door.

This man was tall and had a good physique, with messy hair, dark bags under his eyes, and unshaven beard, giving him a decadent feeling.

"Are you Dong Jun?" The police asked in a serious tone.

Dong Jun looked at a loss and replied, "Yes, I'm Dong Jun, what's the matter, police officer?"

"Can we talk in the back room?" the policeman asked again.

"Uh..." Dong Jun hesitated, dodged his eyes, and glanced behind him subconsciously.

"What?" The policeman's eyes were scrutinized. He pressed one hand on the door that was not fully opened and asked, "Is there anything in the house that is inconvenient for us to enter?"

"No... not..." Dong Jun said: "Actually... if you have anything to say, just stand here and tell me."

Seeing that Dong Jun was reluctant to let him in, the police officers looked at each other. Dong Jun must have something tricky in it.

"Open the door!" a policeman behind him snapped.

His scolding made Dong Jun in the door tremble with fright. He saw the unkind eyes of the police on the opposite side, so he had to open the door reluctantly.

Dong Jun stepped aside, and the police immediately walked into the house.

This is a fairly spacious rental house with a separate bathroom, a room of more than ten square meters, and a small balcony for drying clothes.

The room was a mess, the quilt on the chuang was not folded, there were crumpled tissues and food scraps on the chuang, and there was a fruit knife with a plastic handle on the chuang head cabinet.

There is still a trace of apple peel residue on the fruit knife. Judging from the freshness of the residue, it should be the apple that was cut with this fruit knife last night.

Opposite to chuang, there is a small table, there are many things on the table, miscellaneous, packed in many plastic bags.

There was a faint stench in the air of the whole house.

Some police officers began to inspect Dong Jun's house, and the other two police officers said to Dong Jun with a scrutiny: "Why is your phone turned off?"

"Turn off the phone?" Dong Jun yawned, looking at him, he was sound asleep just now, and was woken up by the police knocking on the door: "My phone is turned off?"

As he said that, Dong Jun walked towards the chuang first cabinet where the mobile phone was placed.

After coming to Chuang's head cabinet, he picked up his mobile phone and pressed the power button twice, but the screen of the mobile phone did not light up. .

"Oh, my cell phone is out of power, it's turned off." Dong Jun looked as if he realized that his cell phone was out of power.

He casually opened the drawer of chuang's head cabinet and took out the charger to charge the phone.

"Last night from 7 to 10, what were you doing during this time?" the policeman asked, staring at Dong Jun's eyes.

"7:10 to 6:10?" Dong Jun recalled slightly, he said: "Last night I was out the door after [-]:[-]. I was in a bad mood, so I just wandered on the street and walked to [-]:[-] on the street. Bell, I want to buy some beer and have a late night snack..."

Having said this, Dong Jun paused slightly and continued: "But when I was about to buy it, I found that I had no money with me. I had no choice but to come back without buying anything."

After hearing Dong Jun say that he went out after 6 o'clock last night, several police officers looked at each other.

After Niu Li and Dong Jun broke up, Dong Jun resorted to stalking to save the relationship, but when he couldn't save it, he let go of Niu Li's car, smashed the glass of the car, and blocked the keyhole of Niu Li's house with glue .

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