"Mr. Lin, the current progress of the case is that among the 35 cars, only one owner has a similar body shape to your analysis, but that owner has a harmonious family and has a great way out from your analysis." Director Li said to Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he still asked very plainly: "Taxis generally have two shifts, the day shift and the night shift. Have you asked those night shift drivers if they gave their cars to others when they were on the night shift?"

"The 35 car owners have been asked, and they said that they all rely on taxis to make money, and they won't give their cars to others to drive." Director Li said.

Director Li originally thought that according to Lin Chen's speculation, it should be easy to locate the murderer, but who knows that it is still difficult to catch the murderer now. .


420 Ma Yong's proposal [2 more subscriptions]

Taxi drivers work in two shifts. One car has a day-shift driver and a night-shift driver. It is impossible for a single driver to drive 24 hours a day. In this way, two shifts of drivers can maximize the interests of the taxi company.

The question that Lin Chen asked was whether the night shift driver took the car from the day shift driver and gave the car to someone else to drive.

Director Li said that he had already asked the 35 drivers on the night shift, and they all said that they drove the car by themselves, and would not hand over the car to others when they went to work.

After Lin Chen heard Director Li's words, he stood up from the chuang and asked, "How did you ask those 35 drivers?"

"How do I ask?" Director Li responded, "I just asked them if they had given the car to someone else while they were going to work. The policeman asked "July [-]" very harshly, but they all said no."

"Is that so..." Lin Chen elongated his tone, with a hint of other meaning in his tone.

"Mr. Lin, you... it seems that there is something in your words?" Director Li asked tentatively, observing words and expressions, which is a must-have for people in the officialdom.

"It's not that there is something in the words." Lin Chen said: "There are two possibilities now. One is that my speculation is correct. The murderer committed both crimes and drove a taxi, but he drove it for one of the 35 drivers. , the driver and the murderer are related, accomplices, or for some other reason, chose to cover up the murderer."

"Second point, my guess was wrong. When the murderer committed the crime, he was not driving a taxi."

Without waiting for Director Li to speak, Lin Chen continued: "Officer Li, you should immediately let the 35 drivers be watched, and don't allow them to have the opportunity to make phone calls, describe the murderer's appearance to them, and confirm again. Did they ever give the car to someone else to drive?"

"Okay, Mr. Lin." Director Li said over the phone, "I'll have someone do it right away."

After the two said a few more words, the call ended.

Director Li immediately followed Lin Chen's instructions, controlled the 35 drivers who were stranded in the Public Security Bureau, told them the appearance and characteristics of the murderer, and asked them again.

The police were divided into several operations, and another team of police officers went to investigate other vehicles that appeared near the crime scene. First, they checked the physical characteristics of the drivers of those other vehicles. Drivers with similar physical characteristics were investigating their marriage.

The impact of this case is great, and the police are also working very hard to solve the case overnight.

After a night of fermenting the case of hanging corpses in a street lamp, more and more people on the Internet now know about it.

Yesterday evening, the official news post saying that under the leadership of Ma Zhiyu, the murderer was successfully captured, the number of comments was two or three thousand last night. After the second street lamp hanging corpse case spread, this news There are more than [-] comments on the post.

The navy comments that Ma Zhiyu had previously asked him to praise him did not sink into the sea, but were pushed to the top by netizens. Under these navy comments praising Ma Zhiyu, there were hundreds of thousands of replies, all of which were satirizing the so-called good police. Ma Zhiyu's.

"Is this guy a sailor? He blew that shit Zhiyu so well, but turned out to be a second-generation official who abused his power."

"You click on his personal information to see. That is the account number registered before the news release last night. It is definitely the navy, and it is very likely that the navy that Ma Zhiyu invited."

"Look at these screenshots, these are the accounts that scolded Detective Lin Chenlin. Among the ten accounts that belittle Detective Lin, seven are newly registered, and the other three have been registered for a long time, but they have never commented. , the first comment was to scold Detective Lin."

