He also used an anonymous phone card to send a lot of threatening text messages to Niu Li's family. Dong Jun is very revengeful. He said that he went out to go shopping at 6 o'clock last night, which shows that he has time to commit crimes.

"Where have you been since you went shopping last night?" the policeman asked again.

Dong Junhu 1.7 looked suspiciously at the inquiring police officer: "Officer, can you tell me the purpose of your coming to me today? You asked me this and that as soon as you came in, and also inspected my house and brought me Makes you suspicious."

"You can answer whatever we ask, please cooperate with our work." The policeman still didn't give Dong Jun a good look.

Dong Jun immediately told the police about the streets he walked on last night, where he went, where he went, and when he returned home.

When Dong Jun spoke, a policeman next to him recorded it with a camera.

"Who can prove that you really walked through those places last night?" The policeman looked at Dong Jun.

"I can prove it myself." Dong Jun said naturally.

At this moment, a policeman who was searching Dong Jun's house suddenly made a discovery. .


401 Interrogation of Dong Jun [3 more subscriptions]

When the policeman was looking for something suspicious in Dong Jun's house, he found a suspicious liquid in a plastic bottle on Dong Jun's messy desk.

The policeman picked up the bottle and immediately smelled a faint strange smell. After carefully unscrewing the bottle cap, he sniffed it close to his nose. After a few more observations, the policeman determined that the bottle contained sulfuric acid.

"Report, found." The policeman came over with a plastic bottle.

"What did you find?" the leading police officer asked.

After seeing the plastic bottle in the policeman's hand, Dong Jun's expression was very ugly, and he kept pinching the clothes on his body with both hands, looking very anxious.

The policeman holding the plastic bottle glanced at Dong Jun and said, "In the bottle in my hand, sulfuric acid was found, it should be a high concentration of strong sulfuric acid."

"Sulfuric acid?" The leading policeman frowned slightly. He put on gloves and took the bottle over. After observing it, he also determined that the liquid in the bottle was concentrated sulfuric acid.

The eyes of many police officers fell on Dong Jun, and the leading 11 police officer asked, "Why do you find concentrated sulfuric acid in your house? Please explain."

"I, I, I..." Dong Jun said a few words of me in a row, looking hesitant.

"What am I, don't hesitate, tell me what you're using this bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid for?" the leading policeman asked again.

"I...I..." After Dong Jun swallowed a few more words, he said, "I brought it there and put it there."

"Put it there?" a policeman said, "It's good, buy a bottle of sulfuric acid and put it on the table at home? What kind of hobby do you have to keep this dangerous substance at home?"

"It's true that I bought it and put it there, and I don't plan to use it for anything." Dong Jun said, his voice was very low when he said this, obviously he had no confidence.

The police officers looked at each other. There must be something wrong with the bottle of strong sulfuric acid that appeared in Dong Jun's house. According to the character description of Dong Jun by the family of the deceased, the bottle of strong sulfuric acid in Dong Jun's house was probably out of ten. on the deceased and her family.

The lead policeman capped the bottle and put it in a sealed bag, and the fruit knife on Chuang's head cabinet was also taken away.

Dong Jun saw that the police had taken many things from his house. He asked, "What are you doing here today? Why did you take my things?"

The more the leading police officer looked at Dong Jun, the more suspicious he became. He said, "Someone died, it may be related to you."

"Someone died? Maybe it has something to do with me?" Dong Jun pointed to his nose: "Who died, why does it have to do with me? I'm fine, why does it have something to do with the dead."

When Dong Jun said this, many police officers were observing his facial expressions.

"You know the deceased." The lead police officer said, "She is Niu Li, and strictly speaking, she is your ex-girlfriend."


Dong Jun widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and said, "Officer, who are you talking about... Who died?"

"Niu Li, your ex-girlfriend." The lead policeman repeated.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Dong Jun grabbed the lead policeman's arm and asked, "Lili died? How did Lili die? Who killed her? Officer, don't look at me all the time, hurry up. talk."

The leading policeman stared at Dong Jun and said, "Your ex-girlfriend Niu Li is indeed dead. We initially suspect that you are the murderer."


Dong Jun was at a loss for words for a while. He said, "I...I am a murderer? Officer, co-author, you came to my house today to collect evidence that I am a murderer?"

"That's right." The lead policeman nodded.

Dong Jun let go of his hand, shook his head and said, "I'm not a murderer. I'm timid by nature, so how dare I kill someone? Besides, Lili is the woman I love, so how could I kill her."

"Are you timid by nature?" The lead policeman's tone was scrutinized.

After Dong Jun nodded, the policeman continued: "If you are timid by nature, why would you smash Niu Li's car window, let her tires be inflated, seal the keyhole of her house with glue, and send them a What about scare texts?"

"Uh..." Dong Jun hesitated again, and he defended: "Officer, Niu Li's parents told you all these words, right? They think I'm poor, look down on me, and have prejudice against me. Don't listen to their one-sided words, I have never done such a wicked thing."

"Then tell me what you plan to use this bottle of sulfuric acid?" The leading policeman brought up the bottle of sulfuric acid again.

"I..." Dong Jun rolled his eyes and said, "I really just keep it at home and throw it away when it's useless."

Dong Jun's explanation is still very lame, which makes people have problems when they hear it.

After saying this question, Dong Jun asked a few more things about Niu Li's death. He looked a little disappointed, but he didn't shed a single tear.

Other police officers went to investigate Dong Jun's neighbors and asked them if they had seen Dong Jun last night.

A neighbor who lives on the first floor told the police that when he was on the phone downstairs yesterday, he saw Dong Jun go out. At that time, Dong Jun was carrying a bag with a bulge in it. what.

The police also notified the traffic police brigade. Dong Jun told the route he walked on the street last night. Some street lights in this area were still monitored by 910. He wanted to see if what Dong Jun said was true.

The police are investigating the case in many ways. The owner of the gray Volkswagen, Feng Meili, has not yet been found. No one has been found, and no body has been found. If she is still alive, the pressure on the police will be even greater, and the case must be solved sooner rather than later. Rescue the victim Feng Meili.

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