Hearing this, Lin Chen's expression remained unchanged. After buying some breakfast with his two daughters, he sat in the Audi Q5 and headed towards the Municipal Public Security Bureau in Dongming City.

At this moment, the open space at the entrance of the Municipal Public Security Bureau 11 in Dongming City was originally a parking spot for the police cars and leaders of the Public Security Bureau, but now, it is full of taxis belonging to different taxi companies.

Some citizens who got up early and passed by the gate of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, after seeing those taxis, were a little curious about what so many taxis were doing here.

In several interrogation rooms and offices of the Public Security Bureau, there are 35 taxi drivers. They may complain to the police, saying that they did not make any money because the police wanted to handle a case tonight.

Or tired, sitting on a chair, lying on a stool and falling asleep.

Or holding newspapers and magazines, watching bored, listless, helpless to the police's actions, but had to obey.

Lin Chen's car quickly stopped at the entrance of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. After getting off the car, Lin Chen's eyes swept across the 35 taxis in the open space, and then walked towards the hall of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei followed Lin Chen. Zhang Tian'an said to Miao Yunfei, "Sister Yunfei, you said... Did Lin Chen guess wrong this time?"

After Miao Yunfei heard the words, she said, "This guy has never missed a shot before. Is it possible that this time he will miss a small one?"

The two women whispered softly, and Lin Chen listened to the words they were talking about, but said nothing.

After walking into the hall of the Public Security Bureau, the police officers who handled the case immediately recognized Lin Chenlai.

"Mr. Lin, our director is holding a meeting at the city government and should be here right away." The policeman said politely after seeing Lin Chen.

Lin Chen nodded and asked him, "How about the questioning of those 35 drivers?"

The policeman said: "The chief asked us to do as you said. We talked about the physical characteristics of the murderer, the seriousness of the incident, and the serious consequences of covering up the murderer, but the drivers all said that they had been While driving, I didn't give the car to someone else to drive."

Zhang Tiannan and Miao Yunfei glanced at each other, and Lin Chen asked again, "Did you find anyone who behaved abnormally during the interrogation?"

If the murderer really drove for one of the 35 drivers, after talking about the murderer's physical characteristics and the seriousness of the matter, generally speaking, the driver would not dare to continue to cover up.

This cover-up means a fixed-term imprisonment of at least three years or less, and if the circumstances are serious, a sentence of more than three years.

Even if the driver was determined to continue to cover up the murderer, when he was interrogated, he would still show some expressions of nervousness and fear.

Facing Lin Chen's re-question, the policeman sighed softly and said, "Mr. Lin... Some drivers were a little nervous when answering our questions, but the problem was not a big one, and they didn't appear particularly nervous. ."

When the police's voice fell, Director Li's car happened to drive from the road to the door of the Public Security Bureau.

After Director Li got out of the car, he quickly came to the hall and saw Lin Chen and his party.

Director Li took the initiative to say hello to Lin Chen, and then asked his subordinates how the situation was, and the subordinates also shared the situation with Director Li.

Director Li nodded slightly, expressing his understanding, he said to Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, it's okay for these 35 taxi drivers to have no clue for the time being. We are also investigating the other cars that appeared near the scene, and it is estimated that they will be soon. There's news coming back."

Lin Chen snorted and said, "I'll interrogate them again."

"Okay." Director Li said with a bit of flattery: "Our police can't see the abnormality of those drivers. Mr. Lin, you have a unique eye, and you may not be able to see one or two."

Lin Chen ignored Director Li's flattery, and led the policeman to the first interrogation room.

In this interrogation room, there were seven or eight taxi drivers sitting or lying down. After seeing the police open the door, many drivers looked over.

One person asked: "Police officer, I haven't done much business this night. If we don't let us go now, when will we be able to leave."

Director Li was standing beside Lin Chen, and he said, "Don't worry, please cooperate with us in handling the case. For the loss of your work, our police will give you some compensation afterwards."

Hearing this, the drivers had nothing to say.

This case was a big deal, and the police 587 had to be thorough and not let people fall.

After Director Liu finished speaking, Lin Chen stepped forward slightly and questioned the seven or eight taxi drivers.

While questioning, Lin Chen observed the changes in the expressions of these taxi drivers. After a few minutes, Lin Chen said to Director Li, "Okay, go to the next interrogation room."

In the second interrogation room, there were also seven or eight drivers. Lin Chen spent a few minutes interrogating them.

Half an hour later, Lin Chen finished interrogating the 34 drivers, and only the last driver was left with a body shape that was more in line with Lin Chen's speculation.

Lin Chen walked up to the driver and asked him, "What's your name?"

The chunky driver replied, "My name is Ji Yang."

"On the night of the two crimes, why did you go to the direction of the crime scene?" Lin Chen asked.

The driver Ji Yang turned his eyes slightly and replied, "Because there are guests going in that direction, of course I will go."

For others, Lin Chen interrogated him collectively. For Ji Yang, the short and fat driver, Lin Chen interrogated him individually for five or six minutes.

Five or six minutes later, Lin Chen took everyone out of the interrogation room.

"Mr. Lin, did you find anything?" Director Li asked Lin Chen.

Zhang Tiannan, Miao Yunfei, and the police who followed them all stared at Lin Chen expectantly, looking forward to Lin Chen's answer. .


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In the expectation of everyone, Lin Chen shook his head slightly and said, "No, from the interrogation, I can't see anyone with an abnormal expression or a wrong behavior."

"You can't even see it, does that mean that there are no problems with these drivers?" Miao Yunfei has always been confident in Lin Chen's observation ability.

Now Lin Chen can't see that there is something wrong with those drivers, that is to say, these drivers are unaware of the murderer.


At this time, a branch director showed a hesitant look on his face. Seeing this, Director Li said to him, "If you have anything to say, just say it directly, there is no need to hide it."

The bureau chief was hesitant at first, but after hearing what Chief Li said, he immediately said: "Uh... I want to say that the murderer may be among these drivers. Will Mr. Lin have any idea about the murderer's height and weight? The inference is wrong..."

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