'Snapped! '

A loud slap sounded, and a red slap print appeared on Jin Junhao's face.

Jin Junhao's body staggered a few times, he covered his face with his hands, and looked at Lin Chen in disbelief.

"You...you...you hit me?" Jin Junhao's voice was trembling.

Lin Chen grabbed his collar, raised his hand and slapped his face "Nine Two Three" again.

These two slaps directly deformed Jin Junhao's plastic face.

Jin Junhao's mouth was full of blood and was carried by Lin Chen, but the secretary and assistant behind him did not dare to come forward.

Lin Chen looked at Jin Junhao who was terrified and said, "What kind of bullshit taekwondo, you can abuse those martial arts gyms that rely on hype here, and if you want to make a name for yourself in the future, you can challenge those real martial arts gyms."

Jin Junhao's body was shaking. At this moment, facing Lin Chen, he didn't dare to fart.

Lin Chen looked at his collapsed face and nose, and said, "It's not bad, but it's a pity it was plastic surgery."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen kicked Jin Junhao flying.

Jin Junhao rolled on the ground a few times, and he burst into tears. As the young owner of Yitian Group, how could he ever suffer such grievances?

Everyone present, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, saw Jin Junhao who was crying, and they couldn't tell the joy in their hearts.

"Yeah, these gangsters from the Han Kingdom have beaten a few unpopular martial arts gyms, and they think they are invincible in the world. As Mr. Lin said, there is a way to fight real martial arts gyms."

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a handsome Jin Junhao, what a pity, that face... looks like a crushed can."

"Mr. Lin's fight is really cool...but...if you beat someone like this, you should be held legally responsible, right?"

After the fun, many people were worried about Lin Chen, afraid that Lin Chen had injured so many people and would have to bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

Jin Junhao's female secretary and assistant, seeing Jin Junhao crying on the ground, was like sitting on the ground crying when he saw his father being beaten.

They hurried over, greeted Jin Junhao, and called the police to urge the police to come quickly.

Lin Chen was standing on the high platform, many people advised Lin Chen to leave quickly, but Lin Chen did not leave.

The speed of the police is still very fast, and they arrived in a few minutes. The police stopped at the intersection of Wushu Street for a few years. The door opened, and the police jumped out of the car one by one.

When Lin Chen looked around, he saw that the one walking in the front was the bureau chief who had refuted Lin Chen when he solved the case.

The matter of Lin Chen's fight here has already been passed on to Director Li. The director of this branch was called by Director Li and asked him to call the police in person.

The bureau chief nodded to Lin Chen calmly. When Jin Junhao saw the police coming, he pointed at Lin Chen and said, "He wounded three of my employees, and he also wounded me. I want to sue him for intentional injury. I want him to go to jail."

The deputy director looked at Jin Junhao and said, "Mr. Jin, as far as we know, your taekwondo gym opened today. You challenged the martial arts gym on this street and injured a lot of people. Your agreement has no legal effect. , openly gather a crowd here to fight and hurt people, please come with us, we need your cooperation in the investigation."

Jin Junhao and his assistant secretary were stunned when they heard this. What the police said was completely beyond their expectations.

"He He……"

Jin Junhao pointed at Lin Chen's nose, choking blood in his mouth: "He wounded the four of us, and he was about to kill him. What about him?"

As if he hadn't heard Jin Junhao's words, the bureau chief asked people to take Jin Junhao and the relevant person in charge away, while Lin Chen was taken as air by all the police. No police officer would hold Lin Chen accountable, and he was taking away the relevant person in charge. After that, the police all left.

Tao Hongguang was stunned. It was the director of the branch who called the police just now. Lin Chen beat up the young master of Yitian Group, but nothing happened. This...

The onlookers and the audience in the live broadcast room were a little unclear. They didn't know why the police didn't hold Lin Chen accountable.

However, they didn't want Lin Chen to take responsibility. Since Lin Chen was fine, it would be better.

There were cheers at the scene, Lin Chen stepped off the high platform, and various voices rang out...

An aunt held Lin Chen's hand tightly, took out a pen, and said excitedly: "lady, my granddaughter is very small, you can sign it for me, and I will take it back to her, you won't sign it for me today. , I won't let go."

After a little delay at the scene, Lin Chen and his party finally walked out of the martial arts street.

Tao Hongguang wondered why the police didn't find Lin Chen's responsibility. Seeing that Lin Chen didn't mention it, he thought it was because Lin Chen helped solve the case, so he didn't say anything.

Immediately, the group went to the restaurant Tao Hongguang mentioned and ordered some dishes. While waiting for the dishes to be served, Xiaohui reached out and touched her stomach: "I'm so hungry..."

"Don't worry, the dishes will be here soon, eat more food later." Xia Miaoyan put a pair of bowls and chopsticks in front of Xiaohui.

"Okay, I'll eat more later." Xiaohui promised.

Soon, the dishes ordered by Lin Chen and the others were brought up by the waiter.

Tao Hongguang greeted: "Quickly try it, the food in this restaurant is unparalleled."

Lin Chen picked up his chopsticks and took a breath. The taste was really good, much better than the restaurant last night.

Xiaohui awkwardly took a piece of braised eggplant, put it to her mouth and blew it. After putting it in her mouth, it was a little hot, she gasped: "It's delicious..."

Everyone enjoyed the meal, and all the dishes they ordered were finished.

0.3 This meal cost close to one thousand yuan. This amount of money is nothing to Lin Chen, but Tao Hongguang insisted on treating guests, and Lin Chen couldn't do anything about him.

After eating, Tao Hongguang thought of a more interesting place nearby, and asked Lin Chen if they would go. If they did, they would leave now.

Lin Chen had no opinion, so he agreed to go.

This time, we played until more than six o'clock in the evening.

Originally, Lin Chen and the others planned to play this morning, and then drive for a few hours to Huanyashan at noon, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and it was six o'clock.

When it was time for dinner, he and Tao Hongguang had a meal together.

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