"Needless to say, it's possible. These are the evidences that Ma Zhiyu asked the navy to raise himself up and then belittle the detective Lin. You're a motherfucker. Ma Zhiyu, this crap, doesn't have the skills, so he even invited the navy to himself."

"Scum, that Dong Jun was not the murderer, but Ma Zhiyu asked him to admit that he was the murderer. You can imagine what that Dong Jun experienced in Ma Zhiyu's hands yesterday."

"What else can I experience, it must be severe torture."

"Detective Lin Chenlin has already participated in this case, please support me with the posts that support Detective Lin..."

On official news posts, local forums in Dongming City, and social networking sites in surrounding cities, three key words are most talked about by netizens at the moment: Street Lamp Suspended Corpse Case, Lin Chen, Ma Zhiyu . . .

It has only been a few hours since many people praised Ma Zhiyu last night and now he has become the target of public criticism.

Ma Zhiyu, who was driven home by Ma Yong, mustered the courage to open the Internet and read the comments on the Internet. After reading for a while, he immediately turned off his phone and threw it aside.

The pressure of public opinion on the Internet is terrible. In addition to making such a big mistake, Ma Zhiyu just hoped in his heart that his father would quickly delete all those comments on the Internet, and quickly put this matter to rest.

In the conference room of the Dongming Municipal Government, the city leaders held a meeting on the seriousness of the social impact caused by the street lamp hanging corpse case.

At the meeting, the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor severely criticized Ma Yong, clearly saying that Ma Zhiyu handled things improperly, was aggressive, and was pushy, and secretly said that Ma Yong had no way to teach his son and did not take care of his own son.

Regarding the criticism of the municipal party secretary and the mayor, Ma Yong could only nod his head to admit his mistake. After all, this case was indeed Ma Zhiyu's fault.

After being criticized for a while, Ma Yong suggested: "At present, there is a lot of pressure on the Internet for this case, and many netizens are questioning the credibility and ability of our police to handle the case, so I suggest... block the official news post immediately. , hide the news content, and require other online social platforms to delete the discussion and topic of the case, and it is strictly forbidden to discuss this case.”

Director Li, who had just called Lin Chen, said calmly after hearing this: "Deputy Director Ma, do as you said in 3.9. What's the difference between this and stealing the bell?"

"The impact of this case has already been huge. At this time, if you forcefully suppress public opinion, it will only be counterproductive. The ability of netizens to rebound will exceed the current scope."

"Li Bureau is right." The secretary of the municipal party committee nodded slightly and said: "The most urgent task now is not to suppress public opinion, but to seize the time to solve the case. Deputy Bureau Ma, why don't you even have this vision? You propose to suppress the case. What is the difference between the way of public opinion and what your son does?"

"I..." Ma Yong didn't know how to deal with it. Director Li and the secretary of the municipal party committee did not agree to delete the post, and he had no choice.

On the other hand, after Lin Chen put down the phone, he took a quick shower and was about to go to the Public Security Bureau. .


421 Have you found anything [3 more for subscription]

When he just opened the door and walked out, Lin Chen was stunned to find that Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai were already standing in the aisle at the door.

"Why did you get up?" Lin Chen asked the two daughters.

Miao Yunfei said, "Director Li notified you, and others have notified us. Are you going to the Public Security Bureau now?"

"Well." Lin Chen nodded and said, "There are currently 35 suspected taxi drivers, one of whom is about the same height and body shape as I guessed, but his family and marriage are in good condition, and the other 34 drivers have no driving records in their cars. It is impossible to prove their innocence, but they all said that when they went to work, they did not give the car to anyone else to drive."

As Lin Chen walked out of the hotel, he told the second daughter about the current situation.

Zhang Tianan said: "If the taxi driver is fine, then your guess is wrong. The murderer is not driving a taxi, but a private car."

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