Later, Dong Jun was taken back to the Public Security Bureau of the sub-bureau by the police, and Ma Zhiyu, the captain of the criminal police, personally interrogated him.

Ma Zhiyu's father is the deputy director of the Dongming City Public Security Bureau. He is a criminal police captain in this sub-bureau. The director and deputy director of the sub-bureau are very polite to Ma Zhiyu. It can be said that Ma Zhiyu's rights in the sub-bureau are no weaker than the first and second leaders of the sub-bureau. .

In the interrogation room, Ma Zhiyu walked up to Dong Jun and tapped on the table.

Dong Jun looked at Ma Zhiyu with a bitter face, and said, "Officer, I've said it many times. Lili's family has opinions on me. They are deliberately slandering me. I didn't kill Lili."

Ma Zhiyu narrowed his eyes: "Do you like Niu Li?"

"I like it." Dong Jun didn't expect Ma Zhiyu to suddenly ask this.

"Do you love her?" Ma Zhiyu asked again.

"Love." Dong Jun nodded.

Ma Zhiyu sneered after hearing the words: "You like her, love her, why didn't you shed a single tear after hearing the news of her death?".


402 What is in the bag [4 more subscriptions]

"I..." Dong Jun said a word of "I", and the words that followed were stuck in his throat and could not be said.

"What am I?" Ma Zhiyu said: "Niu Li is the woman you like. You have spent so much time and effort in pursuit of him. Why didn't you cry after hearing that she was killed? This is loving someone. normal performance?"

Dong Jun didn't cry. This was what the leading policeman told him when he came back. The leading policeman said it was suspicious. According to common sense, if someone you like dies, you should be very sad. Even if you don't cry, you will show it. driven to distraction.

And after telling Dong Jun that Niu Li was dead for the first time, Dong Jun was just surprised, and then his face was expressionless.

"Do you have to cry when you're sad?" Dong Jun retorted, not daring to look at Ma Zhiyu.

Ma Zhiyu was very proud at the moment. After talking to Lin Chen last night, he was full of thoughts and hoped that the case would be simpler, and that it would be better to solve the case within a day.

In this way, Miao Yunfei can take a good look, and then hit Lin Chen in the face.

There are many doubts about Dong Jun in front of him now, and he is still dodging. Judging from Ma Zhiyu's experience, Dong Jun is likely to be the murderer who killed Niu Li and hung Niu Li on the street lamp.

Ma Zhiyu immediately conducted a series of interrogations on him, and Dong Jun said that he was not the murderer and did not kill Niu Li.

As for the use of the bottle of sulfuric acid on his table, Ma Zhiyu couldn't say why.

News soon came from the traffic police brigade. According to Dong Jun, the route he went shopping last night was checked by the traffic police brigade on the road.

During the surveillance, Dong Jun was indeed seen walking on the street, but the surveillance screen only captured Ma Zhiyu's walking when he went out from 6:15 to 6:34.

After 6:34 last night, Dong Jun was no longer found in the surveillance records.

The deceased was killed around 9 pm. Dong Jun's location was not far from the crime scene.

The surveillance could not provide him with an alibi, and others could not provide Dong Jun with an alibi, and Dong Jun's suspicion was growing.

At the same time, the traffic police brigade also conducted an investigation on the road monitoring near the incident on the night of the incident.

The place of death of the deceased Niu Li was on a small road in the suburbs with farmland on both sides. No surveillance was installed on the road in that area, and surveillance was installed in some sections of the road near that area.

According to the monitoring and investigation of those road sections, more than [-] vehicles passed in and out of the direction of the crime scene on the night of the crime.

Of course, these more than [-] vehicles have only been in that direction. Because there is no surveillance in that area, it is impossible to determine how many vehicles have driven from the road where the crime occurred, and how many have driven from other roads.

The video and screenshots of these more than [-] vehicles were handed over to the criminal police in charge of the case by the traffic police brigade.

Among the more than [-] vehicles, almost one-third are taxis from Dongming City, one-third are cars from the city, and the last one-third are vehicles from other provinces.

The license plate numbers and information of these more than [-] cars are available, and you can immediately contact the owner of the car, but the first point is that it is difficult to find out from these cars that the car was driven by the murderer. If it is a foreigner If they committed the crime, they might have left Dongming City by now, making it even more difficult to investigate.

The first point is that it is difficult to find out, and the second point is that the murderer may have killed Feng Meili, but he did not kill Niu Li by hanging it on the street lamp as he did with Niu Li, but buried it somewhere.

The murderer may have left on foot or by bicycle or motorcycle. There are still many blind spots on the road. If the murderer is cunning, it is easy to avoid the blind spots.

It was very laborious to check the vehicles, but now it's alright. Dong Jun, who was identified by the family of the deceased, was very suspicious. If he was the murderer, he didn't need to check those cars. He heard directly from him what she admitted to be the murderer and said The location where Feng Meili was located.

When Ma Zhiyu put all the investigations in front of Dong Jun and asked Dong Jun to show evidence that he was not the murderer, Dong Jun's face was flushed and he couldn't say anything.

"There's no way to explain it."?" Ma Zhiyu said: "When you left the door at 6 o'clock last night, a neighbor saw a bulging bag in your hand. What was in that bag? It was your tool for committing crimes. Bar?"

"No... that bag contains garbage, I took it out and threw it away." Dong Jun explained.

"Take it for the garbage? Why not plastic bags, but cloth bags? Is your family rich? Don't use garbage bags, use cloth bags for garbage?" Ma Zhiyu pressed step by step.

"Officer, I... I really didn't kill anyone." Dong Jun grimaced.

"We have investigated the call records of the deceased, and your mobile phone number was blocked by the deceased. On the morning of the incident, you used the newly purchased number to call the deceased twice. The first call lasted 1 minute 21. Second, the second phone call lasts 13 seconds, don't argue that the anonymous number was not called by you, after our location, the location where the number was called is at your home."

"...the deceased Niu Li will go out at night because of the two phone calls you made during the day, right?"

Dong Jun lowered his head and was silent for a moment. He replied, "Officer, I admit that I called the newly purchased number. I spoke to Lili again yesterday."

"What is the content of the call?" Ma Zhiyu asked.

"I...hey..." Dong Jun seemed to have made up his mind: "The first call took more than a minute, and I said a lot of threats to her on the phone. I hung up the phone."

"After the second call, during the ten seconds of talk time, she and I were scolding each other, and she also scolded me a lot of ugly things."

After speaking, Dong Jun said: "Officer, I admit that I often harass Lili and cause her a little trouble, but I really didn't kill her."

Ma Zhiyu asked Dong Jun to talk about the content of their scolding, and Dong Jun said it.

(Wang Qian Zhao)

The swearing words are nothing more than those, you greet his mother, he greets your whole family, shouting and scolding, most of them revolve around a mother word, in short, swearing, it seems that you can't do it without the mother word.

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