"But in your house, no nylon rope was found." Ma Zhiyu questioned.

"The rope is no longer at my house. I was going to build a wooden chuang in that wood the day before yesterday, but I was thrown into that wood. If you don't believe me, I'll show you now." When he said this, Dong Jun seemed calm. a lot.

Although it was incomprehensible that Dong Jun ran to the grove to look at him, but since he made such a vow, he should go and have a look.

Ma Zhiyu and a few policemen took Dong Jun into the car and headed towards the grove he mentioned.

The grove was just behind the rental building where Dong Jun lived, and was close to a river. When the group arrived at the place Dong Jun said, they didn't see anything.

"Are you kidding me?" Ma Zhiyu said coldly, and at the same time was happy that the case could be solved. .


404 Bring it back to the interrogation room [2 more for subscription]

This grove is not large, to be precise, it is a specially planted green forest on the outskirts of the city.

The grove is on the bank of a big river, very close to the rental house. Standing in this wood, looking at the river next to it, the scenery is not bad.

Dong Jun looked at the ground around him, and said with a surprised expression, "Where's my rope? Where's the bundle of rope I bought?-"

Looking at Dong Jun's surprised face, Ma Zhiyu and the police officers next to him looked at each other. This guy pretended to be quite alike. He swore in the interrogation room and admitted that he had bought a bundle of nylon ropes. But the nylon cord is still here.

But after arriving here, there is no nylon rope in this forest except for the trees.

"Are you still pretending?" a policeman asked coldly.

"I didn't pretend, I didn't pretend." Dong Jun walked to the river, looked down, and said, "My rope was obviously put here before, how could it be gone?"

"That's right." Dong Jun asked himself and answered: "It must have been taken away, it must be like this, taken away by someone."

"Haha." Ma Zhiyu smiled: "Dong Jun, are you still pretending to be with me here?"

"You admit that you bought the same nylon rope as the murderer, and it is illogical to say that the purpose of buying the rope is to hit a wood chuang in this forest."

"Hello, what are you doing with a wooden chuang in this forest, don't you want to sleep in this forest? Hehe, at night, the mosquitoes in the forest will not be talked about, you dare to sleep alone at night In this forest?"

"No." Dong Jun said, "After I moved here, I didn't have a job, so I wandered around here and saw that this forest is nice and cool. No one will come here, so I just thought I'm going to build a wooden chuang here, and occasionally come here to play."

"You're so inconsistent."

Ma Zhiyu walked up to Dong Jun and took out a pair of silver handcuffs from behind, he said, "I didn't see the rope here, you said the rope was gone, and now you say that this forest is cool and no one has come here, Just build a wooden chuang here, since no one has been here, where did the nylon rope you put here go? Could it be taken away by ghosts?"

"I...I..." Dong Jun stammered a little: "It wasn't taken by a ghost, it might have been taken by someone else, it might have been... or it might have been taken by the murderer..."


Ma Zhiyu suddenly grabbed one of Dong Jun's hands and put the handcuffs on his wrist, and then with a click, he also locked his other hand neatly.

"Don't argue with me here, Dong Jun, you are the murderer of the street lamp hanging corpse case. You killed Niu Li out of love and hatred. During the process of killing Niu Li, you were bumped into by Feng Meili who was driving by."

"Feng Meili saw your criminal process, so you attacked her too."

Having said that, Ma Zhiyu stretched out his hand and grabbed Dong Jun's collar, and said, "Quickly tell me, did you kill Feng Meili, or was you hiding somewhere?"

The following policemen also immediately surrounded him, preventing Dong Jun from hurting Ma Zhiyu and escaping.

Dong Jun was grabbed by Ma Zhiyu's collar, and he had a sad face: "I swear, I'm really not a murderer. If I were a murderer, I would kill the whole family, right?"

"Don't make such childish poisonous oaths to me." Ma Zhiyu widened his eyes: "If the poisonous oath is useful, I don't know how many people will die in this world."

Ma Zhiyu slightly lifted Dong Jun's collar, and asked him to tell Feng Meili's whereabouts again, whether it was life or death.

Dong Jun killed himself and was not the murderer. He did not kill Niu Li, nor did he attack Feng Meili who was driving by.

Seeing that he didn't admit it, Ma Zhiyu gave Dong Jun several punches on the spot.

Dong Jun stretched out his hand to cover his stomach in pain, screaming in pain.

Ma Zhiyu pointed his finger at Dong Jun's nose and said, "It doesn't matter if your mouth is tough, I have a way to pry your mouth open."

Huaxia's law allows the use of certain methods on prisoners when interrogating prisoners, but many police officers use excessive interrogation methods, or they are horrific.

Ma Zhiyu is in this system. He has dealt with prisoners and has seen a lot of methods. He wants this guy to confess his guilt and use those methods on him one by one. It is estimated that he can't support three methods. admit to being the murderer.

The nylon rope was not found at the scene, and Dong Jun was taken back to the branch.

Just in case, some police officers investigated the surrounding residents and asked them if they had been to the woods that Dong Jun said, and took away the bundle of nylon ropes in the woods.

It took more than an hour to investigate the surrounding residents, and the final result was that they had never been to that forest, nor had they taken away a bundle of nylon ropes.

After the results of this investigation came out, Dong Jun was at a loss for words. There was a lot of evidence that he was the murderer of the street lamp hanging corpse case.

Dong Jun, who was brought back to the interrogation room again, was not treated as well as before. He was already in the interrogation room and was cleaned up by several policemen.

There are also skills in picking up people. You can't hit the position above the collar, and the place wrapped by clothes and trousers can be done casually. If you don't take off your clothes and trousers, you can't see it.


The police officers under him were tortured to extract a confession. Ma Zhiyu put his hands in front of xiong and watched from the sidelines. The interrogation room was filled with Dong Jun's miserable howls. Most people would not bear to listen to the sound.


The place where Lin Chen and his party played today was a large playground built on the outskirts of the city. There were a lot of play equipment in the playground, as well as a water park.

After buying a ticket to enter the playground, Lin Chen held Xiaohui, Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tianan, Xia Miaoyan and the three daughters followed Lin Chen.

"Xiaohui, what do you want to play?" Xia Miaoyan grabbed Xiaohui's little hand and asked.

After Xiaohui entered the playground, her whole body was refreshed.

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