She had bright eyes and pointed to the bumper car over there: "I want to play with that."

"Okay, then let's play bumper cars." Xia Miaoyan smiled.

Lin Chen sat in a bumper car with Xiaohui in his arms, and Xia Miaoyan and the three daughters also got into a bumper car.

There were a lot of people playing, and after the start, the car started to move in the field.

Xiaohui's hand controlled the steering wheel, and every time she was hit by another car, her mouth would make a happy or exclaimed sound.

All the play items in the playground are included in the ticket. As long as you queue up, you can play the items inside.

After playing here all morning, several people were a little tired. After eating something, Xia Miaoyan walked to Lin Chen and stretched out her hand to pull Lin Chen's sleeve. .


406 Is this taking advantage? [3 more subscriptions]

Seeing Xia Miaoyan pulling her sleeves, Lin Chen asked curiously, "Why?"

Xia Miaoyan pointed to the jumping machine not far away, and said to Lin Chen, "Master, I want to play with that."

"Just line up if you want to play." Lin Chen glanced at the jumping machine.

The height of this jumping machine is 60 meters, not to mention getting up and sitting, it is very scary just looking at it.

"But I'm a little scared." Xia Miaoyan was eager to try, but also very scared: "Master, can you play with me?"

"You won't be afraid if I'm with you?"

"Well, it will be better." Xia Miaoyan was full of anticipation.

Lin Chen stood up from her seat. After seeing Lin Chen's agreement, Xia Miaoyan smiled sweetly. She asked Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan again, "Sister Tianan, Sister Yunfei, do you want to play?"

The two women glanced at the 60-meter-high vertical jumping machine, and waved their hands in unison, "[-]", saying that it's okay, they don't dare to try such an exciting project.

Xiaohui, who was sitting on the stool, opened her arms and shouted, "Sister Xia, brother, I want to play, I want to play..."

Zhang Tianai immediately said: "That is too scary, children are not allowed to play."

Hearing this, the anticipation in Xiaohui's eyes was extinguished, and she stared at the jumping machine with some reluctance.

After talking to Xiaohui, Zhang Tianan said to Xia Miaoyan again, "Miaoyan, jumping off the building is scary, you'd better not play."

"It's alright, Sister Tianan." Xia Miaoyan said, "If you haven't tried something, you should always try it."

Immediately, Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan walked to the jumping machine and started to line up.

After waiting in line for a while, it was finally Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan's turn.

Xia Miaoyan's position was right next to Lin Chen. After sitting down, Xia Miaoyan naturally grabbed Lin Chen's hand.


Xia Miaoyan puffed out her mouth and let out a few breaths. She turned her head to look at Lin Chen and said, "Master, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid." Lin Chen shook his head.

At this moment, Xia Miaoyan's face was a little red and moist, her long hair was also fluttering gently by the wind, and a strand of hair was blown into her mouth by the wind, Xia Miaoyan reached out and brushed it. come out.

The hands of the two were tightly clasped together. After everyone was seated, the jumping machine began to slowly rise. The process of ascent was a bit scary. When it reached a fixed height of more than 50 meters, the cockpit stopped.

This is the most tense moment, because after this brief stagnation, it will immediately fall vertically at a very fast speed.

Xia Miaoyan took a deep breath and looked at Lin Chen, Lin Chen also looked back at her, their eyes met, and then the cockpit crashed downwards.

Xia Miaoyan screamed, and her fair little hand squeezed Lin Chen's big hand even harder.

The cockpit was rising and falling rapidly, and the screams were endless. After the initial shock, Xia Miaoyan felt the temperature in Lin Chen's palm, and suddenly became less afraid.

When the cockpit rose to the highest altitude again and stopped for a short time, Xia Miaoyan turned her head and smiled at Lin Chen.

That smile covered the fog and surrounded the ground, charming, swaying, and rippling, which made Lin Chen look at it, and he was lost for a moment.

"Aren't you afraid?" Lin Chen asked.

Xia Miaoyan shook her head: "I'm afraid, but I'm at ease with the master here."

Xia Miaoyan's voice fell, and the jumping machine fell again.

After getting off the jumping machine, Xia Miaoyan's hand was still tightly clasped with Lin Chen's, and her little hand was already clenched a little white.

After releasing Lin Chen's hand, Xia Miaoyan held onto a railing in one place, shaking her long legs that were out of control, and told Lin Chen that her legs were numb.

Seeing Xia Miaoyan's trembling legs, Lin Chen subconsciously reached out and patted her plump buttocks and said, "Let's go."

Lin Chen felt the amazing elasticity of Xia Miaoyan's buttocks, turned around and walked towards Zhang Tianan and the others.

Xia Miaoyan covered her ass and pouted: "hitting my ass again, is this taking advantage of me?"

She wondered whether Lin Chen was taking advantage of herself. After thinking for a few seconds, Xia Miaoyan muttered, "Forget it, if the master wants to take advantage, let him take advantage of it. Sooner or later, he will take advantage of him."

Thinking of this, Xia Miaoyan's legs were not as soft as before, she trotted after Lin Chen's hands, like a well-behaved kitten.

Zhang Tianan and Miao Yunfei did not see the scene where Lin Chen hit Xia Miaoyan's buttocks. After seeing the two returning, Zhang Tianan smiled and asked, "How is it, Miaoyan, are you afraid?"

"It was scary at first, but it's not so scary after that, but it's exciting. Sister Tian'an, Sister Yunfei, you should go and play." Xia Miaoyan encouraged the two to play.

The two still waved their hands, expressing the envy of not touching that kind of excitement. .

There are really many projects in this playground, and everyone spends a day in the playground.

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